Trump 'demands' DOJ look into whether FBI 'infiltrated or surveilled' his campaign

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Executive Branch department responsible for handling the legal work of the federal government. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the DOJ is the largest legal organization in the United States, with more than 100,000 employees nationwide and a budget of approximately $30 billion.

Justice Department

The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

The Executive Branch

The POTUS can hire and fire certain personnel - They CANNOT start making demands for highly classified information in an ongoing investigation of which THEY are one of the subjects.

But go ahead and try - In fact, fire Rosenstein and/or Mueller and see what happens.
If this had been a Democrat Administration, the Media, and Dems would turn this into another Watergate, but since it is Trump, they sweep it under the rug, as no big deal.
Funny how he appointed Sessions.
The DOJ operated independently of the Pres.
Trump is ordering the DOJ to see if Obama ordered them to surveil and infiltrate his campaign.

I guess Obama can order the DOJ around, but Trump can't.

Oh GAWD - Nobody "infiltrated" Donald's campaign. He was investigating interference in our election by a hostile foreign entity. Not brought into the campaign itself.

Anyway, that person has been outed, his life is in grave danger and any other investigation he may have been helping with is now toast.

Thanks Devin Nunes - You F-ing idiot ..
Man oh man, President Trump is really, really, really worried about what they might have on him that is criminal....or in the very least, it surely appears that way!

What in the world is he and his minions so afraid of...for them to continually make up new conspiracies every other week, when the previous one falls flat on its face.

The guilty dog, barks the loudest is happening here....

I am surprised anyone, right or left, falls for this crap anymore?

It is so evident that the rat has been cornered and is doing all he can, to get out of the corner.... but what is it, that he's done, that he so desperately wants to hide from us, is the question of the hour?

Even if his son, or Kushner, or Flynn, or Manafort or Cohen etc etc etc have all done illegal things, if the President was not involved, he has nothing to worry about!

As said, all of this continual deflection of his, really makes him seem guilty!

Shitstain obama should be in prison for what he did. Then publicly hanged on the national mall with his husband right beside him.

You're a disturbed individual Tipsy - One that I wouldn't care to meet.
If this had been a Democrat Administration, the Media, and Dems would turn this into another Watergate, but since it is Trump, they sweep it under the rug, as no big deal.

Yep, just imagine if President Hillary had pulled half the shenanigans we're seeing on a daily basis with this one.

She'd have been impeached already.
Isn't the FBI's job investigating international criminals? I think they are good. Also:
Sarah Sanders on Twitter
Hard to believe she really wrote that.

She did - Amazing isn't it. Kind of like Rudy in 1998 when he said that if Clinton were subpoenaed he'd half to testify.
But now, he says Trump can't be subpoenaed.
There are half a million other shining examples of the hypocrisy of this Crapstain POTUS and his sycophants.
Excellent, well thought through read that provides a primer as to the gravity of this sad situation.


The president’s alarming Sunday tweet could genuinely produce a crisis between the White House, on the one hand, and the Justice Department and the FBI, on the other.

Sunday afternoon, President Trump tweeted an extraordinary threat—extraordinary even by the standards of Donald Trump’s norm-busting use of Twitter and abusive conduct toward the Justice Department and federal investigations: “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes—and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

This is a nakedly corrupt attempt on the part of the president to discredit and derail an investigation of himself at the expense of a human intelligence source to whose protection the FBI and DOJ are committed. My colleague at Lawfare, Quinta Jurecic, and I fleshed out the history of this saga and warned, “Don’t underestimate this episode. It will have a long tail and big consequences—all of them terrible.”​


Donald Trump Has All the Power

Shitstain obama should be in prison for what he did. Then publicly hanged on the national mall with his husband right beside him.

Such a Christian way to look at things. I'm sure Jesus would be proud.
No doubt you will be bashing Christians in your next breath.
Now if obama repented of his evil, he might be worthy of Christian forgiveness. Jesus rejected satan when he was tempted.

Begone shitstain obama. Get thee behind me.
Shitstain obama should be in prison for what he did. Then publicly hanged on the national mall with his husband right beside him.

Such a Christian way to look at things. I'm sure Jesus would be proud.
No doubt you will be bashing Christians in your next breath.
Now if obama repented of his evil, he might be worthy of Christian forgiveness. Jesus rejected satan when he was tempted.

Begone shitstain obama. Get thee behind me.

Don't see many Christians now days. Lots of disgusting hypocrites who claim Christianity to justify their hatred though.
Shitstain obama should be in prison for what he did. Then publicly hanged on the national mall with his husband right beside him.

Such a Christian way to look at things. I'm sure Jesus would be proud.
No doubt you will be bashing Christians in your next breath.
Now if obama repented of his evil, he might be worthy of Christian forgiveness. Jesus rejected satan when he was tempted.

Begone shitstain obama. Get thee behind me.

Don't see many Christians now days. Lots of disgusting hypocrites who claim Christianity to justify their hatred though.

No we sure don't - 80% of them have sold their souls for a Toxic Orange Turd.
No one was investigating anything. Shitstain obama placed spies in the Trump campaign and white house as insurance. That's the word the FBI used. Insurance to have a frame up and remove him from office.

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