Trump gets a cuppa' with the Queen - Obama received a full state dinner watch trumpanzees: a) complain about Former President Obama's small mistake in protocol when meeting the Queen, and b) calling the Queen misogynist names......all at the same time.

How I wish Trump had made the same mistakes so the haters could lose their ever-loving minds and make themselves look painfully idiotic yet AGAIN. Kind of like how the OP has made a fool of himself considering the dinner he said England didn’t want to provide Trump happened before the Queen’s cuppa... Fake news, anyone?
92 Year Old Queen left standing for 15 minutes.

However it appears Mr Trump arrived exactly on time - and The Queen was simply ensuring the visit went as smoothly as possible.

Despite this, social media users assumed the worst and accused Mr Trump of running late.

One said: "You do not keep the Queen waiting."

Another blasted: "How dare he!"

However understands the president arrived when expected and The Queen, as ever, was simply ensuring her guest was greeted promptly.

Leftards so eager to seize every and any opportunity to slag off Trump, only to be wrong AGAIN!

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they’re misinformed and/or just as ignorant as you. Glad I was able to clear that up.
obama, being black, can be forgiven any faux pas. Like the queen's corgis, dogs aren't expected to know any different.

Racial slurs are really your cuppa' tea, aren't they?

I agree her comment was vile but you’re no better calling Melania a whore... I really hope you’re not outraged about Trump’s “misogynistic” behavior, cuz that’d make you a hypocrite. The far left is all for women’s rights... except for women who are married to men they don’t like—then fuck those slutty bitches am I right?
Sorry bout that,

1. Trump would have to lower himself to eat at the Queen's table, she wasn't going to let Trump rock her world.
2. Can't blame her really, she's a good ole gal.
3. Melania was second to none as far as Queen's go, out shined all the women folks,..again.....
4. So the Queen maneuvered Trump to a cup of tea, was her best choice.

100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





And where were they when the genuine murderous human rights abuser and despot Erdogan arrived for a state visit mere months ago?

That’s right.

Nowhere to be seen.

Leftard Hypocrites will be Leftard hypocrites.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

Who would you rather have at your state dinner?

A man wearing a Tux or a man wearing a "safety pin"?

I used to give you the benefit that you were mentally retarded and needed to be treated as such. These days I’m thinking you’re just an idiot with a retards mental capacity.
100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





A small percentage of a foreign country doesn’t like Trump. Clearly you think that’s significant but don’t seem to be able to articulate why.

You must be truly ignorant to think that all of the people who hold The Human Stain in disdain were the ones who turned up in the streets of London today.
Truly ignorant.


Donald Trump
    99th percentile

    3rd Public Figure of 2421 tracked

    3rd percentile

    2,223rd Public Figure of 2312 tracked

Compared to Barack Obama
    99th percentile

    15th Public Figure of 2421 tracked

    98th percentile

    31st Public Figure of 2312 tracked
YouGov | What the world thinks | Donald Trump (Public Figure)

You should let go of your hate. It’s not worth it
The only way Trump will ever get a crowd of 100,000 is if they are protesting against him.
BTW, is he still stuck on the fact that his inauguration was LESS than half of Obama's?


Seems to me that you are the one still obsessing about his inauguration

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

Who would you rather have at your state dinner?

A man wearing a Tux or a man wearing a "safety pin"?

There was no one wearing a safety pin there, freak.
You idiots get so worked up over Trump it's hilarious!

Have you considered those "idiots" are smarter, better educated and in touch with reality, and you're not smart, educated or in touch with reality?

Everyone has to question that at some point, but educated people in touch with reality don’t whine about every superficial thing or need to lie to support their positions
This thread is hilarious. White hot demonic hate from libs.

What’s hilarious and truly tragic is the lack of self awareness. They have such anger and hatred and yet they Delude themselves into thinking they are protesting or fighting hate.

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