Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
In all fairness to Trump, every fucking woman that is part of the democrat voting base is a fucked up crazy neurotic woman.

In fact, every fucking person who is part of the democrat voting base is a fucked up neurotic person.

Cheers to Trump for calling it like it is again.


Democrat voters
Donald needs to fix himself before he can fix America. He needs help from a brain doctor, and not the Dr. Carson kind of brain doctor. Sure, Dr. Carson could give him a lobotomy and that would fix him, but he should be able to get fixed by one of those doctors who would have him lie on a couch and talk about childhood, dreams and fantasies. Maybe some medication would help in addition to the therapy sessions. There should be some way to resolve his obsessive fear of woman and news reporters at the very least.
Trump tells it like it is
Did you know that this Matthew asshat still believes in the man made glowbull warming lie?

What an asshole
97% of the worlds scientist believe what Matthew believes but he is the asshat and you are smarter than all those scientist? Do you know what the word delusional means?

the 97% figure is itself a lie
I got it from the top of the google page when I googled "scientist support global warming".
Wasserman-Schultz is icky. Where the hell do Democrats get these skanks? Isn't Hillary embarrassing enough?

Typical Boca Raton woman right there. Big nose and all.

If there was any woman that deserved a falcon punch.....

What did he say that was wrong?
He is unqualified to make these kinds of subjective comments. OK for a message board commenter or some folks sharing small talk in an informal setting, but he is a Presidential candidate and public figure whose comments are supposed to have credible meaning and presented in a professional manner. If he is unable to express his views in a credible and professional manner he has no business trying to sell himself as being qualified to be President. Who is Donald Trump to judge people as horrible. He himself has been called horrible on front pages for some of his business practices.
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
msn tells (D) what they are going to ask them so they can prepare

And she still drew a blank on what's the difference between a socialist and a dem.

the leader of the Democrat National Committee, can't tell the difference between bernie and obama
What did he say that was wrong?
He is unqualified to make these kinds of subjective comments. OK for a message board commenter or some folks sharing small talk in an informal setting, but he is a Presidential candidate and public figure whose comments are supposed to have credible meaning and presented in a professional manner. If he is unable to express his views in a credible and professional manner he has no business trying to sell himself as being qualified to be President. Who is Donald Trump to judge people as horrible. He himself has been called horrible on front pages for some of his business practices.
Why should Trump put lipstick on a pig?
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

What part did he get wrong?

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