Trump gets a cuppa' with the Queen - Obama received a full state dinner

You idiots get so worked up over Trump it's hilarious!
Well you trump trolls think he’s not a vile disgusting piece of garbage.

So there ya go

The rest of the world and most of the country agrees with us. You should probabaly get over it

If Trump is a vile disgusting piece of garbage you would get along great with him
Trump is like most people from NY..... he was born a Democrat......then he grew up.

No, he grew greedy and after Trump University failed due to allegations and a subsequent lawsuit for fraud was slapped on his desk, he found a whole new bunch of rubes he could con, sucker.
That must be why Obama took his pay every month but Trump donates his to charity.
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You obsess about the most moronic and TOTALLY POINTLESS things, his hands, he's orange. WTF get a fucking life.

So what if his face is orange? John F Kennedy's face was also orange because of a sun lamp, sun lamps are now considered dangerous, so The Donald uses Man Tan, no different than the orange JFK. JFK was nearly ALWAYS orange, he spend MOST time in The White House he wasn't in The Bahamas or whatever getting a natural TAN, it was a sun lamp he was using to get orange, he was nearly orange 365 days a year INCLUDING in Winter months when there was NO sun in the sky to get a sun tan. If JFK had not have been assassinated then he probably would have ended up dying from skin cancer because of his over using a sun lamp.






Jacqueline Kennedy was NEVER orange, he was nearly ALWAYS orange:

Last edited:

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL

Huge protests in London as Donald Trump visits, meets Queen Elizabeth II

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL
Sacha Baron Cohen demands apology from Sarah Palin, as more victims come forward

Awful lot of butt hurt liberals in the world. LOL

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL

Huge protests in London as Donald Trump visits, meets Queen Elizabeth II
Thousands protest Trump...Millions stay home in support.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.


Isn't that the State dinner where obummer fucked up and committed the worst breach of protocol ever? Why yes, yes it is! Thanks for the reminder!

"Obama’s Breach of Royal Protocol
Published 25 May 2011 International Customs , Politics , Protocol 2 Comments
Tags: Buckingham Palace, etiquette, faux pas, Her Majesty, music, President Obama, protocol, Queen Elizabeth II, Royal Protocol, Scotch Guards, state visit, The Queen, USA
At last night’s state dinner held at Buckingham Palace, President Obama inadvertently broke Royal Protocol whilst he made the loyal toast to Her Majesty The Queen.

Click to watch the video from BBC News.

So, what went wrong? After calling for the guests to stand, Mr Obama said “To Her Majesty The Queen”. If he had stopped here, this would be correct(ish). In Britain, the loyal toast is just ‘The Queen’. There is no ‘to’ preposition.

What Mr. Obama needs to learn from this hiccough is that a toast is not a speech."

Obama’s Breach of Royal Protocol
Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You obsess about the most moronic and TOTALLY POINTLESS things, his hands, he's orange. WTF get a fucking life.

So what if his face is orange? John F Kennedy's face was also orange because of a sun lamp, sun lamps are now considered dangerous, so The Donald uses Man Tan, no different than the orange JFK. JFK was nearly ALWAYS orange, he spend MOST time in The White House he wasn't in The Bahamas or whatever getting a natural TAN, it was a sun lamp he was using to get orange, he was nearly orange 365 days a year INCLUDING in Winter months when there was NO sun in the sky to get a sun tan. If JFK had not have been assassinated then he probably would have ended up dying from skin cancer because of his over using a sun lamp.

Jacqueline Kennedy was NEVER orange, he was nearly ALWAYS orange:

That's not spray tan, idiot.
Kennedy was an avid sailor.

Who said there were only a hundred or so people protesting in London today?

TRUMP PROTEST LIVE: Police ARREST protestors as 100,000 pack London streets
TRUMP PROTEST LIVE: Police ARREST protestors as 100,000 pack London streets

"""The Capital was swallowed up in a gargantuan revolt by anti-Trump protesters with many fuming Britons bringing their young children along to the demonstrations that swarmed major landmarks while the controversial ‘Baby Trump’ blimp flew over the city.

Tempers soared in central London as protesters banged pans, waved flags and placards, chanted and screamed for Mr Trump and wife Melania leave in scenes not witnessed since the anti-Iraq War campaign.

The protest kicked-off at 11am at Parliament Square and will finish there at 5pm where a huge rally will also take place after demonstrators pass Portland Place, Oxford Circus, Whitehall and Piccadilly Circus with the huge blimp following the trail of rage."""
Bet the tea was good.
I've always wanted to try High Tea. Can't really imagine what watercress sandwiches taste like; cucumber sandwiches? Is that ALL that's in them?
And those tiny cakes and good pot of Earl Grey. I would like to try it all, once, delivered on one of those fancy tiered stands, at a table with a white tablecloth and very polite waiters.

