Trump Gets Smacked Down Again on DACA

We are talking about people who have been here since they were children and regard themselves as Americans. Terrorists ? Really ? What a joke.
A specious claim... what you are really talking about is open borders for all and hiding behind the above group for cover...not fooling anyone bro.
That makes no sense. DACA has nothing to do with boarder security. Those arriving now as children are not eligible for DACA.
You managed to regurgitate literally every myth about immigration and immigrants

Yay You! :rolleyes:
Now let's see you try to substantiate that - for ANY one of the items on the list. Or is hot air more your speed ?

1. Americans lose jobs - Wrong - You'll never find a US citizen who wants to bend over picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour

2. Wage reduction - Perhaps in the construction trades - that's about it. Fine and if necessary imprison the people who hire them

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare. Immigrants pay taxes on all purchases and stimulate the economy

6. Increased crime. Nay - immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US citizens Are undocumented immigrants less likely to commit crime?

7. Increased traffic congestion - Most newer immigrants do not own a motor vehicle

8. Increased pollution - See 7 ^ ^ ^

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs - Nay: Study: Illegal Immigration Doesn’t Cause Overuse Of Health Care

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities - Huh? Here in Boise we've taken in several thousand immigrants. I note ZERO difference at my gym or on our parks or playgrounds

11. Overcrowding in government offices - Nonsense

12. Overcrowding in schools - Our schools were already overcrowded. So pay teachers a decent wage and build more schools when necessary. Nothing is more important to the future of our country than education

14. Cultural erosion - Sorry .. cultural expansion through diversity

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc) - Oh Jesus :rolleyes-41:

16. Introduction of foreign diseases - Oh brother Are illegal immigrants bringing ‘tremendous’ disease across the border, as Trump says? Unlikely

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees") - There have been precisely ZERO terrorist acts committed by refugees

Fatal terror attacks by refugees in the US: Zero - CNN
The odds of a fatal refugee terror attack in U.S.? Tiny
Are refugees a source of terrorism or crime? A fact check of ongoing fears and rumors

STOP BEING AFRAID - You have more to fear from home grown, white, right wing extremism than you do immigrants

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
This is going to be very easy >>

1. Well, there isn't supposed to be any $7 bucks an hour. That's below the minimum wage. As for the strain of bending over >> guess ho wmuch strain these AMERICANS endure >>



2. Immigration lowers the wage of competing workers: a 10 percent increase in supply reduces wages by 3 to 4 percent.
Labor Demand Curve is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market * | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic

3. 4. 5. You presented no rebuttal.

6. Any increase in population (such as immigration) brings with it some (10% or more) criminal element. This result in more crime than would be without that immigration.

7. Any increase in population (such as immigration) brings with it some (10% or more) vehicle drivers. This result in more traffic than would be without that immigration.

8. Any increase in population (such as immigration) adds more pollution to the environment.

9. Illegal aliens using hospital ERs (and EMTALA) as a health system, has been well known for decades. Ho hum.

L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants

10. Here in Tampa, FL, you can forget fishing on the Gulf piers (especially on weekends) they are overcrowded with illegal aliens. Lines getting tangled all up and down the piers.

11. Overcrowding in government offices - FACT (especially in the welfare office, jammed with families of anchor babies)

12. Why should we build schools to accomodate people invading our country ?
The share of students in the U.S. who are immigrants or the children of immigrants has tripled in the past 30 years; in 1970, they were only 6.5 percent of the student body. Today, one in five students has at least one foreign-born parent. In California, almost half of the students starting school are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

As a result of this immigration-driven population growth, about 14 percent of schools exceed their capacity by six to 25 percent, and eight percent exceed it by more than 25 percent. To alleviate overcrowding, more than one-third of schools use portable classrooms, and one-fifth hold classes in temporary instructional space, such as cafeterias and gyms.

School Overcrowding | Federation for American Immigration Reform

13. No rebuttal.

14. Cultural expansion and diversity is cultural erosion. Taking way what it means to be a nation. Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

15. Overuse of scarce resources. You got a problem with this FACT ? It's quite simple. The more users you have of limited FINITE resources, the less of those resources you have to go around. Duh!

America has a water crisis no one is talking about

8 states running out of water

California isn’t the only state with water problems

16. It's been a well-known fact for years that immigrants (especially illegal ones) have been bringing foreign diseases into the US. Immigration-related DISEASES are numerous >> Entero Virus 68 brought in by Central American kids. Dengue fever, leprosy, Chagas, Tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, and even bubonic plague all making a comeback in the USA, thanks to internationalism and unrestrained immigration . And let’s not forget Ebola, which our ex-globalist president thought was OK to let into the country. This is the stuff liberal media OMITS routinely, to keep you ignorant.

Refugees Bringing Worldwide Diseases to U.S. | LifeZette

17. The 9-11 killers were all here on visas (most from Saudi Arabia). Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, the LAX shooter, was an immigrant from Egypt. One of the San Bernardino killers was from Pakistan. There are many more. I have a list in this forum somewhere. I'll try to dig it out. More info liberal media OMITTED. That's why you don't know.
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We are talking about people who have been here since they were children and regard themselves as Americans. Terrorists ? Really ? What a joke.
Doesn't matter what they regard themselves. They're here illegally by lawbreaking, and shouldn't be here imposing the harms of immigration in the long list.
Children broke the law when their parents brought them in? Why are you so hateful?
This made my day. The third Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration on DACA. And it was done so poetically

Another Federal Judge Rules Against Trump's Order To Cancel DACA | HuffPost

In September, President Donald Trump canceled the Obama-era DACA program, which shields undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as youths from deportation. But in a stinging rebuke of the Trump administration’s legal logic, U.S. District Judge John Bates described the program’s cancellation as “arbitrary and capricious because the Department [of Homeland Security] failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful.”

