Trump Era - America's Worst Generation - USA Rotting From The Center

Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
What specifically has Trump done to cause you to set yourself on fire?

Please be specific.
He disparaged a gold star wife and disrespected fallen troops. It is a patriotic American tradition to hold people who do that accountable so that others will think twice about doing it in the future.
It is a patriotic American's duty to stand up for American values, especially the value of respecting our fallen soldiers and showing proper respect for Gold Star Wives and families.
Horseshit. She was a hyperpartisan hack who stood on her dead husbands casket, at the coaching of a kindred spirit government official who; together tastelessly demeaned a solemn moment. Both women are worthless pieces of shit. And their disgusting posturing will do nothing bit further shame, the already disgraced Democrat party.
ButIt is truly amazing how easily Americans like Camp can be duped by the DNC media. He is not a dumb person, yet believes whatever the elite LWNJ media tells him.

Many seemingly smart people followed Hitler.

It is troubling how much like sheep we are.

Millions of Americans who had voted for Obama, switched an voted for Trump. This fact is unknown to those on the left. Americans are feed up with the two party criminal system. This is why Trump won and why the establishment media, the Ds and Rs, and Oligarchs are against Trump. They don't want the status quo changed.

Trump is the result of a corrupt criminal system, but he is not the answer.

Just How Many Obama 2012-Trump 2016 Voters Were There?
Different sources offer varying estimates of Obama 2012-Trump 2016 voters. The ANES found that about 13% of all Trump voters cast a ballot for Obama in 2012. Meanwhile, the CCES found a slightly smaller figure of around 11%. Lastly, the UVA Center for Politics poll found that about 15% of Trump voters claimed to have backed Obama four years earlier. Using these percentages (not rounded) and Trump’s overall 2016 vote total, estimates of the raw number of such Obama-Trump voters range from about 6.7 million to 9.2 million. That’s a wide range, and considering the caveats regarding voter recall of past votes, it is important to be clear about the relative uncertainty of these figures.
Just How Many Obama 2012-Trump 2016 Voters Were There? - Rasmussen Reports™

When one considers that the evangelical religious right had to make a Faustian bargain to get trump elected, the Christian faith as a whole has also suffered major degradation.
The thing is we had to chose from two very bad choices. Hillary the criminal or Trump the blowhard. I think Trump was the better choice of two very bad choices. Don't you?

Well let's see, no new war yet, the economy is doing better, and the swamp is in turmoil.

When it comes to the Trump presidency, seems a lot of people are whining and complaining asking "how could this happen?" Well...let me add my two cents, not that I expect any of the whiners to understand my point of view considering there's something wrong with their brains...

I was surprised when he won the nomination. Now, anti-Trumpers will try to explain his victory as being based on supposedly empty promises about bringing back jobs, or racism against Muslims and Hispanics. But no. It was his promises to drain the swamp that he was elected on. The fact that he had the balls to say what we were all thinking on the Muslim and Hispanic issues was only icing on the cake.

Another factor that helped him win, even to a larger degree was the democrat's extreme politics and their elitist attitude towards American culture, traditions and values. The left's absolute domination of mainstream media has pushed the most repugnant form of politics down our throats for decades and it's only gotten worse in the internet age. For decades, the baby boomer generation gave the radical left everything they asked for until nothing makes sense anymore. Now that they've run out of minorities to exploit, they create new ones with the transgender movement, letting them exploit our military so they can pay for their mutilation and even encouraging little prepubescent boys to have their dicks chopped off. What the fuck..?

Baby boomers allowed white men to be demonized as the ultimate oppressor, the destructive force holding back so-called "progress" by professional victims looking to absolve themselves of personal responsibility. Every other class of person is protected from racial/gender based abuse and discrimination, except for us. ...and you wonder why white identity groups such as the Alt-right have come to be? How white men could justify voting for Trump? Well, now you know. I hope the angst of it all induces you degenerate scum to commit mass suicide.
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When it comes to the Trump presidency, seems a lot of people are whining and complaining asking "how could this happen?" Well...let me add my two cents, not that I expect any of the whiners to understand my point of view considering there's something wrong with their brains...

I was surprised when he won the nomination. Now, anti-Trumpers will try to explain his victory as being based on supposedly empty promises about bringing back jobs, or racism against Muslims and Hispanics. But no. It was his promises to drain the swamp that he was elected on. The fact that he had the balls to say what we were all thinking on the Muslim and Hispanic issues was only icing on the cake.

