trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

Another fallacy of false equivalency, though I do understand what you are trying to communicate.
Nothing false about it. The so called plan really did nothing to solve the problem it's main goal was to get money for Ukraine and Israel the border stuff was thrown in to try and get votes for it. The secondary reason for this bill was Biden has an approval rating of 31 percent on the border a problem the administration has ignored and downplayed for the last three years and they just wanted to pass something anything rather it did any good or not so they could check it off their election year to do list. Biden is not the first president to try this and he won't be the last but thankfully more and more voters are starting to see through this tactic,
Nothing false about it. The so called plan really did nothing to solve the problem it's main goal was to get money for Ukraine and Israel the border stuff was thrown in to try and get votes for it. The secondary reason for this bill was Biden has an approval rating of 31 percent on the border a problem the administration has ignored and downplayed for the last three years and they just wanted to pass something anything rather it did any good or not so they could check it off their election year to do list. Biden is not the first president to try this and he won't be the last but thankfully more and more voters are starting to see through this tactic,
The Ukraine stuff was stripped out AND PASSED.

That excuse is long gone
You remain a scumbag lying sack of shit.

And since you’re a libturd, it’s you who loathes America.

All you libturds hate America.

Now hurry back to your full time job: fucking yourself, you retard. 👍
I believe in the Constitution. Your guy wants to get rid of it.

I believe in the rule of law. Your guy thinks he's above the law.

I believe in democracy. Your guy wants to be a dictator.

It is you and your ilk, who hates America.
Another fallacy of false equivalency, though I do understand what you are trying to communicate.
At least John Edgar understands the law provided as written. Doesn't seem like too many here do. Actually, it says that BIDEN has the right or option to close the border after 4000 illegals have crossed the border for a week straight. Stay under that amount and they all go free. Screw you leftists and you meaningless BS laws.
You shot down aid to Ukraine.

That helps Russia.
It helps end the war and less Ukrainians dying.

They need to negotiate a peace deal, and draw up new borders that actually represent the people within them. Ethnic Russian areas to Russia or they become independent, and areas with ethnic Ukrainians go to the new Ukraine.

I do not support Ukrainians ruling over Russians that want no part of them, and I do not support Russia ruling over Ukrainians that want no part of them.
It helps end the war and less Ukrainians dying.

They need to negotiate a peace deal, and draw up new borders that actually represent the people within them. Ethnic Russian areas to Russia or they become independent, and areas with ethnic Ukrainians go to the new Ukraine.

I do not support Ukrainians ruling over Russians that want no part of them, and I do not support Russia ruling over Ukrainians that want no part of them.
I'm sorry, I've had a few too many dark beers and my cognitive skills are on the decline.
It's because it wasn't a border security bill, nor did it fix Biden's illegal immigration invasion.
It was trump's EGO , he didn't meant to be outdone. The bipartisan committee did the hard work of legally deciding what would work. It would have reduced border crisis g to a maximum of 260 , 000 a year. Actually we need more immigration than that to maintain our standard of living.
It was trump's EGO , he didn't meant to be outdone. The bipartisan committee did the hard work of legally deciding what would work. It would have reduced border crisis g to a maximum of 260 , 000 a year. Actually we need more immigration than that to maintain our standard of living.
What, you can't read a simple document. The way it is written, Biden could continue to look the other way. He can or might take action after 3.999 illegals invade the border daily for a week straight. At that point, he has the OPTION of closing the border. As written, it continues to allow up to 1,500,000 invaders per year. FJB
It was trump's EGO , he didn't meant to be outdone. The bipartisan committee did the hard work of legally deciding what would work. It would have reduced border crisis g to a maximum of 260 , 000 a year. Actually we need more immigration than that to maintain our standard of living.

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