Trump family dynasty youngsters worried their latest acquisition (White House) in chaos hurts brand.

Bomb dropping and cruise missile firing is good for Trump kids financial planning.

Bannon wing opposition has been duly noted.

It's not America First it's Trump Dynasty first.
"Uninformed sources told this reporter..."

You don't believe lib-leaning nepotism is driving white nationalist lunatic Bannon away from daddy's ear?

Big Bannon devotee is concerned about it.
Steve King


@RealDonaldTrump Steve Bannon is the lynchpin to your energized base. Conservatives are an endangered species in your White House.

10:41 PM - 9 Apr 2017

And we know Ivanka convinced daddy to strike Syria and that pissed Ann Coulter off.

. “And yet, it’s a very hard explain the Syrian attack,” she continued. “And it’s certainly not a vital national security interest. We generally don’t, at least conservatives don’t, rushing around the world for humanitarian reasons. And for that region of the world, Assad is one of the better leaders. There are probably only one or two better than he. He’s not even like a Saddam Hussain murderous thug. He helped us after 9/11, giving us intelligence. It’s a very strange thing we’ve done here. And I feel like it’s such a departure from what Trump said on the campaign trail. And in 2013 on his Twitter feed.”

Ann Coulter: Trump's Syria Strike 'Very Strange' - Breitbart

You can pretend there is no chaos in the Trump family's latest and greatest major acquisition, but you cannot be a conservative.
"Uninformed sources told this reporter..."

You don't believe lib-leaning nepotism is driving white nationalist lunatic Bannon away from daddy's ear?

Big Bannon devotee is concerned about it.

Steve King


@RealDonaldTrump Steve Bannon is the lynchpin to your energized base. Conservatives are an endangered species in your White House.

10:41 PM - 9 Apr 2017

And we know Ivanka convinced daddy to strike Syria and that pissed Ann Coulter off.

. “And yet, it’s a very hard explain the Syrian attack,” she continued. “And it’s certainly not a vital national security interest. We generally don’t, at least conservatives don’t, rushing around the world for humanitarian reasons. And for that region of the world, Assad is one of the better leaders. There are probably only one or two better than he. He’s not even like a Saddam Hussain murderous thug. He helped us after 9/11, giving us intelligence. It’s a very strange thing we’ve done here. And I feel like it’s such a departure from what Trump said on the campaign trail. And in 2013 on his Twitter feed.”

Ann Coulter: Trump's Syria Strike 'Very Strange' - Breitbart

You can pretend there is no chaos in the Trump family's latest and greatest major acquisition, but you cannot be a conservative.
Libs can't process independent thoughts, they have no way to handle anything outside the collective hive mind. To them, people expressing different thoughts is either chaos or pure evil
CrusaderFrank, post: 17025582
Libs can't process independent thoughts, they have no way to handle anything outside the collective hive mind. To them, people expressing different thoughts is either chaos or pure evil

What 'independent thoughts' are you processing so well? The chaos exists and Trump demoted the non-family member and promotes the family member. Nepotism is not an independent thought. It could be said that Bannon's white nationalism is a valuable independent thought but what kind of deplorable human being would accept white nationalism as something this country needs.

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