Trump: Destroyer of Lives

Trump's lies, tantrums, and petty vengeances have exacted a high toll upon Americans from his campaign flunkies and January 6 goons being charged, convicted and sentenced under America's system of justice to patriotic poll workers, public servants, judges, police, and his own Vice President targeted by Trump and his rabid plug-uglies.

Several once-respected dupes have been considerably diminished by serving in his cabinet. The Loser's pattern is to lavish praise on "the best" he chooses, then do his vindictive drama queen shtick on them afterwards.

Perhaps the two most conspicuous victims of Trumpery are Rudolph Giuliani and Mike Lindell.

Trumpers Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Lin Wood all fought the law and the law won, but Rudolph's descent from his glory days as "America's Mayor" to Trump's bumboy has been especially ignominious.

View attachment 808378
Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani conceded the statements he made
about two Georgia election workers
who were forced from their home by
death threats from the former president's supporters were false.

View attachment 808376
The online auction of over 800 items by MyPillow, the company owned by Donald Trump supporter Mike Lindell,
appears to have gone poorly with some lots failing to receive a single bid whilst some pieces of industrial equipment
were sold for less than $10.
Lindell admitted his company had "lost $100 million" since major retailers
stopped stocking MyPillow products after he became a vocal proponent of discredited claims
that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Trump.

So, vis a vis Trump, who is

Lives destroyed by Trump's corruption and criminality.
I didn’t think it was possible. But ol’ Schitlips has gotten even duller than when he first polluted this Board.

His analysis, ironically, is a reflection of his typical libturd view of life.
Trump's lies, tantrums, and petty vengeances have exacted a high toll upon Americans from his campaign flunkies and January 6 goons being charged, convicted and sentenced under America's system of justice to patriotic poll workers, public servants, judges, police, and his own Vice President targeted by Trump and his rabid plug-uglies.

Several once-respected dupes have been considerably diminished by serving in his cabinet. The Loser's pattern is to lavish praise on "the best" he chooses, then do his vindictive drama queen shtick on them afterwards.

Perhaps the two most conspicuous victims of Trumpery are Rudolph Giuliani and Mike Lindell.

Trumpers Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Lin Wood all fought the law and the law won, but Rudolph's descent from his glory days as "America's Mayor" to Trump's bumboy has been especially ignominious.

View attachment 808378
Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani conceded the statements he made
about two Georgia election workers
who were forced from their home by
death threats from the former president's supporters were false.

View attachment 808376
The online auction of over 800 items by MyPillow, the company owned by Donald Trump supporter Mike Lindell,
appears to have gone poorly with some lots failing to receive a single bid whilst some pieces of industrial equipment
were sold for less than $10.
Lindell admitted his company had "lost $100 million" since major retailers
stopped stocking MyPillow products after he became a vocal proponent of discredited claims
that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Trump.

So, vis a vis Trump, who is
Shill, destroyer of truth. Fails again and again.
Trump is trash even if you dress it up with gold leaf.

Yeah, trash that left the country in better shape, than we he took it over, and that even AFTER the swamp killed hundreds of thousands with their fucking pandemic.
Trump's lies, tantrums, and petty vengeances have exacted a high toll upon Americans from his campaign flunkies and January 6 goons being charged, convicted and sentenced under America's system of justice to patriotic poll workers, public servants, judges, police, and his own Vice President targeted by Trump and his rabid plug-uglies.

Several once-respected dupes have been considerably diminished by serving in his cabinet. The Loser's pattern is to lavish praise on "the best" he chooses, then do his vindictive drama queen shtick on them afterwards.

Perhaps the two most conspicuous victims of Trumpery are Rudolph Giuliani and Mike Lindell.

Trumpers Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Lin Wood all fought the law and the law won, but Rudolph's descent from his glory days as "America's Mayor" to Trump's bumboy has been especially ignominious.

View attachment 808378
Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani conceded the statements he made
about two Georgia election workers
who were forced from their home by
death threats from the former president's supporters were false.

View attachment 808376
The online auction of over 800 items by MyPillow, the company owned by Donald Trump supporter Mike Lindell,
appears to have gone poorly with some lots failing to receive a single bid whilst some pieces of industrial equipment
were sold for less than $10.
Lindell admitted his company had "lost $100 million" since major retailers
stopped stocking MyPillow products after he became a vocal proponent of discredited claims
that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Trump.

So, vis a vis Trump, who is

Sure Trump is petty, greedy, says whatever he thinks people want to hear, etc.
However, the opposition has been a million times worse.
Joe Biden is the one who illegally withheld congressional funds to the Ukraine, in order to get Shokin fired.
The impeachment of Trump over Burisma Holdings was totally and completely an illegal fraud by Congress.
Then Trump was illegal impeached over Jan 6, which was protected political speech, intended to protect what the people believed to be voter fraud. It does not at all matter that there was not significant voter fraud. The protest was still protected, and was NOT an "insurrection".
Those claiming it was, are the seriously criminal liars.
And there is no doubt at all that Burisma Holdings, as well as all US participation in the Ukraine was totally treasonous and risks the total destruction of the entire US.
Joe Biden, Hillary, and Obama should be charged with treason for their illegal roles in the Maidan military take over.
I am far left, progressive, liberal, but the Ukraine situation was totally criminal by the US.
There is no doubt, those that get close to him, (often of the same low morals and character) have had to take the fall, for their deeds in association, basically most of his life. His daddy should have whipped his ass every damned day, but he was of the same self-serving ilk.

Not really true.
For example, Manafort simply was accepting millions from foreign nationals, without registering.
Trump had nothing to do with it.
Cohen simply did not know the law.
He plead guilty to paying hush money when it clearly is perfectly legal to pay and hide hush money.
He was an idiot all by himself.
Trump actually has never done anything illegal, and in comparison, the impeachments, indictments over classified docs, etc., are totally and completely illegal, based on lies.
It was perfectly legal for Trump to ask for an investigation of Burisma Holdings.
Jan 6 was stupid, but protect political speech.
President have complete and arbitrary control over all classified docs.
Those attacking Trump on those subjects were illegally attempting to interfere with elections, and are the worst traitors.

To repeat, Trump is bad but not illegal.
Those attacking Trump are both bad AND illegal.

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