Trump Era - America's Worst Generation - USA Rotting From The Center

Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.

You've presented NOTHING in your op to support your claim.

Just empty partisan bs.
To be fair to Trump, this has been coming for a long time. Just as Trump isn't responsible for the economy doing well, he's also not responsible for a lot of the shit that exists. The reason he came into power was because there are serious problems in the US. I would suggest that the way govt works is a massive problem, but then the govt is elected by the people, who are in turn advertised to hell by rich people like the Koch brothers who are able to do this thanks to bribing the Supreme Court and the problems of a partisan Supreme Court which is a direct consequence of partisan politics which is a consequence of the way the system is set up and the way people vote.

Yeah right, because there are no Bloombergs, George Soros and no money in Hollywood that would do these things..... :rolleyes:

wow...and let;s not even mention the Left MEDIA with more power to influence more of the weak minded masses than ANY rich Communist going solo.

You're hopelessly stuck in the false mentality that only Republicans can be wrong.

Now, a few imbeciles will probably find this funny...but then....they're imbeciles

Do you understand what the word "like" means? When I say "people like the Koch brothers" what exactly do you understand from such a sentence? Because I'm making the assumption that people like you can read fucking English.
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
well considering the politics of the obama era CAUSED trump to get elected, what does that say about that presidency?

you really need to get off your hate. *that* is what is keeping america back. the self-induced pity parties, the constant 24x7 mindless droning about trump, making up anything you can to scream I HATE HIM day after day, hour after hour, and in your case, minute after minute. you look with careful eye on trumps camp but you look away at the previous admin doing far worse and help excuse it. THAT is what is killing this country. we can't even agree on what is right and wrong anymore, it's about who is doing it not what is being done.

why? don't care. you're doing it and it fucking sucks.
well considering the politics of the obama era CAUSED trump to get elected, what does that say about that presidency?

you really need to get off your hate. *that* is what is keeping america back. the self-induced pity parties, the constant 24x7 mindless droning about trump, making up anything you can to scream I HATE HIM day after day, hour after hour, and in your case, minute after minute. you look with careful eye on trumps camp but you look away at the previous admin doing far worse and help excuse it. THAT is what is killing this country. we can't even agree on what is right and wrong anymore, it's about who is doing it not what is being done.

why? don't care. you're doing it and it fucking sucks.

I'm not convinced that EVERYTHING coming out of Washington, including Trump AND Obama etc etc is simply the Farking Establishment fucking the American people CONSTANTLY. People like Paul Lyin Ryan, Bitch McConnell and ALL of them. They don't give a flying SHIT about the American people. They take care of those who pad their wallets.

When Trump ACTUALLY BUILDS THE WALL, and when TRUMP ACTUALLY MAKES TAX CUTS THAT BENEFIT ME.....then I might believe. Till then, it's only "good cop / bad cop BS.

Right now, All I see is Congress taking care of Congress, and the government helping the banks and Wall Street keep raking in the cash.

They must be rolling on the floor laughing hysterically seeing how they've got Americans at each others throats while we ALL slave for their benefit.
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.

Boomers are the worst generation and they are responsible for how shitty it is s now. Things will get better as they matter less.
well considering the politics of the obama era CAUSED trump to get elected, what does that say about that presidency?

you really need to get off your hate. *that* is what is keeping america back. the self-induced pity parties, the constant 24x7 mindless droning about trump, making up anything you can to scream I HATE HIM day after day, hour after hour, and in your case, minute after minute. you look with careful eye on trumps camp but you look away at the previous admin doing far worse and help excuse it. THAT is what is killing this country. we can't even agree on what is right and wrong anymore, it's about who is doing it not what is being done.

why? don't care. you're doing it and it fucking sucks.

I'm not convinced that EVERYTHING coming out of Washington, including Trump AND Obama etc etc is simply the Farking Establishment fucking the American people CONSTANTLY. People like Paul Lyin Ryan, Bitch McConnell and ALL of them. They don't give a flying SHIT about the American people. They take care of those who pad their wallets.

When Trump ACTUALLY BUILDS THE WALL, and when TRUMP ACTUALLY MAKES TAX CUTS THAT BENEFIT ME.....then I might believe. Till then, it's only "good cop / bad cop BS.

They must be rolling on the floor laughing hysterically seeing how they've got Americans at each others throats while we ALL slave for their benefit.
we're definitely at a low for american politics right now. people can't see it very easily cause they're emotionally tired to a dog in this race and back them to the bitter end. only they don't see the dogs have their own race in mind and as dogs do, they all have fleas of various nature and degrees of flea-ness.

trump isn't the issue or root of our problems.

we are.
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
well considering the politics of the obama era CAUSED trump to get elected, what does that say about that presidency?

you really need to get off your hate. *that* is what is keeping america back. the self-induced pity parties, the constant 24x7 mindless droning about trump, making up anything you can to scream I HATE HIM day after day, hour after hour, and in your case, minute after minute. you look with careful eye on trumps camp but you look away at the previous admin doing far worse and help excuse it. THAT is what is killing this country. we can't even agree on what is right and wrong anymore, it's about who is doing it not what is being done.

why? don't care. you're doing it and it fucking sucks.

We got Trump because Obama, Hillary, and the entire two party system sucks. They are a bunch of criminals.

Somehow leftists like Camp can overlook what Obama and Hillary DID, but can't accept what Trump SAYS.

