Trump decertifies Iran deal

This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Okay. So since the other five nations that were part of this deal all think Trump is full of shit, we've essentially just thrown away our only bartering chip with IRan (Trade) so that Trump can make the Jews happy.

How is this a good thing again?

Here's the thing about the Iran Deal. The rest of the world wants to trade with Iran. They got some neat stuff.

So we've got the rest of the world to agree, they won't trade with Iran unless Iran agrees to inspections.

But if we unilaterally walk away, there's no pressure on them to keep up sanctio
ns. Hey, they kept up their end of the bargain.

Lol.... they have not contributed anything to the world in over 700 years!!!

Every single one of you that are saying Trump made a mistake are contradicting your own argument.

if this was such a great deal that it prevented Iran from getting nukes then why would Iran be angry about it going away.

Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.

finally , your god Obama did the same thing to Bush initiatives but you were ok with that.

stop the B.S. And realize anything Obama and Kerry do were bad for America .

grow up
At the very beginning of the speech, he said Iran support the Taliban and Al Qaeda, which are Sunni groups.

Besides that, he had the cokehead sniffles all through the speech.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Trump no choice. The stakes are too high. We can’t let Iran get nukes.
How in the world do you think backing out of this deal helps them not get nukes. The deal had measures to prevent them from developing nukes. And what of all the other countries, our Allies, who were part of this deal? This wasn't an Obama/Iran thing, it was a joint effort.

Trump knows that congress isn't going to go through with the decert. He is just posturing and trying to send a message that he is a tough guy, IMO

Go make love a a Mullah, or goat or sheep! Ollie Assburn!
It’s past your bedtime child. Go to sleep
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

president cheeto didn't decertify dick shit asshole.

He withdrew a Merica from the accord.

Invalided America's words and created a condition for Iran to restart its nuclear program tomorrow.

Strengthened religious conservatives in the country and gave Russia and China more vacuum to fill on the world stage.

And your cracker ass approves.

if this was such a great deal that it prevented Iran from getting nukes then why would Iran be angry about it going away.

If you entered an agreement in good faith and the other side broke it, wouldn't you be angry?

Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.

Those assets rightly belonged to Iran. We shouldn't have been still holding them to start with.
Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.
Why in the fuck don't you non-thinking, propaganda sucking, useful idiots start thinking for yourselves and do some reading/research.

The funds RETURNED to Iran were those which were frozen IRANIAN assets from 1979, plus accrued interest, when the US installed the Shah, who's rise to power resulting from Eisenhower's 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, which accomplished overthrowing a duly elected democratic government as planned, got out of Dodge to save his dictatorial ass, ending the terror regime of the Savak, secret police, allowing the vacuum to be filled by the Revolutionary Guard forming the Islamic State.

Can't your collective dumb asses learn a little bit of fucking history? Overall, US adventurism and the quest for oil caused the current problems to form and fester to the condition they are in currently. And now, the Orange Clown wants to go to war to complete the Neocon 20+ year old PNAC dream of regime change in the ME to make his narcissistic fat ass look presidential as a "War President" with one of PNAC's former director's and good buddy of Dick Cheney by his side!
Sadly a question so few are asking, is why didn't Obama include bringing American Hostages home in his deal? They're still there to this day. John Kerry was an awful inept negotiator. He should have demanded they be on a plane home before any negotiations could begin. Trump should now make that demand. Send them home, or else.
Sadly a question so few are asking, is why didn't Obama include bringing American Hostages home in his deal? They're still there to this day. John Kerry was an awful inept negotiator. He should have demanded they be on a plane home before any negotiations could begin. Trump should now make that demand. Send them home, or else.
Hey shit for brains, all five of them were detained in 2016 after the agreement was struck.

Why didn't the Clown's Asshole try to broker a deal to get them out rather than backing out of the agreement and doing a coward's cut & run without so much as a by your leave? The COWARD knew he'd be rebuffed by the Iranians for such a stupid suggestion based on the Asshole-in-Chief's "sterling character" and reputation as a dishonest son-of-a-bitch!

Besides all five had dual citizenship; four Iranian-American and one Chinese-American, and most folks know for certain that Brown make Trump Frown, and the Fat Assed POTUS believes the US is already overpopulated with Brown, Black and Yellow and Red People!
Sadly a question so few are asking, is why didn't Obama include bringing American Hostages home in his deal? They're still there to this day. John Kerry was an awful inept negotiator. He should have demanded they be on a plane home before any negotiations could begin. Trump should now make that demand. Send them home, or else.

