Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

But I thought they loved Trump.

They never had any love for Trump. They always saw him as the spoiled child that he is. They love disrupting American society, and supporting Trump did that for them.

That's true. Now they are mocking him. Perhaps after Trump is removed from office they will bring him down financially.

And pigs will fly.

Good luck on that one and call me when Pelosi is sworn is as president.

Pigs are already flying and impersonating GOP lawmakers.
What does that tell you? If Trump was a Russian agent the Russians would keep it a secret. Why can't crazy angry lefties figure out how propaganda works? The intent of enemies of the United States is to disrupt the fabric of American society and interfere with the political process. Doesn't that point to the democrat party?
“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

So now we're trusting the Russians, when before they were the group that was going to destroy American democracy.... because... they are saying something you like, to try and destroy Trump.

This is hilarious to me. Putin must be laughing at the Kremlin right now, because he could actually buy off and pay Biden to run for office, and you'd support Putin's puppet, as long as they stopped Trump.

Putin has your heart and mind vicariously from Agent Orange's ownership.

If you say so. What are you going to do about it, given no one cares what you think about how we vote?

I will ask Nancy Pelosi to include you in her prayers. Pray, become whole again.

lol. So some pagan Democrat god is going to make me whole again? Are you sure they won't just make up that I raped some girl 40 years ago in a party no one remembers being at?
“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

So now we're trusting the Russians, when before they were the group that was going to destroy American democracy.... because... they are saying something you like, to try and destroy Trump.

This is hilarious to me. Putin must be laughing at the Kremlin right now, because he could actually buy off and pay Biden to run for office, and you'd support Putin's puppet, as long as they stopped Trump.

Putin has your heart and mind vicariously from Agent Orange's ownership.

Your tds butthurt keeps on giving.

Either you are an amateur proctologist or have tunnel vision.

Fake news, by real liar.

Your confession?
What does that tell you? If Trump was a Russian agent the Russians would keep it a secret. Why can't crazy angry lefties figure out how propaganda works? The intent of enemies of the United States is to disrupt the fabric of American society and interfere with the political process. Doesn't that point to the democrat party?

In the land of the blind the orange-haired man is king.
What does that tell you? If Trump was a Russian agent the Russians would keep it a secret. Why can't crazy angry lefties figure out how propaganda works? The intent of enemies of the United States is to disrupt the fabric of American society and interfere with the political process. Doesn't that point to the democrat party?

In the land of the blind the orange-haired man is king.
In the land of the perpetual liar, any progressive is.
What does that tell you? If Trump was a Russian agent the Russians would keep it a secret. Why can't crazy angry lefties figure out how propaganda works? The intent of enemies of the United States is to disrupt the fabric of American society and interfere with the political process. Doesn't that point to the democrat party?

In the land of the blind the orange-haired man is king.

In the land of the perpetual liar, any progressive is.

King? Are you an alumnus of Trump University, or did you drop out?
Russia wants a weak America and libs like you are giving them just that

Trump is giving them that with a bogus economy fueled by massive debt rises with debt rising at 2+ times GDP growth.

Trump has turned the weak-minded into a howling mob.
No one has been in control of the economy for the past 40 years

We sent industrial pollution to china to make the greenies happy

But we also closed our factories which were the driving force of the economy

Now we are a house of cards waiting to fall

The most rational way to encourage US manufacturing is to allow the US $ to fall and make US manufacturers more competitive.

However, this is not happening for a multitude of reasons.

The USA should tax foreign investment that does not directly contribute to productivity improvements. This would discourage such investment and cause the US$ to fall. However, people investing money in the USA from foreign sources have strong political influence. For example, Russian mob figures who purchased apartments with inflated prices from Agent Orange. Like the happy couple below.

What you are advocating is to lowerAmerican workers standard of living to the same as a chinese

Thats not acceptable

Not true. You have no facts to argue. Request another bag of nonsense from Donald Trump's ministry of propaganda.

You are not arguing facts bit instead only soewing your hate for donald trump

And revealing an addiction for cheap stuff made in china
“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.
The russians have been busy electing Borris



  • zyvuusnh2c441.jpg
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Trump is giving them that with a bogus economy fueled by massive debt rises with debt rising at 2+ times GDP growth.

Trump has turned the weak-minded into a howling mob.
No one has been in control of the economy for the past 40 years

We sent industrial pollution to china to make the greenies happy

But we also closed our factories which were the driving force of the economy

Now we are a house of cards waiting to fall

The most rational way to encourage US manufacturing is to allow the US $ to fall and make US manufacturers more competitive.

However, this is not happening for a multitude of reasons.

The USA should tax foreign investment that does not directly contribute to productivity improvements. This would discourage such investment and cause the US$ to fall. However, people investing money in the USA from foreign sources have strong political influence. For example, Russian mob figures who purchased apartments with inflated prices from Agent Orange. Like the happy couple below.

What you are advocating is to lowerAmerican workers standard of living to the same as a chinese

Thats not acceptable

Not true. You have no facts to argue. Request another bag of nonsense from Donald Trump's ministry of propaganda.

You are not arguing facts bit instead only soewing your hate for donald trump

And revealing an addiction for cheap stuff made in china

Please don't thank me.
“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.
The russians have been busy electing Borris

View attachment 295336

Disintegration of the EU would suit the Russians just fine.
But I thought they loved Trump.

not after he killed 250 of their soldiers.

pssst....Trump has not killed anyone. At least not that we know of.

Donald Trump has created a howling mob of political zombies.
"We got our f**** a***s beat, Yankees made their point": Russian mercenaries in Syria lament U.S. strikes

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Thanks for exemplifying the truth of the assertion "Donald Trump has created a howling mob of political zombies."

Your post has absolutely no basis in what you quoted.

Why don't you start a new thread instead of wasting peoples time trying to track your lack of logic.
“Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Is the 'backchannel' that Donald Trump was always seeking now been replaced by brazen debriefings of puppet Donald in the oval office?

The Russians appear to be openly and brazenly mocking Trump without fear of retribution.

"Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

Does that mean that the Russian mob will pull their financial support of Trump after he leaves office?

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

But I thought they loved Trump.

They never had any love for Trump. They always saw him as the spoiled child that he is. They love disrupting American society, and supporting Trump did that for them.

That's true. Now they are mocking him. Perhaps after Trump is removed from office they will bring him down financially.

And pigs will fly.

Good luck on that one and call me when Pelosi is sworn is as president.

Pigs are already flying and impersonating GOP lawmakers.

Pelosi was sworn in.

Dang...I missed it.

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