Another factor that helped him win, even to a larger degree was the democrat's extreme politics and their elitist attitude towards American culture, traditions and values. The left's absolute domination of mainstream media has pushed the most repugnant form of politics down our throats for decades and it's only gotten worse in the internet age. For decades, the repugnant baby boomer generation gave the radical left everything they asked for until nothing makes sense anymore. Now that they've run out of minorities to exploit, they create new ones with the transgender movement, letting them exploit our military so they can pay for their mutilation and even encouraging little prepubescent boys to have their dicks chopped off. What the fuck..?

Baby boomers allowed white men to be demonized as the ultimate oppressor, the destructive force holding back so-called "progress" by professional victims looking to absolve themselves of personal responsibility. Every other class of person is protected from racial/gender based abuse and discrimination, except for us. ...and you wonder why white identity groups such as the Alt-right have come to be? How white men could justify voting for Trump? Well, now you know. I hope the angst of it all induces you degenerate scum to commit mass suicide.

If I could just sum this up a bit, Trump was the middle finger to the swamp.

Yes, everyone knows how much more enlightened and intelligent and racially and sexually sensitive the nameless DNC candidate is.

Thanks for that.
Well let's see, no new war yet, the economy is doing better, and the swamp is in turmoil.Yep!
No new wars YET. but we are still pumping billions of dollars and US lives into the same ME wars Trump is expanding. As for "new", the war mongers will want trump to increase US forces in Niger. Economy? trump has nothing to do with that. The "swamp" has expanded under trump.
Well let's see, no new war yet, the economy is doing better, and the swamp is in turmoil.Yep!
No new wars YET. but we are still pumping billions of dollars and US lives into the same ME wars Trump is expanding. As for "new", the war mongers will want trump to increase US forces in Niger. Economy? trump has nothing to do with that. The "swamp" has expanded under trump.

I will take one victory at a time.

Dealing with the US federal government is like dealing with a heroin addict. It takes baby steps, but as long as they are headed in the right direction I feel better.
Politics of the trump era are causing the nation to rot from the center of political power. Degradation is coming directly out of the White House. The President has a loyal staff of liars and frauds willing to lie every day to the public without shame or guilt.

Elected officials from the President's own party are speaking out about the degradation. High ranking members of the staff, as well as the President himself, are routinely caught lying.

Make America Great Again? Not hardly. The trump era is making the Worst Generation.
Did it ever occur to you that it's been rotting from the inside for a while and this is the blow that opened the festering wound for all to see? Did it ever occur to you that "the politics" have been around a lot longer than Frump and that the lying has gone on so long it's finally becoming obvious? Politics, liars and frauds have been around since the beginning, did you honestly think it's confined to one political party or even one part of a political party? Are you truly that naive?
Sounds like you two are on the same side. Why the hostility?

I detected no hostility from Ringle...more like "you have to be joking..."
And of course he is right.
Well let's see, no new war yet, the economy is doing better, and the swamp is in turmoil.Yep!
No new wars YET. but we are still pumping billions of dollars and US lives into the same ME wars Trump is expanding. As for "new", the war mongers will want trump to increase US forces in Niger. Economy? trump has nothing to do with that. The "swamp" has expanded under trump.

Trump refused the urging of the warmongers to remove Assad from Syria. I chalk that one up as a victory, would have turned out very differently under a president Clinton, no doubt.
Well let's see, no new war yet, the economy is doing better, and the swamp is in turmoil.Yep!
No new wars YET. but we are still pumping billions of dollars and US lives into the same ME wars Trump is expanding. As for "new", the war mongers will want trump to increase US forces in Niger. Economy? trump has nothing to do with that. The "swamp" has expanded under trump.

Trump refused the urging of the warmongers to remove Assad from Syria. I chalk that one up as a victory, would have turned out very differently under a president Clinton, no doubt.

To be fair, Obama did not as well, even though he drew his famous red lines in the sand and promised to do so.

I think after watching Libya blow up in his face he thought better of it, coupled with the poll numbers that showed virtually no support among the American public.

I remember watching the news at that time on all major news outlets. It was 24/7 new coverage of the use of WMD's by Assad, yet public support inexplicably did not change for going to war. It was at that time that Obama folded his tail between his legs and backed down.
It's insane. It's such a national embarrassment that it makes me want to cringe.Trump is the epitome of selfish bottom-feeding users. He is utterly the worst kind of person that could exist. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about him. He's one of the of the worst pieces of shit to ever walk the earth! His tweets are like that of a ten-year-old (no offense to the vast majority of ten-year-olds!) He's a disgrace, not only to Americans but to all of humanity. I cannot think of one single good thing to say about the manboy in what is now the "Black House". He needs to be impeached, and the sooner the better! If he survives to 7 more years, good for him, but for the rest of us, the good life will be a distant memory!
Tell us all what Trump has done to cause you so much angst.

