Trump Gets Smacked Down Again on DACA

This made my day. The third Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration on DACA. And it was done so poetically

Another Federal Judge Rules Against Trump's Order To Cancel DACA | HuffPost
So THIS makes your day ? >>>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees")

Demoquacks don't know why they support anything, they've simply been told to support it. Mindless sheep
Point that finger back at yourself. :th_BlackHelicopter:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Deportation vs. the Cost of Letting Illegal Immigrants Stay

The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing at an unsustainable pace


Here is more on the "cost" of immigration. As Cornell U. concluded, it's complicated. It does not lend itself well to your dumbed down anti immigrant spin.

Selected excerpts with commentary

Here’s the problem with the current immigration debate: Neither side is revealing the whole picture. Trump might cite my work, but he overlooks my findings that the influx of immigrants can potentially be a net good for the nation, increasing the total wealth of the population. Clinton ignores the hard truth that not everyone benefits when immigrants arrive. For many Americans, the influx of immigrants hurts their prospects significantly.

So that is my first learning experience. It goes on….

When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent

Very interesting. At this point it seems that I’m making your case

Both low- and high-skilled natives are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip.

Humm ……, more damaging evidence against my pro – immigrant philosophy. Here is more:

But that’s only one side of the story. Somebody’s lower wage is always somebody else’s higher profit. In this case, immigration redistributes wealth from those who compete with immigrants to those who use immigrants—from the employee to the employer. And the additional profits are so large that the economic pie accruing to all natives actually grows. I estimate the current “immigration surplus”—the net increase in the total wealth of the native population—to be about$50 billion annually.

Maybe Trump might want to rethink his immigration policy since, by getting rid of them, he would be reversing this upward redistribution of wealth. But, I don’t think that he is really smart enough to have considered any of this..

Now, I’m not so sure about the veracity of this next passage

When we look at the overall value of immigration, there’s one more complicating factor: Immigrants receive government assistance at higher rates than natives. The higher cost of all the services provided to immigrants and the lower taxes they pay (because they have lower earnings) inevitably implies that on a year-to-year basis immigration creates a fiscal hole of at least $50 billion—a burden that falls on the native population.

If we are talking about the undocumented, I do not believe that they are receiving much at all in the any of taxpayer funded services. It goes on….
What does it all add up to? The fiscal burden offsets the gain from the $50 billion immigration surplus, so it’s not too farfetched to conclude that immigration has barely affected the total wealth of natives at all. Instead, it has changed how the pie is split, with the losers—the workers who compete with immigrants, many of those being low-skilled Americans—sending a roughly $500 billion check annually to the winners. Those winners are primarily their employers. And the immigrants themselves come out ahead, too. Put bluntly, immigration turns out to be just another income redistribution program.

So there you have it. It seems that Trump might unwittingly be helping some lower end American workers but there is the potential of harm to his rich friends. Very interesting. Too bad that this thread is not about immigration, but rather, Trumps mental defects. On the other hand, maybe this is just more proof that he is and idiot driven by impulse and animus with no real core values or intellectual curiosity

LOL, your own comment talks about how low skilled American workers especially Blacks, and Hispanics lose out in wages due to immigration.


Isn't that exactly against what Libturds like you are supposed to support?
Unlike you , I am honest in presenting all of the evidence and acknowledging that there is an upside and a downside. However, on balance, I believe that immigration is good for the country. And let's not forget that this thread is about the dreamers who cannot just be lumped in with other immigrants. To do so is a dishonest, hasty generalization fallacy.

Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.

Thanks for the links......

There are an estimated 1.4 million children and young adults in the United States who might benefit from President Obama’s announcement that the Department of Homeland Security would begin granting deferred action (and Employment Authorization Documents) to unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the United States as minors. For many of these young people, the United States is the only home they know and English is their first language. Each year, tens of thousands of them graduate from primary or secondary school, often at the top of their classes. They have the potential to be future doctors, nurses, teachers, and entrepreneurs, but their lack of legal status has prevented them from attending college or working legally. The President’s deferred action initiative will provide an opportunity for them to live up to their full potential and, in the process, make greater contributions to the U.S. economy.

These people sound AWESOME!!!

What right does America have to steal these talented people from their homeland?
Just for our benefit......sounds like modern imperialism.

We should send them home, immediately!!!
Explain how it's to our benefit for Guatemalans to undermine America's wages, cut American's out of work, put more kids into the school system, but pay far less into the tax system for that schooling, and that doesn't include how Guatemalans who get hurt, and whom are illegal get their ER visits paid for by the government using tax system money, that is paid for mostly by White America.
Explain how you can keep coming up with this bigoted bovine excrement and have the nerve to post it as fact when, in the absence of documentation, is nothing more than a worthless opinion

Studies have confirmed that illegals take more out of the system, than they put into it.

