Trump cutting services for children at the border

We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

So you are suggesting that we spend more money we don't have to educate and entertain those that may not be allowed into the country? I thought you were one of those who was raising a stink about the deficit under Trump.

You are upset that illegals are not getting world class treatment while veterans and others live on the street. Why are they more important then veterans?

Perhaps the only reason you care at all is because you can lay blame on Trump. If it were anyone else you probably would not even have noticed.

I get it. Fuck these children as you run around screaming about abortion.

We found 1.5 trillion for the tax cut. Trump found billions for his wall.

We just spent a million to haul the Trump clan to his Scotland gold course.

But we can properly take care of children that came here unaccompanied.
------------------------------- these widdle pwicks are foreign and [diseased in many cases ] with heavy emphasis on , they are widdle invading foreigners RDave .
About fucking time....throw them all back into Mexico....asylum is supposed to be according to the U.N. the first country you escape to...MEXICO is it!
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

We just call it "Winning"!
There are nearly two Billion children on this planet. Is it our responsibility to care for all of them?
No, but the ones that are here on our land, which is the reality....should we not teach them some English and let them kick a ball around? You want them just locked in cages? Kids brought here by their parents? (The older kids unaccompanied are a different story).
You realize that The Mexican Government and other Latin American Countries with the help of people like George Soros is spending millions of dollars to help Illegal Aliens how to get in to our country and then telling them Never to Learn English, right?

Or are you always this Naive and Uninformed?
In other news, the homeless population in LA has increased to 59K.

Perhaps letting in millions of uneducated illegals wasn't such a good idea in the first place.
We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.
Is this a justification for illegality or a legitimate question? If your query is rhetorical I will spare us both.
We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.

If they can't get in legally, then they have no right to be here.
There are nearly two Billion children on this planet. Is it our responsibility to care for all of them?
No, but the ones that are here on our land, which is the reality....should we not teach them some English and let them kick a ball around? You want them just locked in cages? Kids brought here by their parents? (The older kids unaccompanied are a different story).

They should be returned to their home nations.
Truth is we don’t care about couple of hundred children at the border and the plight their insipid adults put them in.
It’s disproportionate emotional fodder and we don’t but it.
We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.
---------------------------------- worst case scenario might be places and areas that have already been seeded with these zhitholers from zhitholes eh .
Excellent. Now send them back.
Hey, billy! Do you remember the stories of a ship called the 'Exodus"? I believe that was the name. Anyway, it was a ship full of Jews escaping Europe seeking asylum. Due to the politics of the day, it was turned away from our shores. It left to seek asylum elsewhere, but never made a landing, and I believe all was lost. I'll have to look up more facts, but the story is real. And those old enough to remember are still haunted that we turned away to their death those who sought refuge.

Your attitude on the current immigration crisis is the politics of our day....A complete reversal of the values we learned with our mother's milk. And I'm pretty sure our kids and grandkids will be haunted by it.

We need to count our blessings.
The educated, non-drug cartel Jews?
I remember them.

So unaccompanied children are members of Drug Cartels? Must be smart kids...

What has Jews got to do with it... So you let in Jews but refuse Christians?
We are not the only adults in the room for the planet nor are we an international public relations entity.
We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.
Is this a justification for illegality or a legitimate question? If your query is rhetorical I will spare us both.
It's a real question, if you think you could find sources to find out. I am not justifying illegality at all. I am not completely horrified by these people, either, though.
Excellent. Now send them back.
Hey, billy! Do you remember the stories of a ship called the 'Exodus"? I believe that was the name. Anyway, it was a ship full of Jews escaping Europe seeking asylum. Due to the politics of the day, it was turned away from our shores. It left to seek asylum elsewhere, but never made a landing, and I believe all was lost. I'll have to look up more facts, but the story is real. And those old enough to remember are still haunted that we turned away to their death those who sought refuge.

Your attitude on the current immigration crisis is the politics of our day....A complete reversal of the values we learned with our mother's milk. And I'm pretty sure our kids and grandkids will be haunted by it.

We need to count our blessings.
The educated, non-drug cartel Jews?
I remember them.

So unaccompanied children are members of Drug Cartels? Must be smart kids...

What has Jews got to do with it... So you let in Jews but refuse Christians?
--------------------------- of course many of them are Cartel associates , familia , gang banger . wannabes and murderous little pwicks . Many are 'ms13' working to reclaim their murderous and glory filled 'aztec' , maya roots and heritage E.T. .
We shouldn't spend on red cent on these useless fucks. In fact we should boot them all back to Mexico.

I'm wondering how many of our tax dollars are being spent on these assholes. Assholes who shouldn't be here at all.

They crossed many countries to get the US and could have asked for asylum in any of them but they didn't. Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused.

So here we are paying for these assholes. They can all drop the fuck dead for all I care.
And Liberal Leftist Jesus Said:

3:12 If a Democrat comes to you and wants you to support an Illegal Alien and put him up in your house, give him not only your house but your garage too. But yay, do not ask That Democrat to give up anything of value to help you.

3:13 And verily, I say unto you, if a Democrat wants to import Brown Latino Slaves to work in his Sweatshops and White Leftist Plantations, bless him in his endeavors, and offer to foot the bill for his Slave Labor and open thy purse and give him all thy hard earned income and they father's and thy grandfather's income and all the fruits of thy labors and theirs.

3:14 And truly I say unto you, that if a Democrat asks you to have no border security, to abolish ICE, and to let Illegal Aliens (Latino Brown Slaves) and Community Destroying Heroin in to your country, Open Thy Doors Wide to them, for Laws and Borders are Bad, and Lawlessness Is Good.

3:15 And I say unto you, If a Democrat asks you to fund Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers to Exterminate 50 Million Black and Hispanic Babies, Thou shalt Render unto him all that thou owns, unto all thy house, thy bank account, thy car, thy retirement, and even shalt thou tax thy children and thy children's children & their children unto Eternity, Amen.

3:16 For all these things are good in The Sight of The Lord, because Liberals Sayeth it and Thinketh it, and so shall you do they bidding all the days of your lives.

Pelosi: 3:12-16
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We should not have accepted them to begin with. We have started a trend which is leading to this:
View attachment 264069
Border Patrol apprehends group of 116 African nationals illegally crossing into the US from Mexico

Yeap...Africans. When you have AFRICANS with children crossing the Rio have some serious issues.
Might that be because the current administration has cut back so severely on immigrants from "shitholes" that they cannot get in legally? Bet most of those guys are pretty wealthy and probably well educated folks. Or worst case scenario, extremist Islamists being funded to come here by terrorist organizations. Look into it.
Is this a justification for illegality or a legitimate question? If your query is rhetorical I will spare us both.
It's a real question, if you think you could find sources to find out. I am not justifying illegality at all. I am not completely horrified by these people, either, though.
Of course you are not. You have lived a prosperous (by global standards) boomer existence. As is par for the course with boomers, you have neither cherished or respected that life so you see no error in permitting it to be thrown away.
This is a prime example of why your generation are the absolute worst.

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