Trump cutting services for children at the border

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

For starters, the "rich" pay the majority of taxes in this country. Democrats just can't seem to get that through their thick skulls Secondly, since when are the "rich" in this country supposed to be paying for the world's poor? These aren't even citizens. Do you honestly think we can support all the world's poor? That is irrational. We need to secure the border, not provide welfare for the world.

I doubt FakeDave is a US citizen. He is a globalist neo-Marxist that believes the middle and upper class of the US should pay for everything for the bottom feeders of the world.
I doubt you have a fucking brain.

I believe people should have a safety net.

Unlike you, I don't think we should punish children for their parents action or punish them because Trump spent too much money on his tax cut & gold outings.

I am a globalist because we can not survive as a nation as an isolate island. Trump is hamding our world leadership to China & Russia.

We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

For starters, the "rich" pay the majority of taxes in this country. Democrats just can't seem to get that through their thick skulls Secondly, since when are the "rich" in this country supposed to be paying for the world's poor? These aren't even citizens. Do you honestly think we can support all the world's poor? That is irrational. We need to secure the border, not provide welfare for the world.

I doubt FakeDave is a US citizen. He is a globalist neo-Marxist that believes the middle and upper class of the US should pay for everything for the bottom feeders of the world.
I doubt you have a fucking brain.

I believe people should have a safety net.

Unlike you, I don't think we should punish children for their parents action or punish them because Trump spent too much money on his tax cut & gold outings.

I am a globalist because we can not survive as a nation as an isolate island. Trump is hamding our world leadership to China & Russia.

American Taxpayers should have a Social Safety Net, but you are giving their Social Safety Net Tax Dollars to your Imported Latino Brown Slaves that work on your White DemNazi Plantations.

Why should The American Taxpayer Subsidize your Slave Labor on your White Democrat Slave Plantations?
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We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors
Another idiot liberal that thinks the USA is fucking invincible and can take care of the entire fucking planet. Just because someone comes knocking on our door doesn't mean we have enough fucking resources to take care of them -- Child or not. Do you want our country to turn into India? Overpopulated with famine, homelessness, and shit in the street? Oh... Wait...
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

So you are suggesting that we spend more money we don't have to educate and entertain those that may not be allowed into the country? I thought you were one of those who was raising a stink about the deficit under Trump.

You are upset that illegals are not getting world class treatment while veterans and others live on the street. Why are they more important then veterans?

Perhaps the only reason you care at all is because you can lay blame on Trump. If it were anyone else you probably would not even have noticed.

I get it. Fuck these children as you run around screaming about abortion.

We found 1.5 trillion for the tax cut. Trump found billions for his wall.

We just spent a million to haul the Trump clan to his Scotland gold course.

But we can properly take care of children that came here unaccompanied.
Why do you want to kill Black People in your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, and then why is your solution to replace the 50 Million Black and Hispanic People The Democrat Party has Exterminated with Millions of Illegal Aliens (I.E. Latino DemNazi Brown Slaves)?

Why wouldn't you just stop that genocide and put those 50 million you killed to work on your Democrat Plantations?

And why should The American Taxpayer foot the bill for your Brown Slave Labor?

Why do you hate minorities and why are you killing them or enslaving them?

Why haven't you broken your addiction to Brown Slavery and Hatred of Dark Skinned People and why do you want to Exterminate Them or Enslave Them?
Blah Blah Blah Lie about Plsanned Psartenthood.

You keep Proving you assfucks don't give a shit about children after they are born.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

So you are suggesting that we spend more money we don't have to educate and entertain those that may not be allowed into the country? I thought you were one of those who was raising a stink about the deficit under Trump.

You are upset that illegals are not getting world class treatment while veterans and others live on the street. Why are they more important then veterans?

Perhaps the only reason you care at all is because you can lay blame on Trump. If it were anyone else you probably would not even have noticed.

I get it. Fuck these children as you run around screaming about abortion.

We found 1.5 trillion for the tax cut. Trump found billions for his wall.

We just spent a million to haul the Trump clan to his Scotland gold course.

But we can properly take care of children that came here unaccompanied.
Why do you want to kill Black People in your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, and then why is your solution to replace the 50 Million Black and Hispanic People The Democrat Party has Exterminated with Millions of Illegal Aliens (I.E. Latino DemNazi Brown Slaves)?