Studies have confirmed that illegals undermine American wages.

To what degree they do so, is where the debate is.

But, none the less even if we legalize them they'll then shift onto more welfare, so still no benefit.

The fact of the matter is this is all to the detriment of the American masses, and the American working class, just to fatten the pockets of the elite Capitalists who reap profit off of their cheap labor.

So, how do Democrats champion themselves as supporting elite Capitalists, who gouge the American masses, and American workers?

What BS, no wonder why a lot of Union White Democrats have shifted towards Republican.

People like you are completely bonkers, and scare away as many Democrats, as you lure in Hispanic Democrat replacements...
Show us the damned studies then. When I posted documentation to support my claim you called it leftist propaganda. But you think that you just make shit up and present it as fact. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Deportation vs. the Cost of Letting Illegal Immigrants Stay

The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing at an unsustainable pace


Here is more on the "cost" of immigration. As Cornell U. concluded, it's complicated. It does not lend itself well to your dumbed down anti immigrant spin.

Selected excerpts with commentary

Here’s the problem with the current immigration debate: Neither side is revealing the whole picture. Trump might cite my work, but he overlooks my findings that the influx of immigrants can potentially be a net good for the nation, increasing the total wealth of the population. Clinton ignores the hard truth that not everyone benefits when immigrants arrive. For many Americans, the influx of immigrants hurts their prospects significantly.

So that is my first learning experience. It goes on….

When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent

Very interesting. At this point it seems that I’m making your case

Both low- and high-skilled natives are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip.

Humm ……, more damaging evidence against my pro – immigrant philosophy. Here is more:

But that’s only one side of the story. Somebody’s lower wage is always somebody else’s higher profit. In this case, immigration redistributes wealth from those who compete with immigrants to those who use immigrants—from the employee to the employer. And the additional profits are so large that the economic pie accruing to all natives actually grows. I estimate the current “immigration surplus”—the net increase in the total wealth of the native population—to be about$50 billion annually.

Maybe Trump might want to rethink his immigration policy since, by getting rid of them, he would be reversing this upward redistribution of wealth. But, I don’t think that he is really smart enough to have considered any of this..

Now, I’m not so sure about the veracity of this next passage

When we look at the overall value of immigration, there’s one more complicating factor: Immigrants receive government assistance at higher rates than natives. The higher cost of all the services provided to immigrants and the lower taxes they pay (because they have lower earnings) inevitably implies that on a year-to-year basis immigration creates a fiscal hole of at least $50 billion—a burden that falls on the native population.

If we are talking about the undocumented, I do not believe that they are receiving much at all in the any of taxpayer funded services. It goes on….
What does it all add up to? The fiscal burden offsets the gain from the $50 billion immigration surplus, so it’s not too farfetched to conclude that immigration has barely affected the total wealth of natives at all. Instead, it has changed how the pie is split, with the losers—the workers who compete with immigrants, many of those being low-skilled Americans—sending a roughly $500 billion check annually to the winners. Those winners are primarily their employers. And the immigrants themselves come out ahead, too. Put bluntly, immigration turns out to be just another income redistribution program.

So there you have it. It seems that Trump might unwittingly be helping some lower end American workers but there is the potential of harm to his rich friends. Very interesting. Too bad that this thread is not about immigration, but rather, Trumps mental defects. On the other hand, maybe this is just more proof that he is and idiot driven by impulse and animus with no real core values or intellectual curiosity

Here’s the problem with the current immigration debate: Neither side is revealing the whole picture. Trump might cite my work, but he overlooks my findings that the influx of immigrants can potentially be a net good for the nation, increasing the total wealth of the population.

Sounds like we need more study.
First, let's boot 10 or 15 million illegal aliens.

Then we can see if we're doing better or worse.
If it looks like we need more immigrants, we can set up a system to
bring in the ones that we want to bring in. Not a bunch of illegal aliens
who just decided to break our laws.
We are talking about people who have been here since they were children and regard themselves as Americans. Terrorists ? Really ? What a joke.
Doesn't matter what they regard themselves. They're here illegally by lawbreaking, and shouldn't be here imposing the harms of immigration in the long list.

If a toddler is in the back seat of Dad's car and Dad robs a bank .. is the toddler a criminal?

Take that BS elsewhere
So dad goes to jail and the toddler does not. The DACA kids stay and their parents are deported. Fair enough.
You managed to regurgitate literally every myth about immigration and immigrants

Yay You! :rolleyes:
Now let's see you try to substantiate that - for ANY one of the items on the list. Or is hot air more your speed ?

