Trump Flees Executive Order Signing Ceremony w/out Signing the Order

Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

Fake news.
Trump signed two executive orders yesterday on trade.
You're just a lying little shit.

Watch the video, and then feel free to reinsert your cranium into your ample posterior.

I watched the video. It's nothing but raw footage. You have no context because all it is is a snippet. It doesn't say anything. You can't even hear what they said, what came before, or after.
This is just an example of "Fill in the most negative dialog"

Trump returned and signed the orders. Its a fake bull shit story.

What part is "fake"? Nobody is denying he signed the EO...later, after he ran away from questions like they were stairs or Angela Merkel wanting to shake his hand.
Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

Fake news.
Trump signed two executive orders yesterday on trade.
You're just a lying little shit.

Watch the video, and then feel free to reinsert your cranium into your ample posterior.

I watched the video. It's nothing but raw footage. You have no context because all it is is a snippet. It doesn't say anything. You can't even hear what they said, what came before, or after.
This is just an example of "Fill in the most negative dialog"

Trump returned and signed the orders. Its a fake bull shit story.

Pence took him the order's and he signed them in a separate room away from the crowd.

You ever notice when he sits down or is sitting down at the conference table he always has to move a paper, water etc. just a little?

Yes, he's a narcissistic control freak...probably with some OCD thrown in for good measure.
Hopefully this HUGE NEWS will keep a few of you Snowflakes from hanging yourselves over the weekend.....we ain't anywhere near done torturing you yet.
I got a chuckle from the video but it was good natured. Let me put it this way, if Trump had any self-deprecation in him I would be laughing with him. My wife and I at our age are doing these sort of things quite often and we laugh at ourselves.
Why are media members continuing to be let into the White House at all?

Ummmm ... because they represent the public -- which owns the White House ?
No.....because the media is really Russian spies.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuch Schumer are Russian propagandists.
Hillary is a Russian spy.
Because of this....Trump should be impeached or resign and hand the White House over to Bernie Sanders.
No.....because the media is really Russian spies.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuch Schumer are Russian propagandists.
Hillary is a Russian spy.
Because of this....Trump should be impeached or resign and hand the White House over to Bernie Sanders.

You know your argument is really weak when you simply accuse the opposition of doing what your side is accused of.
Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

It is painful for Trump to be in front of a camera with people who disagree with him, plus he didn't want to be asked about Flynn... I bet he will have a Florida campaign revival soon..

So you're inadvertently admitting the people behind the cameras, aka the media, are the opposition party.


Of course the media is the 'opposition party. It is their job to question and dig and keep execs in line. I am reminded of a clip I saw years ago where Walter Cronkite was sitting at a kid's desk at a school answering the questions of 5th graders. One of the kids asked the age-old question we all ask sometimes..."How come the news is all bad?" He smiled (he had probably heard that a thousand times) and explained that it is the nature of the news business to not report all the kittens that didn't get lost today.
Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

OH NOES! Our president is human! Holy shit this is breaking news!

Correction: a human coward.

Whine more snowflake....WHY anyone keeps a fake news lover off ignore is beyond me...just clogs the forum up with whining.
Questions about Flynn chase the Cheeto out of the Oval Office without even signing the order.

Pence had to fetch it off the desk and run after him.

Too funny!

Weird: Trump Bolts the Oval Office Before Signing Executive Orders

Fake news.
Trump signed two executive orders yesterday on trade.
You're just a lying little shit.

Watch the video, and then feel free to reinsert your cranium into your ample posterior.

I watched the video. It's nothing but raw footage. You have no context because all it is is a snippet. It doesn't say anything. You can't even hear what they said, what came before, or after.
This is just an example of "Fill in the most negative dialog"

Trump returned and signed the orders. Its a fake bull shit story.

No, he sent Pence to get it, like a dog fetching his slippers, and signed it in private.

Here's a much better explanation than anything you lying fucks dreamed up.

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OH NOES! Our president is human! Holy shit this is breaking news!

Do you think it's senility? Like going to the bathroom, and forgetting to pull down your zipper first. Trump forgot what he went to the oval office for.

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