Why wouldn't you just stop that genocide and put those 50 million you killed to work on your Democrat Plantations?

And why should The American Taxpayer foot the bill for your Brown Slave Labor?

Why do you hate minorities and why are you killing them or enslaving them?

Why haven't you broken your addiction to Brown Slavery and Hatred of Dark Skinned People and why do you want to Exterminate Them or Enslave Them?
Blah Blah Blah Lie about Plsanned Psartenthood.

You keep Proving you assfucks don't give a shit about children after they are born.

Well, it's you, not I that supports The Genocide of Minorities at Your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, and want The American Taxpayer to fund that even if they Religiously Oppose it.

You also support The Importation of Brown Slaves to work on your Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops and again want The American Taxpayer to foot the bill for your Slave Labor.

Your Democrat party has never broke it's addiction to Racism, Bigotry, Slavery, and Identity Politics. And it's time we exposed you for The Slavers and Brutal Murderers and Bigots that you are.

No need to get emotional about it. Those are the facts, and that is what you support.
We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.
Aww, no more tutoring for illegal kids and no more trips to Disneyland? Here's a thought, why don't caring liberals donate their time and money to make up the difference?
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

/——/ Write a check and mail it in to provide these services. You’re an evil, greedy monster if you don’t. Chop chop
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?

Why don't you start a charity and sponsor them in your own house?

You can call it,

Mow My Lawn Juan!

Sending them to your house sounds like a good idea to you now, doesn't it?
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We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

/——/ Start a GoFundMe and see how many like minded libtards chip in.
There are nearly two Billion children on this planet. Is it our responsibility to care for all of them?
No, but the ones that are here on our land, which is the reality....should we not teach them some English and let them kick a ball around? You want them just locked in cages? Kids brought here by their parents? (The older kids unaccompanied are a different story).
There are nearly two Billion children on this planet. Is it our responsibility to care for all of them?
No, but the ones that are here on our land, which is the reality....should we not teach them some English and let them kick a ball around? You want them just locked in cages? Kids brought here by their parents? (The older kids unaccompanied are a different story).
/—-/ Take a few in to stay in your Mom’s basement with you.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?

Why don't you start a charity and sponsor them in your own house?

You can call it, Mow My Lawn Juan!

Sending them to your house sounds like a good idea to you now, doesn't it?
This is the stupidest argument--I hear it all the time. Why is treating people decently something that automatically leads to us having those people live with us? It does not logically compute.
"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?

Why don't you start a charity and sponsor them in your own house?

You can call it, Mow My Lawn Juan!

Sending them to your house sounds like a good idea to you now, doesn't it?
This is the stupidest argument--I hear it all the time. Why is treating people decently something that automatically leads to us having those people live with us? It does not logically compute.
/——/ It makes perfect sense. Catholic Charities picks up where government leaves off. So you need to start a GoFundMe to help these kids.
"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?

Why don't you start a charity and sponsor them in your own house?

You can call it, Mow My Lawn Juan!

Sending them to your house sounds like a good idea to you now, doesn't it?
This is the stupidest argument--I hear it all the time. Why is treating people decently something that automatically leads to us having those people live with us? It does not logically compute.
Your motive and agenda was exposed a long time ago. People are finally just waking up to it.

It's only "stupid" (a deflection) because you and your party have never given up your addiction to hating minorities, wanting to exterminate them in Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers, or Enslaving them to work on your DemTard Plantations & Sweat Shops for your Elitist Slave Masters.

Here is some advice. Stop outsourcing The Democrat Slave Trade to Latin America, and give up your addiction to Identity Politics, and your Lust for Exterminating Brown & Black People at your Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers, and quit asking us to Financially Support Your Sins.
"These are children. Not political pawns."

Yet you're using them as such...... Now that's irony!!!!!! :rofl:

Nope. I think if they are in US custody, that they should be properly cared for.

Properly cared for only for the time it takes for them to be properly ejected. They are not our responsibility.
Where are you going to send them?

Why don't you start a charity and sponsor them in your own house?

You can call it, Mow My Lawn Juan!

Sending them to your house sounds like a good idea to you now, doesn't it?
This is the stupidest argument--I hear it all the time. Why is treating people decently something that automatically leads to us having those people live with us? It does not logically compute.

You're absolutely right, we'll have to say please get on that fricken bus.

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