1. Americans lose jobs - Wrong - You'll never find a US citizen who wants to bend over picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour. DOES IT TAKE 11 MILLION ILLEGALS TO PICK ?

2. Wage reduction - Perhaps in the construction trades - that's about it. Fine and if necessary imprison the people who hire them

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare. Immigrants pay taxes on all purchases and stimulate the economy

6. Increased crime. Nay - immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US citizens Are undocumented immigrants less likely to commit crime?

7. Increased traffic congestion - Most newer immigrants do not own a motor vehicle

8. Increased pollution - See 7 ^ ^ ^

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs - Nay: Study: Illegal Immigration Doesn’t Cause Overuse Of Health Care

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities - Huh? Here in Boise we've taken in several thousand immigrants. I note ZERO difference at my gym or on our parks or playgrounds

11. Overcrowding in government offices - Nonsense

12. Overcrowding in schools - Our schools were already overcrowded. So pay teachers a decent wage and build more schools when necessary. Nothing is more important to the future of our country than education

14. Cultural erosion - Sorry .. cultural expansion through diversity

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc) - Oh Jesus :rolleyes-41:

16. Introduction of foreign diseases - Oh brother Are illegal immigrants bringing ‘tremendous’ disease across the border, as Trump says? Unlikely

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees") - There have been precisely ZERO terrorist acts committed by refugees

Fatal terror attacks by refugees in the US: Zero - CNN
The odds of a fatal refugee terror attack in U.S.? Tiny
Are refugees a source of terrorism or crime? A fact check of ongoing fears and rumors

STOP BEING AFRAID - You have more to fear from home grown, white, right wing extremism than you do immigrants

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
We know they do in fact pay far less in taxes, but on the other hand having kids, and ER visits without health insurance are similar to America, if not more so.
How do they pay less taxes? Do you really think that there are a substantial number of employers who pay them under the table? There fact is that they have taxes deducted, but cannot claim a refund and must forgo many services as well. You are still posting unsubstantiated opinions

Do you really think that there are a substantial number of employers who pay them under the table?


There fact is that they have taxes deducted, but cannot claim a refund

Because they're committing identity fraud?
Here is more on the "cost" of immigration. As Cornell U. concluded, it's complicated. It does not lend itself well to your dumbed down anti immigrant spin.

Selected excerpts with commentary

So that is my first learning experience. It goes on….

Very interesting. At this point it seems that I’m making your case

Humm ……, more damaging evidence against my pro – immigrant philosophy. Here is more:

Maybe Trump might want to rethink his immigration policy since, by getting rid of them, he would be reversing this upward redistribution of wealth. But, I don’t think that he is really smart enough to have considered any of this..

Now, I’m not so sure about the veracity of this next passage

If we are talking about the undocumented, I do not believe that they are receiving much at all in the any of taxpayer funded services. It goes on….
So there you have it. It seems that Trump might unwittingly be helping some lower end American workers but there is the potential of harm to his rich friends. Very interesting. Too bad that this thread is not about immigration, but rather, Trumps mental defects. On the other hand, maybe this is just more proof that he is and idiot driven by impulse and animus with no real core values or intellectual curiosity

LOL, your own comment talks about how low skilled American workers especially Blacks, and Hispanics lose out in wages due to immigration.


Isn't that exactly against what Libturds like you are supposed to support?
Unlike you , I am honest in presenting all of the evidence and acknowledging that there is an upside and a downside. However, on balance, I believe that immigration is good for the country. And let's not forget that this thread is about the dreamers who cannot just be lumped in with other immigrants. To do so is a dishonest, hasty generalization fallacy.

Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
LOL, your own comment talks about how low skilled American workers especially Blacks, and Hispanics lose out in wages due to immigration.


Isn't that exactly against what Libturds like you are supposed to support?
Unlike you , I am honest in presenting all of the evidence and acknowledging that there is an upside and a downside. However, on balance, I believe that immigration is good for the country. And let's not forget that this thread is about the dreamers who cannot just be lumped in with other immigrants. To do so is a dishonest, hasty generalization fallacy.

Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?
Unlike you , I am honest in presenting all of the evidence and acknowledging that there is an upside and a downside. However, on balance, I believe that immigration is good for the country. And let's not forget that this thread is about the dreamers who cannot just be lumped in with other immigrants. To do so is a dishonest, hasty generalization fallacy.

Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.
So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
OH shit, OK.... NOTHING that I said indicated that I think that they are all innocent. NOTHING. Is it possible that you are so obtuse as to think otherwise? Apparently so.
As most Americans have learned by now, some federal judge's ruling is hardly a deciding factor.

But progs need something to claim as a victory, even though they've abandoned their once-precious DACA recipients to their own devices.

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