Be specific.
Trump's flagrant disregard of truth and decency is what bothers me the most about him....

And literally every decision and action he has taken...from his UN actions, his peace accord actions, his tweeting, his north Korea/ Kim actions, his health care actions, his clean air act actions, his disregard for the Justice system and the press, and the first amendment in general, his lack of understanding in world affairs and wars and killings and lack of empathy, And his Administration picks of the greedy...and his EPA actions and destroying the Earth actions, and his Charlottsville comments, his contempt for the poor and middle class, his for the rich tax cuts and lies about them, and his total disregard for the norms of being a President. He's simply a disgusting human being in every manner he SPITS on what ones parent's taught and ones Church had taught and what the bible has taught....

and he is well below the office of the presidency in my opinion, and this could all be a mental illness and not just intentional.....either way, we need to get him out of there before he causes world war 3 with a tweet..
When it comes to the Trump presidency, seems a lot of people are whining and complaining asking "how could this happen?" Well...let me add my two cents, not that I expect any of the whiners to understand my point of view considering there's something wrong with their brains...

I was surprised when he won the nomination. Now, anti-Trumpers will try to explain his victory as being based on supposedly empty promises about bringing back jobs, or racism against Muslims and Hispanics. But no. It was his promises to drain the swamp that he was elected on. The fact that he had the balls to say what we were all thinking on the Muslim and Hispanic issues was only icing on the cake.

Another factor that helped him win, even to a larger degree was the democrat's extreme politics and their elitist attitude towards American culture, traditions and values. The left's absolute domination of mainstream media has pushed the most repugnant form of politics down our throats for decades and it's only gotten worse in the internet age. For decades, the baby boomer generation gave the radical left everything they asked for until nothing makes sense anymore. Now that they've run out of minorities to exploit, they create new ones with the transgender movement, letting them exploit our military so they can pay for their mutilation and even encouraging little prepubescent boys to have their dicks chopped off. What the fuck..?

Baby boomers allowed white men to be demonized as the ultimate oppressor, the destructive force holding back so-called "progress" by professional victims looking to absolve themselves of personal responsibility. Every other class of person is protected from racial/gender based abuse and discrimination, except for us. ...and you wonder why white identity groups such as the Alt-right have come to be? How white men could justify voting for Trump? Well, now you know. I hope the angst of it all induces you degenerate scum to commit mass suicide.

Part of the problem is that "what we were all thinking" was actually what you were all told to think by people like the Koch brothers.
It's insane. It's such a national embarrassment that it makes me want to cringe.Trump is the epitome of selfish bottom-feeding users. He is utterly the worst kind of person that could exist. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about him. He's one of the of the worst pieces of shit to ever walk the earth! His tweets are like that of a ten-year-old (no offense to the vast majority of ten-year-olds!) He's a disgrace, not only to Americans but to all of humanity. I cannot think of one single good thing to say about the manboy in what is now the "Black House". He needs to be impeached, and the sooner the better! If he survives to 7 more years, good for him, but for the rest of us, the good life will be a distant memory!
Tell us all what Trump has done to cause you so much angst.

Be specific.
Trump's flagrant disregard of truth and decency is what bothers me the most about him....

And literally every decision and action he has taken...from his UN actions, his peace accord actions, his tweeting, his north Korea/ Kim actions, his health care actions, his clean air act actions, his disregard for the Justice system and the press, and the first amendment in general, his lack of understanding in world affairs and wars and killings and lack of empathy, and his EPA actions and destroying the Earth actions, and his Charlottsville comments, his contempt for the poor and middle class, his for the rich tax cuts and lies about them, and his total disregard for the norms of being a President. He's simply a disgusting human being in every manner he SPITS on what ones parent's taught and ones Church had taught and what the bible has taught....

and he is well below the office of the presidency in my opinion, and this could all be a mental illness and not just intentional.....either way, we need to get him out of there before he causes world war 3 with a tweet..

You do realize you just described at least 75% of any Washington politician?
To be fair, Obama did not as well, even though he drew his famous red lines in the sand and promised to do so.

I think after watching Libya blow up in his face he thought better of it, coupled with the poll numbers that showed virtually no support among the American public.

I remember watching the news at that time on all major news outlets. It was 24/7 new coverage of the use of WMD's by Assad, yet public support inexplicably did not change for going to war. It was at that time that Obama folded his tail between his legs and backed down.

