Trump-endorsed candidate goes down in stunning landslide defeat in Kansas special election

OP =

I have no intention of 'excusing my actions' asshole'.

Yes, sociopaths are like that.

Your party LOST!
You're fucking losers!

Thing is, I'll be a winner later, while you'll still be a whiny bitch.

I win.
"YOU WAIT!!! Someday I'll be a winner!!!!! Sure I keep losing BUT someday I'll win something!!!!!!!!"
Is that what you keep telling your mommy and daddy?
Losers are losers.............asshole!
Some turnout math:

If every House election went like last night's, Dems would win a 314-seat House majority in 2018

Kansas: 5 months ago, the Republican won that district by 32 pts, Trump won by 27 pts. Yesterday, the Republican won it by 6 pts Wake up GOP

"Great win in Kansas last night for Ron Estes, easily winning the Congressional race against the Dems, who spent heavily & predicted victory!" - Trump in usual confident mode
"IF' is a word you LIBs use very frequently.
Hillary likes to use the word "IF' a lot too.
"IF everyone had kept their fucking mouths shut and not let the voters know what a corrupt old drunk I am I'd be President now!".
It shouldn't be close. It was a Trump +28 district. The fact that it is close is very bad news for Republicans.

Bigger turnouts in Presidential general elections, the four year ones; elections like this get smaller turnouts and more Party loyalists, so they're going to be closer by default.

it's also easier to get angry people out for special/off year elections than people who are happy, or at least not angry.
Trump had tweeted earlier today: "Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform)."

That tweet won the election for Thompson (the Democrat). Folks hate Trump.

the race was to replace CIA director Mike Pompeo

Yeah, get your head out of your butt. The Republican won!

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