Trump doesn't have a chance.

Can you bring up any such specific examples of Trump losing at something like a man, without questioning legitimacy?
Dang son, don't you know that Trump built an empire of real-estate and other huge project's over his vast expansive career ? Do you think that he's never paid a judgement and such throughout his business year's ?
Dang son, don't you know that Trump built an empire of real-estate and other huge project's over his vast expansive career ? Do you think that he's never paid a judgement and such throughout his business year's ?
He has and not single time did he accept responsibility for anything.

NOT ONCE, which is why you can't cite one here.
He has and not single time did he accept responsibility for anything.

NOT ONCE, which is why you can't cite one here.
The payments are proof of his organization and him taking responsibility.. Freaking DUH !!!
Every single witness against him will be his closest allies , his best friends , his own family , his personally selected cabinet while he was president , The farthest right wing politician his old lawyers and his closest business associates . But he still shouldn't whine because he should be in front of the court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the law and constitution prescribes.

trump bezerk.jpeg
This is why Trump said he loves the poorly educated.

They think that someone who broke the law, should be put in charge of enforcing the law.
Funny, that in many ways defines their stupidity and bullshit.
The payments are proof of his organization and him taking responsibility.. Freaking DUH !!!

Ridiculous. Minimizing damage is not admiting anything.

Trump has never admitted any culpability in anything and he sounds the same each and every time his ass gets busted.


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Ridiculous. Minimizing damage is not admiting anything.

Trump has never admitted any culpability in anything and he sounds the same each and every time his ass gets busted.


You're new at this game aren't you ? You got a lot to learn, but first you need to be put through a history lesson generator so you don't keep making a fool of yourself.
You're new at this game aren't you ? You got a lot to learn, but first you need to be put through a history lesson generator so you don't keep making a fool of yourself.
Run along beagle, because we both know you don't have a single example of Trump admiting culpability or responsibility for anything.

If he loses a case or race it's because he was somehow wronged. The standard for Trump is losing or winning, not how fair a contest or case was.
Ridiculous. Minimizing damage is not admiting anything.

Trump has never admitted any culpability in anything and he sounds the same each and every time his ass gets busted.


The insanity is his lies are believed by his followers , his lies are so ridiculous and nonsensical that you have to be a brick brain to get shit on by Trumps words and then liking it and supporting. it. Proves your level of intelligence. We have to remember everyone of his supporters and put a loon tag on them, because they will have to be watched for the rest of their lives because if they get another opportunity to destroy our democracy and country they will do it again. They will get a pass this time but when they try it again it has to be met with bullets. WE can't stand by when they try to attack the capital again with violence and force , putting as many cops in the hospital as they can to force in a piece of shit for their dictator/ They will be met at the front door with justice next time,and all the bullets needed to destroy them, and don't hold back on the bullets.
When trump gets backed into the corner by the court or losing the election he will ask his followers to kill for him and they will and that has to be met with equal force. This time every patriot in this country will be ready for that. When shitpants talks them into another attack on our country and democracy it will be met with equal force. as it should be,. I support the death penalty for traitors in this country. and it may have to be done by the patriots of this country, to protect our democracy against the biggest threat and enemy this country has ever had in its total history. There has never been a bigger threat to our democracy then MAGA. Remember anti MAGA's every patriot in this country is on your side and they will fight for America's democracy.
When trump gets backed into the corner by the court or losing the election he will ask his followers to kill for him and they will and that has to be met with equal force. This time every patriot in this country will be ready for that. When shitpants talks them into another attack on our country and democracy it will be met with equal force. as it should be,. I support the death penalty for traitors in this country. and it may have to be done by the patriots of this country, to protect our democracy against the biggest threat and enemy this country has ever had in its total history. There has never been a bigger threat to our democracy then MAGA. Remember anti MAGA's every patriot in this country is on your side and they will fight for America's democracy.

The "attack on our country" was some dude sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk. OH NOES THE HORROR

These knuckleheads want people to get the death penalty for that. If that's not cult like behavior what is?
The "attack on our country" was some dude sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk. OH NOES THE HORROR

These knuckleheads want people to get the death penalty for that. If that's not cult like behavior what is?
So you don't think traitors should be put to death. They should have been shot the instance they beat their way into the capital. No one gets to overthrow our government , they should have been all shot dead on the spot. You want a dictatorship , move to a country that has a dictator. I'll stick and fight for our democracy , if that means some of you MAGA's die trying to overthrow this great country ,so be it.
Traitors should be put to death,

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason​

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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Every single witness against him will be his closest allies , his best friends , his own family , his personally selected cabinet while he was president , The farthest right wing politician his old lawyers and his closest business associates . But he still shouldn't whine because he should be in front of the court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the law and constitution prescribes.
Why is this in “politics” when what you’re babbling on about is a court case?
Run along beagle, because we both know you don't have a single example of Trump admiting culpability or responsibility for anything.

If he loses a case or race it's because he was somehow wronged. The standard for Trump is losing or winning, not how fair a contest or case was.
Here's a bone for you, and then you can run fetch it for me boy. All politician's including Trump are interested in winning big, so don't patronize us with your little jingles and ramblings here.
Traitors should be put to death,

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason​

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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Your point ?
In the debate on June 27 Biden needs to come across as lucent and cogent, or he’s done for, and the dems will be in scramble mode to find another candidate
So you don't think traitors should be put to death. They should have been shot the instance they beat their way into the capital. No one gets to overthrow our government , they should have been all shot dead on the spot. You want a dictatorship , move to a country that has a dictator. I'll stick and fight for our democracy , if that means some of you MAGA's die trying to overthrow this great country ,so be it.
Yeah ok, and when the summer of love riots became traitorous and treasonous in nature, it is that if the national gaurd would have been sent out to shoot to kill all those who were engaged in what could be construed by some as treason, then you people would have went to war immediately over it.

The same with the border, and if the invasion were to be pushed back through violent means by our government, again the optics of such a thing would bring about civil war, but here you are running your mouth like an idiot, and doing so out of your desperation or maybe you think that you can spur something on ? Go sit your dumb ace down while grown folks talk about things boy.

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