Trump gets a cuppa' with the Queen - Obama received a full state dinner

100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





A small percentage of a foreign country doesn’t like Trump. Clearly you think that’s significant but don’t seem to be able to articulate why.
All I see are three pictures and nothing confirming the actual number. Given the 2018 population of England is estimated to be 66,573,504 that doesn’t seem to be that big a deal
100,000! Whooooo-hooooo!





A small percentage of a foreign country doesn’t like Trump. Clearly you think that’s significant but don’t seem to be able to articulate why.

If you think THIS is entertaining how The Unhinged are reacting to The Donald in Britain, just wait until he meets Putin in Finland, they are going to be en masse having Grand Mal Seizures it'll be Comedy Gold, feel sorry though for the mods at this forum because they will have to be merging like 20 threads an hour or whatever.
Holy hell.
And Trump has kept the Queen waiting!
She's still standing in the tent and he's not there yet.

That is one thing I've noticed about Trump, he's always a few minutes (or more) late for all his speeches/rallies. I often wonder if it is intentional, as a way to build anticipation. Or if he is just hard to herd.
You don’t keep the queen waiting

If you are the POTUS, you can keep anyone waiting you want to.

We've pulled their asses out of the fire more than once.
You idiots get so worked up over Trump it's hilarious!
Well you trump trolls think he’s not a vile disgusting piece of garbage.

So there ya go

The rest of the world and most of the country agrees with us. You should probabaly get over it

Why don't you take over then ?

Oh...that's right. The rest of the country got tired of you pricks paying more attention to who is kissing the queens ass than America.

And they threw you out.

Suck on it.

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You obsess about the most moronic and TOTALLY POINTLESS things, his hands, he's orange. WTF get a fucking life.

So what if his face is orange? John F Kennedy's face was also orange because of a sun lamp, sun lamps are now considered dangerous, so The Donald uses Man Tan, no different than the orange JFK. JFK was nearly ALWAYS orange, he spend MOST time in The White House he wasn't in The Bahamas or whatever getting a natural TAN, it was a sun lamp he was using to get orange, he was nearly orange 365 days a year INCLUDING in Winter months when there was NO sun in the sky to get a sun tan. If JFK had not have been assassinated then he probably would have ended up dying from skin cancer because of his over using a sun lamp.

Jacqueline Kennedy was NEVER orange, he was nearly ALWAYS orange:

That's not spray tan, idiot.
Kennedy was an avid sailor.

View attachment 204539

So he was sailing 365 days a year?
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Nobody cares what you think, you are one of The Unhinged who obsesses about the size of The Donald's hands and him being Orange.

His face IS orange.
Here you can see the spray line on his face.
And yet not one right winger will acknowledge that Trump's narcissism is out of control.


You people are pathetic.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

They knew if they didn't have dinner with him, they would be labeled a racist by you loons. The only reason obama was elected, is because he was black.

It could have been worse Queen Elizabeth could have given the Obama's fried chicken, watermelon and Grape Drank :smoke:
Love all the sour grapes in this thread.....:71:

What sour grapes.

We won an election we were pretty sure we lost.

And we kept the senate.

Which gave us two SCOTUS picks.

You did none of those things.

Tell us again....who has the sour grapes.

Or was this thread really about something substantial ?

I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

They knew if they didn't have dinner with him, they would be labeled a racist by you loons. The only reason obama was elected, is because he was black.

It could have been worse Queen Elizabeth could have given the Obama's fried chicken, watermelon and Grape Drank :smoke:

Good to know that this country has people in it who care more about whose drinking wine with the queen of some island instead of why the country was going through such a pathetic recovery (that was taking so long).
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.


Cry all you want.

Your side WANTS to do the same things.

Only difference. The American people gave us the senate.

They didn't give you shit (unless, of course, you think Pelosi is shit...then they did give you some shit).

Never felt sorry for Queen Elizabeth until today.
No one else from the royal family to welcome the Orange Goon from Queens.

View attachment 204500

Unlike Obama's experience, white tie, full state dinner with champagne.

They knew if they didn't have dinner with him, they would be labeled a racist by you loons. The only reason obama was elected, is because he was black.

It could have been worse Queen Elizabeth could have given the Obama's fried chicken, watermelon and Grape Drank :smoke:
I heard that when they told obarry that he was gonna meet the queen his eyes glazed over and he nearly passed out, so that they had to get the whitehouse doctor immediately. Come to find out that obarry thought they were gonna take to all the upscale bathhouses in London where he could finally experience "the wrath of Khan!"
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.

Enjoy your tea....loser.

Along with these losers.

obama, being black, can be forgiven any faux pas. Like the queen's corgis, dogs aren't expected to know any different.

Racial slurs are really your cuppa' tea, aren't they?

You are Racist against Orange people.

Orange is not a race, it's a spray tan that Trump has shipped into the White House on palettes.
View attachment 204537

WaitingFor2020 desperately wants The Donald to grab his pussy or Mangina or whatever.
I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be as full of hate as you are

Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.

Can’t steal what was never yours
Wow, poor little you. Better skitter off to your safe space.

If Dean is full of hate and miserable, what does that say for all these Brits today in London?


It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.

Can’t steal what was never yours
Stole it.
It says they all look like they need a bath, hair washed and teeth brushed. Filthy Hippies.

You can see their teeth from here? And their hair?
You're really desperate, aren't you? Truly one of the needier ones on this board.

Needs what ?

A SCOTUS pick.

We have two.

You got zero.

Fuck off.
That's because you STOLE one.

Can’t steal what was never yours
Stole it.



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