"TRUMP DID THIS" Commercial on abortion is totally deceptive, emotional pandering.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

Trump repeatedly takes credit to this day. I thought you believed trump anytime he speaks.
The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

Trump is the only one in the Swamp in the GOP who would have appointed conservative justices who might overturn it.

Up until Trump, GOP Presidents just lied about wanting to do it.

But, Americans love killing babies. This is Murika damn it!! Baby kill'in is Constitutional don't ya know.
The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

Make no mistake. Trump appointed judges who think abortion is murder, one day if Republicans control the White House, Senate and House, they will pass a federal ban on abortion and the Supreme Court will say it's constitutional.

Trump is either lying to the general public about this or his religious base. Who do you think he's lying to?

Religious conservatives said they were deeply disappointed. Progressives said he was lying. And there’s every indication that abortion will define the 2024 election no matter what Trump does or says — in large part because Republicans in Congress and in statehouses across the country continue to fight for new restrictions.
The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

Trump: 'I was able to kill Roe v. Wade'​

The former president and front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination leans into his key role in eliminating federal abortion rights, taking credit for state-level bans.

Trump: 'I was able to kill Roe v. Wade'​

The former president and front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination leans into his key role in eliminating federal abortion rights, taking credit for state-level bans.

Just like Trump never thought about how us is spelled just like US, it never dawned on me that doing away with a federal law that says abortion should be legal in all 50 states, is only the first step in one day passing a federal law that bans abortion and considers it murder.

And don't fall for the "what about rape or incest" argument. They want you to argue that. So one day they'll compromise with you. They'll ban abortion, except for in cases of rape and murder. And you'll feel like that's a win when it's not.

I hear Democrats are making it federally legal to live in Alabama and buy the morning after pill online from Michigan.
The commercial blames Trump for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lie. Oddly the commercial is a melodrama of the woman crying over her babybook so apparently she WANTED the baby. Huh? Then we learn she developed an infection and almost died because she was allegedly denied care. Huh? But the entire commercial is designed to make you think Trump killed her baby. So abortionists should back Trump I guess. :dunno: What a jumbled mess of a commercial. Typical Democrat BS.

The MSM is notorious for designing stories so that the gullible reader gets the impression they want even though it is entirely disingenuous or a flat out lie.

Trump had zero to do with SCOTUS ruling on Roe but he did totally agree with it. He also remains staunchly pro life while strongly disagreeing with the few states that have passed ridiculously draconian laws to restrict or ban abortion. He has not spelled it out in its entirety but I suspect he agrees with the intent of Roe but, as most Patriots do, he despised the Democrats'/leftists' corruption of Roe to make it into something it was never intended to be.
Remember you should only be having married and unprotected sex too. God doesn't approve of condoms. Why would you wear a condom? To god, the only reason to wear a condom would be if you were going to commit rape or incest.
Yes, Trump alone.

Former GOP Presidents also gave lip service to wanting to overturn Roe but refused to appoint justices who would.

That is just the facts.
Opinion posing as fact.

How would anyone know for sure that an appointee would overturn a ruling? Is it acceptable for a nominee to have a prejudgement? Is this controversial?

And other Republican Presidents did not pay lip service to the issue. Trump had help with the now hated-by-shits-like-you McConnell, who refused to allow Obama to fill a vacancy.


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