Trump defeats ISIS thank you trump!

Barry the Fairy was content to "contain" them....we like slaughtering them more better....JV team all gone, bye bye.

Bullshit, Obama had the same order for millitary and we were “bombing the shit out isis” for two years and pushed them into out of Iraq into Syria. No reason to think they wouldn’t be ”defeated” by now if he was still in office.
Obama lol stop this joke is getting old haha

Nice brainfart. Try again when you could put togather a rational sentence.
I tried but I can’t stop laughing Lol obama haha

You are straight retarded then
I didn’t vote for democrats lol
Yes and it is by his will alone that unemployment continued it's steady drop, the economy continued it's steady rise, the coalition to defeat ISIS that Obama formed continued to defeat ISIS, the sun still rises in the East, and water continues to be wet.

Thank you Lord "Farqua" Trump.

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