Neither the meager legal reasoning nor the assessment of litigation risk provided by DHS to support its rescission decision is sufficient to sustain termination of the DACA program,” Bates wrote in the opinion.

This ruling is different than the others:

The ruling has no immediate effect, and the decision to cancel DACA has already been stalled by a nationwide injunction. Bates’ ruling is unique, however, because it opens the possibility that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services might have to start accepting new DACA applications. The current injunctions only require the federal government to renew the applications of people who have already been approved for the program.
Yet we still have no resolution form the retarded left.
We have no leadership from the retarded president who precipitated this issue and who is holding the dreamers hostage for his idiotic wall.
The DACA's around here, (Brewster) tend to hang out on the streets all day, making the place look like garbage. (Even though it's supposed to be against the law for loitering, they appease them, and therefor it's "Cool".
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.
The DACA's around here, (Brewster) tend to hang out on the streets all day, making the place look like garbage. (Even though it's supposed to be against the law for loitering, they appease them, and therefor it's "Cool".
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
But you don't know. Of course. :rolleyes:

There's lots of different aged Guatemalans hanging out in Brewster, NY, not a lot of diversity, shapes, and sizes though.

Most Squatemalans , are short, and stout...

But, absolutely in a culture that hangs out on the streets daily, and with this culture which includes some DACA peoples.
How exactly could there be no DACA's hanging out?
Nope, He is a big guy and a marathon runner
The DACA's around here, (Brewster) tend to hang out on the streets all day, making the place look like garbage. (Even though it's supposed to be against the law for loitering, they appease them, and therefor it's "Cool".
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.

Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
This made my day. The third Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration on DACA. And it was done so poetically

Another Federal Judge Rules Against Trump's Order To Cancel DACA | HuffPost
So THIS makes your day ? >>>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees")
We are talking about people who have been here since they were children and regard themselves as Americans. Terrorists ? Really ? What a joke.
Then why do they still remain illegal? Really? What a joke.
The DACA's around here, (Brewster) tend to hang out on the streets all day, making the place look like garbage. (Even though it's supposed to be against the law for loitering, they appease them, and therefor it's "Cool".
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.

Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
Explain how you can keep coming up with this bigoted bovine excrement and have the nerve to post it as fact when, in the absence of documentation, is nothing more than a worthless opinion
Can you refute any of it??
I just did. Here's more >>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (ex. ISIS with "Syrian refugees")
The DACA's around here, (Brewster) tend to hang out on the streets all day, making the place look like garbage. (Even though it's supposed to be against the law for loitering, they appease them, and therefor it's "Cool".
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.

Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
Explain how you can keep coming up with this bigoted bovine excrement and have the nerve to post it as fact when, in the absence of documentation, is nothing more than a worthless opinion

Studies have confirmed that illegals take more out of the system, than they put into it.

Studies have confirmed that illegals undermine American wages.

To what degree they do so, is where the debate is.

But, none the less even if we legalize them they'll then shift onto more welfare, so still no benefit.

The fact of the matter is this is all to the detriment of the American masses, and the American working class, just to fatten the pockets of the elite Capitalists who reap profit off of their cheap labor.

So, how do Democrats champion themselves as supporting elite Capitalists, who gouge the American masses, and American workers?

What BS, no wonder why a lot of Union White Democrats have shifted towards Republican.

People like you are completely bonkers, and scare away as many Democrats, as you lure in Hispanic Democrat replacements...
Have you asked them if they applied for protection under DACA? I bet you haven't and won't.

There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.

Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
Explain how you can keep coming up with this bigoted bovine excrement and have the nerve to post it as fact when, in the absence of documentation, is nothing more than a worthless opinion

Studies have confirmed that illegals take more out of the system, than they put into it.

Studies have confirmed that illegals undermine American wages.

To what degree they do so, is where the debate is.

But, none the less even if we legalize them they'll then shift onto more welfare, so still no benefit.

The fact of the matter is this is all to the detriment of the American masses, and the American working class, just to fatten the pockets of the elite Capitalists who reap profit off of their cheap labor.

So, how do Democrats champion themselves as supporting elite Capitalists, who gouge the American masses, and American workers?

What BS, no wonder why a lot of Union White Democrats have shifted towards Republican.

People like you are completely bonkers, and scare away as many Democrats, as you lure in Hispanic Democrat replacements...
Show us the damned studies then. When I posted documentation to support my claim you called it leftist propaganda. But you think that you just make shit up and present it as fact. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy.
There's tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York that weren't there 25 years ago when the town had just about no Guatemalans.

Yes, absolutely the ones who hang out on the streets must include some DACA Guatemalans.
Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.

Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
Explain how you can keep coming up with this bigoted bovine excrement and have the nerve to post it as fact when, in the absence of documentation, is nothing more than a worthless opinion

Studies have confirmed that illegals take more out of the system, than they put into it.

Studies have confirmed that illegals undermine American wages.

To what degree they do so, is where the debate is.

But, none the less even if we legalize them they'll then shift onto more welfare, so still no benefit.

The fact of the matter is this is all to the detriment of the American masses, and the American working class, just to fatten the pockets of the elite Capitalists who reap profit off of their cheap labor.

So, how do Democrats champion themselves as supporting elite Capitalists, who gouge the American masses, and American workers?

What BS, no wonder why a lot of Union White Democrats have shifted towards Republican.

People like you are completely bonkers, and scare away as many Democrats, as you lure in Hispanic Democrat replacements...
Show us the damned studies then. When I posted documentation to support my claim you called it leftist propaganda. But you think that you just make shit up and present it as fact. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Deportation vs. the Cost of Letting Illegal Immigrants Stay

The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing at an unsustainable pace



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