Trump doesn't have a chance.

Here's a bone for you, and then you can run fetch it for me boy. All politician's including Trump are interested in winning big, so don't patronize us with your little jingles and ramblings here.
Dummy the conversation is not about liking winning or losing.

It’s about Trump’s pathological inability to admit a fair loss. He would much rather lie about how he was wronged and how he is a victim.

He does this because he knows there are enough dupes like you to eat up his bullshit.
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Dummy the conversation is not about liking winning or losing.

It’s about Trump’s pathological inability to admit a fair loss. He would much rather lie about how he was wronged and how he is a victim.

He does this because he knows there are enough dupes like you to eat up his bullshit.
Bigger dummy you are, so why don't you call them all out when they do it ? Hillary did it, that woman in GA did it, Gore did it, and on and on it goes. Hypocrite is what you are, and a partisan hack at that.
The thing is, if he wins in November, the trial he's in right now may be the only trial he has to face. And given the fact that it's very possible at least one True Believer will get on any jury, I wouldn't be holding my breath on any convictions.

Whatever happens to him, the bigger problem is a society so sick that it would even consider him for office.
A society so sick that it would elect the criminal Joe Biden as president? Is that what you meant?
Bigger dummy you are, so why don't you call them all out when they do it ? Hillary did it, that woman in GA did it, Gore did it, and on and on it goes. Hypocrite is what you are, and a partisan hack at that.
Must watch material for every Trumptard:

This is how you conceed a loss.
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In the debate on June 27 Biden needs to come across as lucent and cogent, or he’s done for, and the dems will be in scramble mode to find another candidate
He is debating a brain dead Trump, he will do better they shitpants. Biden will say what he wants , Nothing changes here Biden communicates, Trump lies. There will be no comment from Trump that will move anyone that is true. Trump has absolutely nothing he can stand on or stand by , all he has is his endless lies .Trump will try to hang onto his haters , that can be done with lies , because they are so fucking dumb. but there will at that point, conservatives that will be making their choice at that point . Trump will lose most of them. The big gain and loss for shitpants are the independent that will be giving shitpants his last chance , there is where the big numbers will come by , why would a independent or Democrat vote for Trump on what comes out of shitypants mouth. Biden is a old politician who has a good record for someone in politics for that many years , Trump is one dumb fuck who only has dumb fucks following him. and that are the only people that will believe his obvious lies. Even when the truth makes Trumps point he lies anyway.
He is debating a brain dead Trump, he will do better they shitpants. Biden will say what he wants , Nothing changes here Biden communicates, Trump lies. There will be no comment from Trump that will move anyone that is true. Trump has absolutely nothing he can stand on or stand by , all he has is his endless lies .Trump will try to hang onto his haters , that can be done with lies , because they are so fucking dumb. but there will at that point, conservatives that will be making their choice at that point . Trump will lose most of them. The big gain and loss for shitpants are the independent that will be giving shitpants his last chance , there is where the big numbers will come by , why would a independent or Democrat vote for Trump on what comes out of shitypants mouth. Biden is a old politician who has a good record for someone in politics for that many years , Trump is one dumb fuck who only has dumb fucks following him. and that are the only people that will believe his obvious lies. Even when the truth makes Trumps point he lies anyway.
Many Americans are realizing that MAGA is nothing but a cult. There are no variation in MAGA's across the board they are all the ugly side of this country.
He is debating a brain dead Trump, he will do better they shitpants. Biden will say what he wants , Nothing changes here Biden communicates, Trump lies. There will be no comment from Trump that will move anyone that is true. Trump has absolutely nothing he can stand on or stand by , all he has is his endless lies .Trump will try to hang onto his haters , that can be done with lies , because they are so fucking dumb. but there will at that point, conservatives that will be making their choice at that point . Trump will lose most of them. The big gain and loss for shitpants are the independent that will be giving shitpants his last chance , there is where the big numbers will come by , why would a independent or Democrat vote for Trump on what comes out of shitypants mouth. Biden is a old politician who has a good record for someone in politics for that many years , Trump is one dumb fuck who only has dumb fucks following him. and that are the only people that will believe his obvious lies. Even when the truth makes Trumps point he lies anyway.
You are really a fucking idiot, congratulations dumbass.

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