Earl Grey is in general disgusting, Lady Grey is excellent though the Cornflower Lady Grey especially, there is a Russian Earl Grey that I like it combines Bergamot with Lemongrass, also I have had a nice French Earl Grey which combines Bergamot with Rose Petal. My choice of tea though is always Darjeeling or Assam because they taste of the TEA and not of the added flavours that an Earl Grey or a Lady Grey do, you cannot taste the TEA in the Greys.

Claridges is the second most superior for Afternoon Tea, it is in Mayfair and 90% of Leftists could not afford it, probably Claridges would think the Leftists were Homeless Peoples or whatever considering most Leftists look as if they need a wash. Also as Leftists are so vile to ANYONE who is NOT Leftist I see no reason why anyone has to be in any way even polite to most Leftists UNTIL Leftists stop all the nasty crap on ANYONE who is NOT a Leftist.

When in London we have frequently visited Claridges, also my Grandparents have had a Permanent Suite at Claridges since 1974, this they only use when they visit England for the Flat Racing approx twice a year each for several weeks.

The below is an image of the excellent Afternoon Tea they serve at Claridges of London, which I highly recommend.

The tea set is of Bernardaud Limoges porcelain china:


My very very favourite is Fortnum & Mason it's on Piccadilly, 90% of Leftists could not afford it, I love Fortnum & Mason not only the magnificent Afternoon Tea but I love it in general, they have a VERY VERY strict Dress Code no American Leftists allowed in there with jeans and Nike shoes and SCREAMING about The Slave Trade, Colonialism, Gays and Lesbos and why the majority of the Staff are not Black or Non-White or whatever etc.

The tea set is the Diamond Jubilee porcelain china:


Also kidlets love Fortnum & Mason:


Fortnum & Mason do not like Leftists, this is what dirty unwashed British Leftists think of Fortnum & Mason, anywhere on this planet we ONLY witness dirty Leftists doing the below vandalism, NOWHERE have we EVER seen Rightists do this:





Two hundreds of the dirty POS got arrested:

TUC anti-spending cuts protest: 200 arrested after 500k march against the cut | Daily Mail Online

Fortnum & Mason established in 1707, one of the greatest places in London, excellent Foie gras and Organic Smoked Salmon:


It has a very exquisite clock:



The two gentleman are Mr. Fortnum and Mr. Mason, the clock performance every hour on the hour is a ritual that has happened since 1964, unlike the building itself the clock has only been there since 1964 and so this ritual of Mr. Fortnum and Mr. Mason performing an inspection to observe that everything is to the high standard that William Fortnum and Hugh Mason expected at all times when they built their magnificent empire. It is exceptionally charming:

Tilly loves Fortnum & Mason I remember we discussed in a thread several years ago about Fortnum & Mason.

The Tea at Fortnum & Mason is the way I always pictured it.
Bet the tea was good.
I've always wanted to try High Tea. Can't really imagine what watercress sandwiches taste like; cucumber sandwiches? Is that ALL that's in them?
And those tiny cakes and good pot of Earl Grey. I would like to try it all, once, delivered on one of those fancy tiered stands, at a table with a white tablecloth and very polite waiters.

Earl Grey is in general disgusting, Lady Grey is excellent though the Cornflower Lady Grey especially, there is a Russian Earl Grey that I like it combines Bergamot with Lemongrass, also I have had a nice French Earl Grey which combines Bergamot with Rose Petal. My choice of tea though is always Darjeeling or Assam because they taste of the TEA and not of the added flavours that an Earl Grey or a Lady Grey do, you cannot taste the TEA in the Greys.

Claridges is the second most superior for Afternoon Tea, it is in Mayfair and 90% of Leftists could not afford it, probably Claridges would think the Leftists were Homeless Peoples or whatever considering most Leftists look as if they need a wash. Also as Leftists are so vile to ANYONE who is NOT Leftist I see no reason why anyone has to be in any way even polite to most Leftists UNTIL Leftists stop all the nasty crap on ANYONE who is NOT a Leftist.

When in London we have frequently visited Claridges, also my Grandparents have had a Permanent Suite at Claridges since 1974, this they only use when they visit England for the Flat Racing approx twice a year each for several weeks.

The below is an image of the excellent Afternoon Tea they serve at Claridges of London, which I highly recommend.

The tea set is of Bernardaud Limoges porcelain china:


My very very favourite is Fortnum & Mason it's on Piccadilly, 90% of Leftists could not afford it, I love Fortnum & Mason not only the magnificent Afternoon Tea but I love it in general, they have a VERY VERY strict Dress Code no American Leftists allowed in there with jeans and Nike shoes and SCREAMING about The Slave Trade, Colonialism, Gays and Lesbos and why the majority of the Staff are not Black or Non-White or whatever etc.

