Trump exposed for using fake documents at press conference

Trump can not get through a day without lying. That is why he is called a pathological liar. Our President in mentally ill and a fraud. That is why so many of his supporters connect to him. They are either mentally ill, frauds or both also, with the exceptions of the ones that are just stupid and brainwashed.
You're correct about our president Barry and his loony followers.
That would be or could be considered witty if not for the fact I included Trump's name in the post. As it is, your post is just immaturely lame
I love it.
Folks, it does not get any better than this.
You edited my post. I mentioned his pathological lying as being the symptom of his mental illness. That means you are proclaiming pathological lying to not be a mental illness or you are in denial of his pathological lying affliction.
I responded to the portion I wanted to respond to. I am denying your ability to see clearly.
You responded by evading addressing the substantive part of the post, that being that pathological lying is a mental disorder and our President is a pathological liar, thus, suffers from a mental disorder.
It really should be obvious that I don't agree with your conclusions. Let us know when he says you can keep your plan and save $2,500.
There is no excuse for editing a posters post to make a response. It is just dishonest of you and cowardly too. Deflecting to Obama to escape addressing Trump showing a clear symptom of a mental illness, pathological lying, is also dishonest.
he didn't edit it, he quoted the only part he felt obliged to respond to.
Acosta didn't get it either. Nobody HAS to treat drivel as if it has value. Nobody HAS to lend relevance to garbage by responding to it.
I post it on a forum, make some comment that might (or might not) be relevant to the story then wait.
Others will read it and comment on it. in a very short time I get the full content with commentary.
That is called "trolling".
I love it.
Folks, it does not get any better than this.
You edited my post. I mentioned his pathological lying as being the symptom of his mental illness. That means you are proclaiming pathological lying to not be a mental illness or you are in denial of his pathological lying affliction.
I responded to the portion I wanted to respond to. I am denying your ability to see clearly.
You responded by evading addressing the substantive part of the post, that being that pathological lying is a mental disorder and our President is a pathological liar, thus, suffers from a mental disorder.
It really should be obvious that I don't agree with your conclusions. Let us know when he says you can keep your plan and save $2,500.
There is no excuse for editing a posters post to make a response. It is just dishonest of you and cowardly too. Deflecting to Obama to escape addressing Trump showing a clear symptom of a mental illness, pathological lying, is also dishonest.
You stupid bastard. I quoted the portion that proves you're a lunatic. You can't respond to anything in a lucid manner.
You edited my post. I mentioned his pathological lying as being the symptom of his mental illness. That means you are proclaiming pathological lying to not be a mental illness or you are in denial of his pathological lying affliction.
I responded to the portion I wanted to respond to. I am denying your ability to see clearly.
You responded by evading addressing the substantive part of the post, that being that pathological lying is a mental disorder and our President is a pathological liar, thus, suffers from a mental disorder.
It really should be obvious that I don't agree with your conclusions. Let us know when he says you can keep your plan and save $2,500.
There is no excuse for editing a posters post to make a response. It is just dishonest of you and cowardly too. Deflecting to Obama to escape addressing Trump showing a clear symptom of a mental illness, pathological lying, is also dishonest.
You stupid bastard. I quoted the portion that proves you're a lunatic. You can't respond to anything in a lucid manner.
Don't blow a gasket Sally. You are easy to bait, deal with it.
I responded to the portion I wanted to respond to. I am denying your ability to see clearly.
You responded by evading addressing the substantive part of the post, that being that pathological lying is a mental disorder and our President is a pathological liar, thus, suffers from a mental disorder.
It really should be obvious that I don't agree with your conclusions. Let us know when he says you can keep your plan and save $2,500.
There is no excuse for editing a posters post to make a response. It is just dishonest of you and cowardly too. Deflecting to Obama to escape addressing Trump showing a clear symptom of a mental illness, pathological lying, is also dishonest.
You stupid bastard. I quoted the portion that proves you're a lunatic. You can't respond to anything in a lucid manner.
Don't blow a gasket Sally. You are easy to bait, deal with it.
You couldn't bait a rubber worm on a hook without ending up in ER.
Really just the fact that he brought folders in the meeting,

means he thinks Americans are really stupid. He does not have a blind trust. If he was Pres Obama the Pubs would have him in jail already, and you pubs would be cheering.
No one claimed it would be a blind trust, it's in a trust though and his sons will run the companies. He's going much further than he needs to though. The dims aren't educating you very well.

Oh crap he could foreclose on your home and you'd love him. He is a crook. the only thing he cares about is his pocketbook and those of his buddies.
Really just the fact that he brought folders in the meeting,

means he thinks Americans are really stupid. He does not have a blind trust. If he was Pres Obama the Pubs would have him in jail already, and you pubs would be cheering.
No one claimed it would be a blind trust, it's in a trust though and his sons will run the companies. He's going much further than he needs to though. The dims aren't educating you very well.

