Trump Flees Executive Order Signing Ceremony w/out Signing the Order

Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

It is painful for Trump to be in front of a camera with people who disagree with him, plus he didn't want to be asked about Flynn... I bet he will have a Florida campaign revival soon..

So you're inadvertently admitting the people behind the cameras, aka the media, are the opposition party.

Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

It is painful for Trump to be in front of a camera with people who disagree with him, plus he didn't want to be asked about Flynn... I bet he will have a Florida campaign revival soon..

So you're inadvertently admitting the people behind the cameras, aka the media, are the opposition party.


I just watched several white house you tubes last night, and everyone of the past press secretaries/ presidents expected the news people to question their every word..

Why should Trump have it any different?...I know he hates it but so did every past president..

Trump loves to get in front of an audience that loves him... He can not get past this Russia thing and I see him wearing down..look at his body language..

I bet that is why Ivanka is now at the white house because he is down and out...

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