Trump Doesn't Know When to Quit, Asks Rosenstein if "He is on His Team"

Judging from what's going on today, I can't see any conning going on except by sorry criminal loving traitors and LIARS. Can you post another undisclosed source to confirm this?

It's probably all laid out in excruciating detail in the imaginary Representative Schiff's Memo ... :dunno:

The leftards haven't figured this out yet, but Trump doesn't do anything without a reason behind it.. Isn't Rosenstein one of those who's going to be in deep shit once they release the memo?
Who did you vote for?

Let me guess......

Go ahead, take a guess. I've been pretty open about it.
Was it Bernie or the unmentioned candidate that rigged the primary against him?

Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.
Go ahead, take a guess. I've been pretty open about it.
Was it Bernie or the unmentioned candidate that rigged the primary against him?

Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.

He can say it because he is a liar, like ALL regressive scum,
Go ahead, take a guess. I've been pretty open about it.
Was it Bernie or the unmentioned candidate that rigged the primary against him?

Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.

Obama, Lynch, and Clinton are no longer in power. They have NO POWER. Why are you worrying about people that have NO POWER? Why are you not worrying about the guy in the White House that is lying every chance he gets? How can you not see at this point that Russia obviously has something on him? There is a list as long as your arm of incidents with Russia that Trump hasn't said a word about. Within a month of the election, Flynn was caught already telling the Russians not to worry about the sanctions Obama was putting on them... that Trump would get rid of them once he gets in office.
What in the hell is wrong with this man? He's been told many times he can't ask impartial law enforcement officials or those in the DoJ to give him their loyalty. They have to do their jobs based on the facts. Trump's goose is cooked, and no wonder he is now trying to get rid of Rosenstein.

"Washington (CNN)Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein visited the White House in December seeking President Donald Trump's help. The top Justice Department official in the Russia investigation wanted Trump's support in fighting off document demands from House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes.

But the President had other priorities ahead of a key appearance by Rosenstein on the Hill, according to sources familiar with the meeting. Trump wanted to know where the special counsel's Russia investigation was heading. And he wanted to know whether Rosenstein was "on my team.""

Trump asked Rosenstein if he was 'on my team' - CNNPolitics

He is like a cocker spaniel. He needs to be patted in the head on occasion. He wants to be our "Great Leader."
Was it Bernie or the unmentioned candidate that rigged the primary against him?

Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.

Obama, Lynch, and Clinton are no longer in power. They have NO POWER. Why are you worrying about people that have NO POWER? Why are you not worrying about the guy in the White House that is lying every chance he gets? How can you not see at this point that Russia obviously has something on him? There is a list as long as your arm of incidents with Russia that Trump hasn't said a word about. Within a month of the election, Flynn was caught already telling the Russians not to worry about the sanctions Obama was putting on them... that Trump would get rid of them once he gets in office.

FBI says everything in it is factual.
Was it Bernie or the unmentioned candidate that rigged the primary against him?

Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.

Obama, Lynch, and Clinton are no longer in power. They have NO POWER. Why are you worrying about people that have NO POWER? Why are you not worrying about the guy in the White House that is lying every chance he gets? How can you not see at this point that Russia obviously has something on him? There is a list as long as your arm of incidents with Russia that Trump hasn't said a word about. Within a month of the election, Flynn was caught already telling the Russians not to worry about the sanctions Obama was putting on them... that Trump would get rid of them once he gets in office.

You mean the sanctions that the Congress overwhelmingly passed and trump refuses to implement cause Putin is calling the shots.
FBI says everything in it s factual.

um, no

just no

you can have your own opinions, but you don't get to have your own facts

January 31, 2018
FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo
The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI. We are committed to working with the appropriate oversight entities to ensure the continuing integrity of the FISA process.

With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo — FBI

keep swinging, trumplings
Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

So why are you so blind as to the corruption geared towards Hillary/Obama in the FBI and DOJ?

Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

How in the hell can you say that when Bill Clinton met secretly with the head of the DOJ during the Hillary investigation or the fact that Comey wrote the exoneration for Hillary before the investigation started? We have Hillary lying 24/7 but somehow the FBI does not call her out on her lies?

It's time to grow the hell up. The FBI and DOJ are tools for the Dims.

Obama, Lynch, and Clinton are no longer in power. They have NO POWER. Why are you worrying about people that have NO POWER? Why are you not worrying about the guy in the White House that is lying every chance he gets? How can you not see at this point that Russia obviously has something on him? There is a list as long as your arm of incidents with Russia that Trump hasn't said a word about. Within a month of the election, Flynn was caught already telling the Russians not to worry about the sanctions Obama was putting on them... that Trump would get rid of them once he gets in office.

You mean the sanctions that the Congress overwhelmingly passed and trump refuses to implement cause Putin is calling the shots.

No, I mean the ones even before that, that were put down at the same time Obama kicked out the Russian nationals and repossessed the properties they were staying at.
Hillary and Obama are not in power.

The Swamp represents Crooked Hillary and Hussaine, do the math! And why was Swamp Rat Rosenstine seeking to obstruct justice by asking The Donald to intervene in an investigation? Doesn't matter really since Swamp Rat Rosestine will probably resign in a few days.
He was interviewed today and said it is all factual.
He is still against releasing it.
Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

The U.S. is only 'fucked' when people don't vote IMO.
Hillary and Obama are not in power. I really don't understand why this is such a tough concept for Trump supporters to understand. Quit trying to deflect from the problem at hand.

They still wield enough power to convince the butt-hurt Democrats to dig up false shit about Trump though. They wielded enough power to obstruct justice that should have been levied against them. The Republicans should have stomped them into the ground and put their collective boot on their necks.
Bernie wasn't in the Presidential election... I didn't vote for crooked Hillary, or the lying ass conman Trump. The United States was fucked either way. It wasn't worth my time to go to the voting booth.

The U.S. is only 'fucked' when people don't vote IMO.

...or when illegals are allowed to vote, or other forms of voter fraud are perpetrated.
FBI says everything in it s factual.

um, no

just no

you can have your own opinions, but you don't get to have your own facts

January 31, 2018
FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo
The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI. We are committed to working with the appropriate oversight entities to ensure the continuing integrity of the FISA process.

With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo — FBI

keep swinging, trumplings

That's not the full quote.

It was on c- span

FBI Officials Review FISA Memo - Find NO 'Factual Inaccuracies' (Report)

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