Trump exposed for using fake documents at press conference

As pointed out using video on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah... how many people have piles upon piles of files that aren't labeled in any way... that are real?
Yes by all means lets take the opinion of a comedian doing a fake news shows as proof of something. Thank you no.

Opinion doesn't matter, common sense does. You don't have mounds and mounds of folders full of important documents without them being labeled...
Common sense tells you if no one has looked in the folders they don't know what is or is not in them they may have been there just for show they may have had finanical information in them we don't know that is the plain simple non partisan truth people can either accept it or not.

Given Trump's record, I'd be willing to bet they were there for show, rather than for any real purpose. If they were real, they should have let the reporters check them out.

And you thought that Trump was gonna give you transparency when he becomes president...............:lmao:
As I said that's possible as far as transparency goes I don't believe anyone expected the Trump administration to be more transparent than the Obama administration you know the one that was going to be the most transparent ever. Not.
Considering the daily lies from Trump?
Trump can not get through a day without lying. That is why he is called a pathological liar. Our President in mentally ill and a fraud. That is why so many of his supporters connect to him. They are either mentally ill, frauds, or both also, with the exceptions of the ones that are just stupid and brainwashed.
way to try and work toward fixing that divide that is going to end up destroying the country, Good job, stellar game plan.
He said in the press conference they were all the paperwork to create the trust his sons would run... So are you admitting you think Trump is a liar?
Liar. You prove post after post how truly clueless you are. That was only part of the paperwork involved and you have no idea what was or was not in the folders. Come back with some evidence or shut up and look a lot smarter.

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