Or else what, he's going to get more real Americans killed to bring out some Iranians who hold American passports and broke Iranian laws?

Here's an idea. Let's round up every idiot with a MAGA hat and send them off to fight Iran. They can done bring their own guns, Cleetus.
Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.
Why in the fuck don't you non-thinking, propaganda sucking, useful idiots start thinking for yourselves and do some reading/research.

The funds RETURNED to Iran were those which were frozen IRANIAN assets from 1979, plus accrued interest, when the US installed the Shah, who's rise to power resulting from Eisenhower's 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, which accomplished overthrowing a duly elected democratic government as planned, got out of Dodge to save his dictatorial ass, ending the terror regime of the Savak, secret police, allowing the vacuum to be filled by the Revolutionary Guard forming the Islamic State.

Can't your collective dumb asses learn a little bit of fucking history? Overall, US adventurism and the quest for oil caused the current problems to form and fester to the condition they are in currently. And now, the Orange Clown wants to go to war to complete the Neocon 20+ year old PNAC dream of regime change in the ME to make his narcissistic fat ass look presidential as a "War President" with one of PNAC's former director's and good buddy of Dick Cheney by his side!
Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.
Why in the fuck don't you non-thinking, propaganda sucking, useful idiots start thinking for yourselves and do some reading/research.

The funds RETURNED to Iran were those which were frozen IRANIAN assets from 1979, plus accrued interest, when the US installed the Shah, who's rise to power resulting from Eisenhower's 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, which accomplished overthrowing a duly elected democratic government as planned, got out of Dodge to save his dictatorial ass, ending the terror regime of the Savak, secret police, allowing the vacuum to be filled by the Revolutionary Guard forming the Islamic State.

Can't your collective dumb asses learn a little bit of fucking history? Overall, US adventurism and the quest for oil caused the current problems to form and fester to the condition they are in currently. And now, the Orange Clown wants to go to war to complete the Neocon 20+ year old PNAC dream of regime change in the ME to make his narcissistic fat ass look presidential as a "War President" with one of PNAC's former director's and good buddy of Dick Cheney by his side!

you really need to STOP believing everything OBAMA claimed: He lied everything he said was a lie. The payment was not a return of Iranian assets it was from taxpayer money

Stop believing all the lies
Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.
Why in the fuck don't you non-thinking, propaganda sucking, useful idiots start thinking for yourselves and do some reading/research.

The funds RETURNED to Iran were those which were frozen IRANIAN assets from 1979, plus accrued interest, when the US installed the Shah, who's rise to power resulting from Eisenhower's 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, which accomplished overthrowing a duly elected democratic government as planned, got out of Dodge to save his dictatorial ass, ending the terror regime of the Savak, secret police, allowing the vacuum to be filled by the Revolutionary Guard forming the Islamic State.

Can't your collective dumb asses learn a little bit of fucking history? Overall, US adventurism and the quest for oil caused the current problems to form and fester to the condition they are in currently. And now, the Orange Clown wants to go to war to complete the Neocon 20+ year old PNAC dream of regime change in the ME to make his narcissistic fat ass look presidential as a "War President" with one of PNAC's former director's and good buddy of Dick Cheney by his side!
Obama dd give millions of taxpayers money to iran addition to realeasing substantial assets that were held in the united states by Iran.
Why in the fuck don't you non-thinking, propaganda sucking, useful idiots start thinking for yourselves and do some reading/research.

The funds RETURNED to Iran were those which were frozen IRANIAN assets from 1979, plus accrued interest, when the US installed the Shah, who's rise to power resulting from Eisenhower's 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, which accomplished overthrowing a duly elected democratic government as planned, got out of Dodge to save his dictatorial ass, ending the terror regime of the Savak, secret police, allowing the vacuum to be filled by the Revolutionary Guard forming the Islamic State.

