Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

I do not like bullies or crass and crude people. Trump is all of those. If he hung around with the people I have hung out with at any time in my life he would have gotten multiple ass whippings. Sounds like the same applies for you from your supporting comments.
Sounds kinky although it's not my thing. I'm beginning to understand your insecurities though. I'm sure that you're the 'beat me, beat me, make me feel cheap" type.
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

What part did he get wrong?
The part where he is running for the presidency.

It is these types of comments that are going to make it almost impossible for him to garner the general vote. You don't actually have to be crass to 'tell it like it is.'

The part where he is running for the presidency.

Just because YOU prefer liars in the Oval Office...
No, I really do not.

Do you have anything of substance?
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

What part did he get wrong?
The part where he is running for the presidency.

It is these types of comments that are going to make it almost impossible for him to garner the general vote. You don't actually have to be crass to 'tell it like it is.'

Well, how has that theory worked out so far?

The more he calls a disgusting fucking pig like this a disgusting fucking pig, the more people like him.

Maybe the media will get their memo to tell the country that he is begging for votes again. Or was it a coincidence that every major news network before the last debate ALL had the exact same narrative that he was "begging for votes."
Really? I don't think he is maintaining his lead anymore. That was working in the past few months when almost no one was paying attention and it was fresh. It is not only getting old but people are going to start getting more involved (at least in the limited capacity that the electorate does).

And we have not even started the general - the place where this 'strategy' will not work at all.
I swear it is unreal to me just how fucking idiotic every fucking member of the democrat voting base is.
Are you seriously calling me a democrat?
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
The bitch is uglier on the inside than on the outside, did not think that was possible.
Debbie blabber mouth Schultz has no soul...
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

way to get the women's vote.

we know they're desperate and insane. they're ignoring the people who really should be at the top of the polls.

but that's ok.... let them keep up the crazy.
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

way to get the women's vote.

we know they're desperate and insane. they're ignoring the people who really should be at the top of the polls.

but that's ok.... let them keep up the crazy.
Why the hell would anyone want a vote from a deranged C U Next Tuesady, like you?
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!

Nope. He's just telling the truth.

See for yourselves:

Hillary claims that Republicans, thus half of the voters in America, are her worst enemy. So I think we should treat her accordingly.

This is the same exact rationale that the left is using against Trump.

I think the women on "The View" hate women in general because they were making fun of Carly Fiorina's face. They said she looked "Demented"!

The View is conducting a war on women.
DWS is a lying piece of shit.
Or she's psychotic and actually believes even half the bullshit that comes out of her mouth.
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
What has Trump, who's never been elected to any position, told us about his policies and his experience except that he'll be great and it will be huge?. He can't point out any specifics about himself or others but speaks only in generalities and yet wants us to trust that it'll all work out. Are people really so dumb that they'll accept bumper sticker platitudes as a reason to vote for him?
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
What has Trump, who's never been elected to any position, told us about his policies and his experience except that he'll be great and it will be huge?. He can't point out any specifics about himself or others but speaks only in generalities and yet wants us to trust that it'll all work out. Are people really so dumb that they'll accept bumper sticker platitudes as a reason to vote for him?
I suggest actually watching an interview.
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
Wasserman-Shultz is a complete nutter. And if you can't see that try taking off your blue glasses
Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
What has Trump, who's never been elected to any position, told us about his policies and his experience except that he'll be great and it will be huge?. He can't point out any specifics about himself or others but speaks only in generalities and yet wants us to trust that it'll all work out. Are people really so dumb that they'll accept bumper sticker platitudes as a reason to vote for him?
Obama never got into the details either......and most of what he did say turned out to be total bs anyway.

Remember the $2500 he said Obamacare would save us. Instead my premiums doubled even before Obamacare started rolling out.

Remember all of those shovel-ready jobs we were promised?

They never existed.

The only people he's been finding jobs for are foreign refugees. He's putting Americans out of business and out of work.

He's been blackmailing auto manufacturers and fining them hundreds of millions of dollars for not meeting his outrageous milage requirments. Who do you think is gonna end up paying for those fines, Mexico?

Fuck no.

Anyone who buys a car in America.
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Trump: DNC Chairwoman 'crazy,' 'neurotic woman'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday knocked the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee as a "highly neurotic woman."

Trump criticized the debate process of his own party speaking with Breitbart News on Siriux XM radio, before he leveled personal barbs at the leader of the opposing party, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"This is a woman that is a terrible person," Trump said of Wasserman Schultz after calling her "crazy" and a "highly neurotic woman."

Jesus fucking Christ the republican candidates have jumped the shark!
What has Trump, who's never been elected to any position, told us about his policies and his experience except that he'll be great and it will be huge?. He can't point out any specifics about himself or others but speaks only in generalities and yet wants us to trust that it'll all work out. Are people really so dumb that they'll accept bumper sticker platitudes as a reason to vote for him?

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