Trump gets a cuppa' with the Queen - Obama received a full state dinner

100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





Weird......they were showing this crap right when I changed the channel.
I really don't care how effective communist propaganda is.
I look at these people and I can tell pretty much why they were so willfully ignorant to buy into this rubbish.

It reminded me of the silly nuke protesters in Germany when I was living there in the 80s.
They think it's cool to walk around carrying stupid signs and sipping beer.
Who cared that the United States was the only thing keeping the Soviet Union from sending tanks into the Fulda Gap and taking over FRG.
Trump had a formal state dinner last night! Was the Queen not there? Is that what you're saying? Everyone else was there.
He did?

Yes, state dinner last night.

But the Queen wasnt' there.

May held it

Melania Trump brings major glamour for black-tie dinner at Blenheim Palace
I loved Melania's gown.
Didn’t look trampy at all

No Melania looked very elegant, this is something that Leftists are devoid of Leftists always look out of place in the majority of Social Gatherings. They should stick to just appearing at Community Organising Events or whatever.
It is very easy to identify the labour side in parliament as they look like a rogues gallery of the great unwashed mentally retarded bitter bigots they are.

Same with the leftard protestors - they all look as though they haven’t bathed in a month and haven’t brushed their teeth during that time either.

Then of course there is the fact that when asked why they are protesting Trump, they are completely inarticulate because they can not justify their fake news sound bites at all.

And don’t forget the ‘the weather is too good to stay home’ brigade (interviewed today) and the drunk/drugged student body: ‘because Trumps ugly’ - cue uncontrollable drunk/drugged giggling (interviewed today).
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Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

I also remember the massive breech in edicate Obama did as well.

Obama Makes Etiquette Blunder As He Toasts the Queen - Jacqueline Whitmore

President Obama’s inexperience with royalty played out on the international stage on Tuesday as he made a breach of royalty protocol during the State Dinner at Buckingham Palace. Notice as he continues to toast Queen Elizabeth II as “God Save the Queen” (England’s National Anthem) plays in the background. To make matters worst, he forgets to drink after making his toast.

Royal Etiquette & Protocol Tips:
1. Do not pick up your glass before the Queen.
2. Do not talk over the orchestra.
3. Do not talk over the orchestra when playing “God Save the Queen,” (National Anthem).
4. The person who proposes the toast should drink. The person being toasted should not drink to himself or herself.​
Criminy, those royals have a lot of rules, don't they?
It’s just etiquette and good manners, not rocket science.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

Trump had a formal state dinner last night! Was the Queen not there? Is that what you're saying? Everyone else was there.

Sorry, you are wrong. It was not a state dinner.
It was just May, her husband, Orange Goon and the "I Don't Really Care" whore.
And all the top politicians and captains of industry.
Trump had to meet May in Chequers, England, then helicopter to Windsor, England to meet the Queen.
They didn't want to meet him in London because the streets were clogged with protesters!

The Donald did not want to SEE a horde of unwashed filthy Hippies SCREAMING like escaped mental patients. He prefer the refinement of Chequers and Windsor.
Exactly. Who would?
Holy hell.
And Trump has kept the Queen waiting!
She's still standing in the tent and he's not there yet.

92 Year Old Queen left standing for 15 minutes.

Shortest Tea I ever heard of. Trump finally showed at 10 after 5. Drove out less than an hour later.

I wondered if the Queen shoved him out the door. No cameras,except on the car leaving.
The Queen has to be in position first as she is the host - she is invariably left waiting in these scenarios - it’s not a ‘thing’ and is always done that way. The Queen is perfectly capable of standing - and she could have sat down if she wished until the last minute.

Tea with the Queen usually lasts 30 mins, never more than 45 minutes, so Trump was entertained for longer than is usual.

Photos are not usually taken during the tea, that would be considered vulgar, but before and/ or after instead.

Anything else I can help you with?
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Trump had to meet May in Chequers, England, then helicopter to Windsor, England to meet the Queen.
They didn't want to meet him in London because the streets were clogged with protesters!

The Donald did not want to SEE a horde of unwashed filthy Hippies SCREAMING like escaped mental patients. He prefer the refinement of Chequers and Windsor.

It wasn't his decision, dumbass. Theresa May didn't want 10 Downing Street to be a riot scene, nor did QE 2 want protestors crashing the gates of Buckingham Palace.
Keep trying.

The British Establishment did NOT want to let The Donald see the TOTAL EMBARRASSMENT of several hundred SCREAMING filthy Hippies and other losers, that crowd are an embarrassment to Britain, that is why May and Queen Elizabeth didn't want The Donald at 10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace, anyhow the Queen HATES Buckingham Palace she has always preferred Windsor Castle.
Windsor is her favourite place for private time when she can’t get to Balmoral.
It was an honour for Trump and Melania to be invited to tea there.
The queen likes the black president who besmirched the UK's colonialism and returned Churchill's bust, and hates the white president? :eusa_think::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL

Huge protests in London as Donald Trump visits, meets Queen Elizabeth II
Thousands protest Trump...Millions stay home in support.
There was actually a Pro Trump Procession planned but Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khan advised the police to severely restrict it, and then it was totally ignored by the lame stream media. Some democracy, huh?
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Holy hell.
And Trump has kept the Queen waiting!
She's still standing in the tent and he's not there yet.

That is one thing I've noticed about Trump, he's always a few minutes (or more) late for all his speeches/rallies. I often wonder if it is intentional, as a way to build anticipation. Or if he is just hard to herd.

He's probably one of those a-holes who think turning up late is a sign of power.
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL

Huge protests in London as Donald Trump visits, meets Queen Elizabeth II
Thousands protest Trump...Millions stay home in support.
There was actually a Pro Trump Procession planned but Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khan advised the police to severely restrict it, and them it was totally ignored by the lame stream media. Some democracy, huh?
Also, these thousands had to be bussed in from all over the country to make up the numbers. You know, the usual rent a mob crowd.
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100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





A small percentage of a foreign country doesn’t like Trump. Clearly you think that’s significant but don’t seem to be able to articulate why.

You must be truly ignorant to think that all of the people who hold The Human Stain in disdain were the ones who turned up in the streets of London today.
Truly ignorant.


Donald Trump
    99th percentile

    3rd Public Figure of 2421 tracked

    3rd percentile

    2,223rd Public Figure of 2312 tracked

Compared to Barack Obama
    99th percentile

    15th Public Figure of 2421 tracked

    98th percentile

    31st Public Figure of 2312 tracked
YouGov | What the world thinks | Donald Trump (Public Figure)
100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





A small percentage of a foreign country doesn’t like Trump. Clearly you think that’s significant but don’t seem to be able to articulate why.
All I see are three pictures and nothing confirming the actual number. Given the 2018 population of England is estimated to be 66,573,504 that doesn’t seem to be that big a deal
And as per usual, numbers originating from Leftards have to be a t least halved!
Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL

Huge protests in London as Donald Trump visits, meets Queen Elizabeth II
Thousands protest Trump...Millions stay home in support.
There was actually a Pro Trump Procession planned but Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khan advised the police to severely restrict it, and them it was totally ignored by the lame stream media. Some democracy, huh?
Also, these thousands had to bussed in from all over the country to make up the numbers. You know, the usual rent a mob crowd.

Yeah, the usual lame excuses with no proof.
You snowflakes are pathetic.

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