I've never seen such blatant war-propaganda as I did while the MSM was encouraging further US involvement in Syria. Since when does the news show uncensored footage of dead children? There was a 7 year old girl by the name Bana Alabed who rose to twitter fame by making eloquent pleas for the US to come and save her. It was obvious to me she wasn't writing these posts herself and it became even more obvious during a (prerecorded and edited) CNN interview in which her inability to actually speak or understand english was impossible to ignore.

With this interview, any credibility the MSM had went right out the window, I don't know why more people don't see it for what it is:

Calm Down Snowflakes.
Actually Trump is just trying to restore our democracy that the left wing crackpot Obama almost destroyed.
To be fair, Obama did not as well, even though he drew his famous red lines in the sand and promised to do so.

I think after watching Libya blow up in his face he thought better of it, coupled with the poll numbers that showed virtually no support among the American public.

I remember watching the news at that time on all major news outlets. It was 24/7 new coverage of the use of WMD's by Assad, yet public support inexplicably did not change for going to war. It was at that time that Obama folded his tail between his legs and backed down.

I've never seen such blatant war-propaganda as I did while the MSM was encouraging further US involvement in Syria. Since when does the news show uncensored footage of dead children? There was a 7 year old girl by the name Bana Alabed who rose to twitter fame by making eloquent pleas for the US to come and save her. It was obvious to me she wasn't writing these posts herself and it became even more obvious during a (prerecorded and edited) CNN interview in which her inability to actually speak or understand english was impossible to ignore.

With this interview, any credibility the MSM had went right out the window, I don't know why more people don't see it for what it is:

They wish to expand ISIS.
Part of the problem is that "what we were all thinking" was actually what you were all told to think by people like the Koch brothers.

Bullshit, I think for myself and am not a fox news zombie no matter how much you would like to characterize me as such. I'm far from being a "traditional" conservative. I only recognize that the left has gone too far and needs to be reigned in. Hopefully soon you all learn your lesson before more extreme measures need to be taken.
Part of the problem is that "what we were all thinking" was actually what you were all told to think by people like the Koch brothers.

Bullshit, I think for myself and am not a fox news zombie no matter how much you would like to characterize me as such. I'm far from being a "traditional" conservative. I only recognize that the left has gone too far and needs to be reigned in. Hopefully soon you all learn your lesson before more extreme measures need to be taken.

Well, have you seen Monty Python's The Life of Brian?

"You're all individuals"

"Yes, we're all individuals" they all chant.
It's insane. It's such a national embarrassment that it makes me want to cringe.Trump is the epitome of selfish bottom-feeding users. He is utterly the worst kind of person that could exist. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about him. He's one of the of the worst pieces of shit to ever walk the earth! His tweets are like that of a ten-year-old (no offense to the vast majority of ten-year-olds!) He's a disgrace, not only to Americans but to all of humanity. I cannot think of one single good thing to say about the manboy in what is now the "Black House". He needs to be impeached, and the sooner the better! If he survives to 7 more years, good for him, but for the rest of us, the good life will be a distant memory!
Tell us all what Trump has done to cause you so much angst.

Be specific.
Trump's flagrant disregard of truth and decency is what bothers me the most about him....

And literally every decision and action he has taken...from his UN actions, his peace accord actions, his tweeting, his north Korea/ Kim actions, his health care actions, his clean air act actions, his disregard for the Justice system and the press, and the first amendment in general, his lack of understanding in world affairs and wars and killings and lack of empathy, and his EPA actions and destroying the Earth actions, and his Charlottsville comments, his contempt for the poor and middle class, his for the rich tax cuts and lies about them, and his total disregard for the norms of being a President. He's simply a disgusting human being in every manner he SPITS on what ones parent's taught and ones Church had taught and what the bible has taught....

and he is well below the office of the presidency in my opinion, and this could all be a mental illness and not just intentional.....either way, we need to get him out of there before he causes world war 3 with a tweet..

You do realize you just described at least 75% of any Washington politician?

75%? I think that should be way higher.

Did you hear that Bush Sr. just sexually assaulted a woman?
Well, have you seen Monty Python's The Life of Brian?

"You're all individuals"

"Yes, we're all individuals" they all chant.

I don't see a lot of dissenting opinions on the left, they're too afraid of being called racist or a slew of -isms and -phobes.

When the democrat party is destroyed and the MSM sees the writing on the wall, then neocons, paleoconservatives, libertarians, anarchists etc can have debates on policy.

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