Oh crap he could foreclose on your home and you'd love him. He is a crook. the only thing he cares about is his pocketbook and those of his buddies.
My home was paid off long ago so it would be a challenge to foreclose on. You simply can't get it through your thick noggin that not everyone sees the world the same way you do.
In 5 years there will be a book of new york times best selling list called ' How Trump conned the United States of America '
In 5 years there will be a book of new york times best selling list called ' How Trump conned the United States of America '

No, that's happening now, with Obama.

We know what we're getting with Trump. He's been around, doing stuff, for a looong time.

Nobody even knew who Obama was before you retards forced him upon us. Well that won't happen twice.
Trump is the biggest effin fraud this country has ever elected. I don't ever want to be told by these fake fucking Americans how much of fraud Obama was ever again.
obama has been the biggest fraud ever to enter the white house, nobody, not even Trump is going to be able to take that title from him. Just look at all the fake dying in the streets until obama care saved the entire planet and saved us money too stories that keep popping up.

Tell us about Pres. Obamas fraud. I'd like to know?
Obama Care? Still waiting to see $2500 in savings.
I post it on a forum, make some comment that might (or might not) be relevant to the story then wait.
Others will read it and comment on it. in a very short time I get the full content with commentary.
That is called "trolling".
We all need to work and feel important.
Dont begrudge me my choices in life.
I don't begrudge trolls who throw stuff out there. But there is an unwritten rule that when you get into your teens you shouldn't do that anymore. Kinda like Halloween trick-or-treaters. If a kid looks like they are older than 12 they are not getting any candy.
I post it on a forum, make some comment that might (or might not) be relevant to the story then wait.
Others will read it and comment on it. in a very short time I get the full content with commentary.
That is called "trolling".
We all need to work and feel important.
Dont begrudge me my choices in life.
I don't begrudge trolls who throw stuff out there. But there is an unwritten rule that when you get into your teens you shouldn't do that anymore. Kinda like Halloween trick-or-treaters. If a kid looks like they are older than 12 they are not getting any candy.
at 58 I did pretty good this year, half a bag of candy a bottle of scotch and half a Bud Light.
Bud light spilled and got the candy wet but after drinking the scotch the wet candy was less of an issue.


See how the far left will create fake news and call it "fact"?
In 5 years there will be a book of new york times best selling list called ' How Trump conned the United States of America '
the should save time and put the How obama Conned the United States of America book with it as a package deal.
out of the last three, Bush, obama and Trump, I think that Bush is the only one that didnt actually con the country, As god is my witness I honestly think Bush had the countries best interest at heart, I just think he didnt realize what he was doing might not be as helpful as he was hoping. obama and Trump are both smart enough to know exactly what they are doing, they both know the results, or they know the most likely results from everything they do, did or will do. The downside for Trump is that both sides are on to this method of conning the citizens now, and both sides will be looking for it. Trump is going to have a hard time explaining things that he does, if he does what I almost expect to see. The democrats really should have run Bernie, I was seriously considering voting for Bernie had he been nominated. His wants would have never been met, congress would not have allowed it but to be fair, I could not find an instance of Bernie outright lying about anything and I would bet my last paycheck on the fact that he was not in it for personal gain. So he might not have got what he was hoping to accomplish, he would have most likely by pure accident started a turn around on the economy and the tension that has become so bad in this country.
He would have also given the psychedelic poster manufacturers and munchies manufacturers a boost as everyone turned back to the 70s for nostalgic reasons. I would have just had to learn to live with the smell of weed in the air everywhere I went.
I love it.
Folks, it does not get any better than this.
You edited my post. I mentioned his pathological lying as being the symptom of his mental illness. That means you are proclaiming pathological lying to not be a mental illness or you are in denial of his pathological lying affliction.
I responded to the portion I wanted to respond to. I am denying your ability to see clearly.
You responded by evading addressing the substantive part of the post, that being that pathological lying is a mental disorder and our President is a pathological liar, thus, suffers from a mental disorder.
It really should be obvious that I don't agree with your conclusions. Let us know when he says you can keep your plan and save $2,500.
There is no excuse for editing a posters post to make a response. It is just dishonest of you and cowardly too. Deflecting to Obama to escape addressing Trump showing a clear symptom of a mental illness, pathological lying, is also dishonest.

I feel the same way, but I was given clarification that is not against the rules unless a Mod feels it takes the entire quote out of context... so basically it is a case by case basis and puts every occurrence at a mad's discretion. Personally I think that is a poor rule, and that any time a poster quotes someone in a reply it should be the full quote... ALWAYS thus taking out ANY chance the quote can be taken out of context, and so that you never have to worry if the Mod you report possible abuse to has to make a decision on whether they "feel" it is a violation of the rule...

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