trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

Nope. It had support from a bunch Republicans until tRump told them not to vote for it. Even Maga Mike was happy with it.
It had a little Republican support. But so what? It was pointed out that it was in fact quite useless. And it was.

So happy it got shot to shit. 👍
It had a little Republican support.
It had a lot of republican support until they were ordered to torpedo it by their fearless leader.

You're nothing but a Russian bot. Your whole party is Russia first, America last.

You are an AINO. American in Name Only.
You remain a scumbag lying sack of shit.

And since you’re a libturd, it’s you who loathes America.

All you libturds hate America.

Now hurry back to your full time job: fucking yourself, you retard. 👍

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