The tea set is the Diamond Jubilee porcelain china:


Also kidlets love Fortnum & Mason:


Fortnum & Mason do not like Leftists, this is what dirty unwashed British Leftists think of Fortnum & Mason, anywhere on this planet we ONLY witness dirty Leftists doing the below vandalism, NOWHERE have we EVER seen Rightists do this:





Two hundreds of the dirty POS got arrested:

TUC anti-spending cuts protest: 200 arrested after 500k march against the cut | Daily Mail Online

Fortnum & Mason established in 1707, one of the greatest places in London, excellent Foie gras and Organic Smoked Salmon:


It has a very exquisite clock:



The two gentleman are Mr. Fortnum and Mr. Mason, the clock performance every hour on the hour is a ritual that has happened since 1964, unlike the building itself the clock has only been there since 1964 and so this ritual of Mr. Fortnum and Mr. Mason performing an inspection to observe that everything is to the high standard that William Fortnum and Hugh Mason expected at all times when they built their magnificent empire. It is exceptionally charming:

Tilly loves Fortnum & Mason I remember we discussed in a thread several years ago about Fortnum & Mason.

Tilly's rich?
Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You obsess about the most moronic and TOTALLY POINTLESS things, his hands, he's orange. WTF get a fucking life.

So what if his face is orange? John F Kennedy's face was also orange because of a sun lamp, sun lamps are now considered dangerous, so The Donald uses Man Tan, no different than the orange JFK. JFK was nearly ALWAYS orange, he spend MOST time in The White House he wasn't in The Bahamas or whatever getting a natural TAN, it was a sun lamp he was using to get orange, he was nearly orange 365 days a year INCLUDING in Winter months when there was NO sun in the sky to get a sun tan. If JFK had not have been assassinated then he probably would have ended up dying from skin cancer because of his over using a sun lamp.






Jacqueline Kennedy was NEVER orange, he was nearly ALWAYS orange:

John Kennedy had Addison's disease and one of the byproducts of that illness is a darkening of the skin

Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease) | Disorders | Knowledge Base

Good try though.

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they didn't vote for Brexit.
67% SAY Trump is poor or terrible. LOL
Sacha Baron Cohen demands apology from Sarah Palin, as more victims come forward

Awful lot of butt hurt liberals in the world. LOL

Just like these guys musta' had a lot of butthurt, too, huh, idiot?
You can take your King Donald and shove it.

It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You obsess about the most moronic and TOTALLY POINTLESS things, his hands, he's orange. WTF get a fucking life.

So what if his face is orange? John F Kennedy's face was also orange because of a sun lamp, sun lamps are now considered dangerous, so The Donald uses Man Tan, no different than the orange JFK. JFK was nearly ALWAYS orange, he spend MOST time in The White House he wasn't in The Bahamas or whatever getting a natural TAN, it was a sun lamp he was using to get orange, he was nearly orange 365 days a year INCLUDING in Winter months when there was NO sun in the sky to get a sun tan. If JFK had not have been assassinated then he probably would have ended up dying from skin cancer because of his over using a sun lamp.






Jacqueline Kennedy was NEVER orange, he was nearly ALWAYS orange:

John Kennedy had Addison's disease and one of the byproducts of that illness is a darkening of the skin
View attachment 204541
Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease) | Disorders | Knowledge Base

Good try though.

Interesting! I thought it was from all that boating off Martha's Vineyard.
You idiots get so worked up over Trump it's hilarious!
Well you trump trolls think he’s not a vile disgusting piece of garbage.

So there ya go

The rest of the world and most of the country agrees with us. You should probabaly get over it

If Trump is a vile disgusting piece of garbage you would get along great with him
Trump is like most people from NY..... he was born a Democrat......then he grew up.

No, he grew greedy and after Trump University failed due to allegations and a subsequent lawsuit for fraud was slapped on his desk, he found a whole new bunch of rubes he could con, sucker.
That must be why Obama took his pay every month but Trump donates his to charity.
Which charity is that?
Trump had to meet May in Chequers, England, then helicopter to Windsor, England to meet the Queen.
They didn't want to meet him in London because the streets were clogged with protesters!

The Donald did not want to SEE a horde of unwashed filthy Hippies SCREAMING like escaped mental patients. He prefer the refinement of Chequers and Windsor.

It wasn't his decision, dumbass. Theresa May didn't want 10 Downing Street to be a riot scene, nor did QE 2 want protestors crashing the gates of Buckingham Palace.
Keep trying.

The British Establishment did NOT want to let The Donald see the TOTAL EMBARRASSMENT of several hundred SCREAMING filthy Hippies and other losers, that crowd are an embarrassment to Britain, that is why May and Queen Elizabeth didn't want The Donald at 10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace, anyhow the Queen HATES Buckingham Palace she has always preferred Windsor Castle.

Several hundred? "Screaming filthy hippies?" How old are you?
Bahahahahaha.......God, you're pathetic.

I'm 28, born 1990. No I'm not pathetic YOU are pathetic babbling like a total unhinged maniac about pointless things like The Donald having Man Tan etc.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

They knew if they didn't have dinner with him, they would be labeled a racist by you loons. The only reason obama was elected, is because he was black.

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