If Obama was so great, as most progs believe, why did his chosen successor lose? One would think they would ask themselves this simple question.

Progs should be pissed at Obama, for causing the Trump presidency.
Do you understand what the word "like" means? When I say "people like the Koch brothers" what exactly do you understand from such a sentence? Because I'm making the assumption that people like you can read fucking English.

Pull the dildo out....take a chill pill and try again.

You did not include an example from the any logical person can only read what you wrote.

Go back and read your own paragraph AFTER said extraction.....if you hav ANY common sense you'll see it......then again....
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
Did it ever occur to you that it's been rotting from the inside for a while and this is the blow that opened the festering wound for all to see? Did it ever occur to you that "the politics" have been around a lot longer than Frump and that the lying has gone on so long it's finally becoming obvious? Politics, liars and frauds have been around since the beginning, did you honestly think it's confined to one political party or even one part of a political party? Are you truly that naive?
It started being awful under Reagan. Then Bush was a disaster. Even Steve Bannon called him the most destructive president in history.

Then things got better. Unemployment went from over 10% to less than 5%. Credit card reform. Millions more had healthcare. So many things improved.

Then Trump was elected. Now we have Nazi's and White Supremacists. Tax cuts for billionaires. Taking away healthcare for tens of millions. Hatred of gays and blacks. Woman's rights under assault.

An ignorant base believing high paying imaginary jobs are coming back when we know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I just don't know what to say. How can so many millions support their lives being ruined?
I presume you make $9.00/hr serving ice cream, you hypocritical piece of shit?
Unemployment down, Americans on Food Stamps / Unemployment down, stock market up ... Good Lord, the stench is over-powering! :p

Poor snowflake - that stench you are smelling is the stench from the rot that has recently been un-covered, the widespread corruption that went on during the Obama administration:

Mueller, Holder, and Obama hiding Russian crimes, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing from Liberal the Clintons who betrayed the country by helping influence the sale of 20% of US Uranium to the Russians. Knowing all of this, Mueller / Holder / Obama allowed the sale to go through.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her Pakistani Spy Ring

Hillary Clinton's Espionage / National-Security-Endangering / Illegal Server and E-Mail Scandal

Comey, Lynch, Holder, Mueller, Koskinen, Clapper, Brennan, Obama ... all guilty of violations of both Constitution and Law...

When you dredge the swamp, the 1st step in cleaning it up, releases a lot of foul smells that were previously covered up....
Speaking of meth heads, how is your mother? Is she still turning tricks?

Thanks for your concern.

Mom actually has her masters degree and recently retired. She did really well in her legal career.

The only "tricks" she ever turned was putting liberals like you behind bars...for long stretches :dance:

Why don't you tell us about YOUR mother? (this should be interesting...."crickets")
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Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
Lol, coming from the party that gave us safe spaces. Also you didn't care when Obama lied to us daily. Even about the deaths of 4 Americans. You have zero credibility.
Few on the Left have credibility. As we are seeing in the news. (and don't forget, they are suppressing the vast majority of the evidence against the Left)

This is why the Left is suddenly gone bat shit crazy. They're losing it. Literally

oops...I should have said "Crazier"
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
What specifically has Trump done to cause you to set yourself on fire?

Please be specific.
He kicked Hillary's ass.
OMG...Imagine if Hillary had become Prez.

The entire Fing government would be nothing more than a money laundering scheme for the Clinton Foundation.

The entire Middle East would be aboard every cruise ship and aircraft headed here and granted full unvetted citizenship.

Russia, Iran and China would get the remaining 80% of our Uranium........

And that's just for starters. Clearly evident why Leftards wanted her so badly huh?
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
What specifically has Trump done to cause you to set yourself on fire?

Please be specific.
He disparaged a gold star wife and disrespected fallen troops. It is a patriotic American tradition to hold people who do that accountable so that others will think twice about doing it in the future.
It is a patriotic American's duty to stand up for American values, especially the value of respecting our fallen soldiers and showing proper respect for Gold Star Wives and families.
Horseshit. She was a hyperpartisan hack who stood on her dead husbands casket, at the coaching of a kindred spirit government official who; together tastelessly demeaned a solemn moment. Both women are worthless pieces of shit. And their disgusting posturing will do nothing bit further shame, the already disgraced Democrat party.
It is truly amazing how easily Americans like Camp can be duped by the DNC media. He is not a dumb person, yet believes whatever the elite LWNJ media tells him.

Many seemingly smart people followed Hitler.

It is troubling how much like sheep we are.
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
What specifically has Trump done to cause you to set yourself on fire?

Please be specific.
He kicked Hillary's ass.

With a small fraction of the funds she used.

And Trump is the stupid one? At least he knows how to use e-mail.

Dims are soooo self important and have a hyper elevated opinion of themselves as to just how much smarter they are.
Do you understand what the word "like" means? When I say "people like the Koch brothers" what exactly do you understand from such a sentence? Because I'm making the assumption that people like you can read fucking English.

Pull the dildo out....take a chill pill and try again.

You did not include an example from the any logical person can only read what you wrote.

Go back and read your own paragraph AFTER said extraction.....if you hav ANY common sense you'll see it......then again....

"logical person", are you logical or do you have the partisan pill stuffed so far up your ass you see the partisan monsters in everything you read.

Apparently I don't have your kind of "common sense".

I write words, and I usually write and I try to write what I mean. You read what you will.

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