Can't your collective dumb asses learn a little bit of fucking history? Overall, US adventurism and the quest for oil caused the current problems to form and fester to the condition they are in currently. And now, the Orange Clown wants to go to war to complete the Neocon 20+ year old PNAC dream of regime change in the ME to make his narcissistic fat ass look presidential as a "War President" with one of PNAC's former director's and good buddy of Dick Cheney by his side!

you really need to STOP believing everything OBAMA claimed: He lied everything he said was a lie. The payment was not a return of Iranian assets it was from taxpayer money

Stop believing all the lies
you really need to STOP believing everything OBAMA claimed: He lied everything he said was a lie. The payment was not a return of Iranian assets it was from taxpayer money
Where the fuck were you 40 years ago when all this shit hit the fan? The Shah fled Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile, the Revolutionary Guard took control of Iran, taking control of the US embassy in Tehran from the students who had broken in and Carter Froze all the Iranian assets in Nov 1979, etc, etc, etc! Had your growth even started as a stain on the sheets in 1979?

Read these you stupid, stubborn and ignorant shit, and if they don't persuade you from drinking more RWNJ propaganda piss, remain an hopeless lump of tragic protoplasm!

The following 10 Papers, newspaper clips and magazine articles are more than enough to edify your dumb ass regarding the freezing of Iranian assets in late 1979 and their repatriation with interest. If you're to fucking lazy to review them, remain ignorant and in the dark, fool!

The Victoria Advocate - Google News Archive Search

Where are Iran's billions in frozen assets, and how soon will it get them back?

Why the U.S. Owed Iran That $400 Million

Bush extends freeze on Iranian assets

Is Giuliani right about the Iran Nuclear Deal?

Iran's `Frozen' Assets Aren't Easy to Thaw

The Freeze

The Iranian Assets Freeze Decision (1979): Positions and Interests of the Key Actors
Sadly a question so few are asking, is why didn't Obama include bringing American Hostages home in his deal? They're still there to this day. John Kerry was an awful inept negotiator. He should have demanded they be on a plane home before any negotiations could begin. Trump should now make that demand. Send them home, or else.
Hey shit for brains, all five of them were detained in 2016 after the agreement was struck.

Why didn't the Clown's Asshole try to broker a deal to get them out rather than backing out of the agreement and doing a coward's cut & run without so much as a by your leave? The COWARD knew he'd be rebuffed by the Iranians for such a stupid suggestion based on the Asshole-in-Chief's "sterling character" and reputation as a dishonest son-of-a-bitch!

Besides all five had dual citizenship; four Iranian-American and one Chinese-American, and most folks know for certain that Brown make Trump Frown, and the Fat Assed POTUS believes the US is already overpopulated with Brown, Black and Yellow and Red People!

Kerry is a joke. Trump should demand the hostages be released immediately. If Iran doesn't comply, it should be the end of the Mullah reign. Bombs away.
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Sadly a question so few are asking, is why didn't Obama include bringing American Hostages home in his deal? They're still there to this day. John Kerry was an awful inept negotiator. He should have demanded they be on a plane home before any negotiations could begin. Trump should now make that demand. Send them home, or else.

Or else what, he's going to get more real Americans killed to bring out some Iranians who hold American passports and broke Iranian laws?

Here's an idea. Let's round up every idiot with a MAGA hat and send them off to fight Iran. They can done bring their own guns, Cleetus.

I say Trump should demand their immediate release, or it'll be the end of the Mullah reign in Iran. Bombs away.
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Kerry is a joke. Trump should demand the hostages be released immediately. If Iran doesn't comply, it should be the end of the Mullah reign. Bombs away.

Um, maybe you should read what would happen if we used our nukes on a country... it would be bad.... you know, nuclear winter and all that.

Here's the reality... China and Russia will just keep trading with Iran because they don't have Jews telling them what to do.

I say Trump should demand their immediate release, or it'll be the end of the Mullah reign in Iran. Bombs away.

It's kind of funny, did you guys forget the last time you tried "Regime change" as an option?
Kerry is a joke. Trump should demand the hostages be released immediately. If Iran doesn't comply, it should be the end of the Mullah reign. Bombs away.

Um, maybe you should read what would happen if we used our nukes on a country... it would be bad.... you know, nuclear winter and all that.

Here's the reality... China and Russia will just keep trading with Iran because they don't have Jews telling them what to do.

I say Trump should demand their immediate release, or it'll be the end of the Mullah reign in Iran. Bombs away.

It's kind of funny, did you guys forget the last time you tried "Regime change" as an option?

I don't support the 'Regime Change' policy. But it is time to demand the release of our People. If Iran chooses to refuse, all options need to be considered. And that includes taking the Mullahs out once and for all.

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