Trump Gets Smacked Down Again on DACA

So they are all innocent you say?

You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?
You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Even in Detroit which has a Police dept which is headed by a Black chief, and has Black majority of Police officers?

Yet, these Black Police in Detroit tell us the same story, that Detroit a major Black majority city has a major Black murder rate issue...
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Even in Detroit which has a Police dept which is headed by a Black chief, and has Black majority of Police officers?

Yet, these Black Police in Detroit tell us the same story, that Detroit a major Black majority city has a major Black murder rate issue...

Classic logical fallacy which are often employed by those who do not actually have an argument....on two counts.

1. it is a Non sequitur because you are ignoring my premise, that minorities are disproportionately targeted, with your observation that Detroit is disproportionately black. If the population is majority black, of course the crime rate will be skewed to black perpetrators

2. It is a Straw man fallacy in that you are assigning the argument - that black people do not commit crimes -to me , and argument that I did not make,.
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Even in Detroit which has a Police dept which is headed by a Black chief, and has Black majority of Police officers?

Yet, these Black Police in Detroit tell us the same story, that Detroit a major Black majority city has a major Black murder rate issue...

Classic logical fallacy which are often employed by those who do not actually have an argument....on two counts.

1. it is a Non sequitur because you are ignoring my premise, that minorities are disproportionately targeted, with your observation that Detroit is disproportionately black. If the population is majority black, of course the crime rate will be skewed to black perpetrators

2. It is a Straw man fallacy in that you are assigning the argument - that black people do not commit crimes -to me , and argument that I did not make,.

The Black dominated Detroit Police Dept are the ones recording the murder data.... Furthermore a lot of the victims of crime are gasp "Black" and identify Black criminals behind the attacks...

Nice try, though..
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Even in Detroit which has a Police dept which is headed by a Black chief, and has Black majority of Police officers?

Yet, these Black Police in Detroit tell us the same story, that Detroit a major Black majority city has a major Black murder rate issue...

Classic logical fallacy which are often employed by those who do not actually have an argument....on two counts.

1. it is a Non sequitur because you are ignoring my premise, that minorities are disproportionately targeted, with your observation that Detroit is disproportionately black. If the population is majority black, of course the crime rate will be skewed to black perpetrators

2. It is a Straw man fallacy in that you are assigning the argument - that black people do not commit crimes -to me , and argument that I did not make,.

The Black dominated Detroit Police Dept are the ones recording the murder data.... Furthermore a lot of the victims of crime are gasp "Black" and identify Black criminals behind the attacks...

Nice try, though..
You don't understand logical fallacies and the basic principles of debate, do you?
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Even in Detroit which has a Police dept which is headed by a Black chief, and has Black majority of Police officers?

Yet, these Black Police in Detroit tell us the same story, that Detroit a major Black majority city has a major Black murder rate issue...

Classic logical fallacy which are often employed by those who do not actually have an argument....on two counts.

1. it is a Non sequitur because you are ignoring my premise, that minorities are disproportionately targeted, with your observation that Detroit is disproportionately black. If the population is majority black, of course the crime rate will be skewed to black perpetrators

2. It is a Straw man fallacy in that you are assigning the argument - that black people do not commit crimes -to me , and argument that I did not make,.

The Black dominated Detroit Police Dept are the ones recording the murder data.... Furthermore a lot of the victims of crime are gasp "Black" and identify Black criminals behind the attacks...

Nice try, though..
You don't understand logical fallacies and the basic principles of debate, do you?
Aka liberal bullshit!
Do you really think that there are a substantial number of employers who pay them under the table?

prove it.

Stephen Goss, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, estimates that about 1.8 million immigrants were working with fake or stolen Social Security cards in 2010,

The Truth About Undocumented Immigrants and Taxes

Hmmmmmm........I guess that means all but 1.8 million were being paid under the table.
LOL, your own comment talks about how low skilled American workers especially Blacks, and Hispanics lose out in wages due to immigration.


Isn't that exactly against what Libturds like you are supposed to support?
Unlike you , I am honest in presenting all of the evidence and acknowledging that there is an upside and a downside. However, on balance, I believe that immigration is good for the country. And let's not forget that this thread is about the dreamers who cannot just be lumped in with other immigrants. To do so is a dishonest, hasty generalization fallacy.

Let's be honest? what?

I went to Brewster, Central Schools.. (The Village of Brewster has the #2 largest percentage of Guatemalans in the entire U.S.A)

Not only did the children of illegals get into our schools, they typically had to get more care, since not only did a lot of them not speak English, and thus needed extra teachers to teach them English, some were even barely literate in Spanish...

As for the fate of Brewster, they tend to overcrowd more than just schools...

The illegals of Brewster tend to overload many single men, or multiple families into houses designed for 1 family.... This puts pressures on the town sewage, the town water, and thus increased tax-base is needed.

But, here's the issue, these illegals tend to pay far less in taxes than the typical America, explain how that's to our benefit, exactly?
Why are you still blathering about "illegals in Brewster" when this discussion is supposed to be about the Dreamers who, as of this moment , are not illegal and represent a national issue. Oh, stupid question. The reason is that you can't actually justify deporting the dreamers so you fall back on the smokescreen of bitching about illegals, which, as I have pointed out, is a complicated issue that your bigoted talking points gloss over.
It is not bigoted to point out the fact that they make up nearly a third of the federal prison population.

That is a simple fact.

Statistically, if you are a victim of crime, the perpetrator will be between 25 and 30% here illegally, depending on where the crime took place in the nation.

We must make the distinction between legal, and illegal immigrant. Illegals make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, over 25%, yet make up only 8% of the general civilian population.
Except that the prison population does necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes and in fact is a function of who is charged, most vigorously prosecuted and given the harshest sentences.

Except that the prison population does[n't] necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes

You're right, the illegal aliens who fled the country after committing crimes aren't reflected
in the prison population.
hese people sound AWESOME!!!

What right does America have to steal these talented people from their homeland?
Just for our benefit......sounds like modern imperialism.

We should send them home, immediately!!!
That is in fact a bizarre twist. A twist that I seriously doubt that you believe.

There is no doubt, I seriously believe illegal aliens should all be sent home, immediately.
Except that the prison population does[n't] necessarily reflect the proportion of the population who actually commits the crimes

You're right, the illegal aliens who fled the country after committing crimes aren't reflected
in the prison population.
Like the one Trump married?

One who committed a crime?
Are you drunk already?
You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

Then you logic does not hold.

There is no way to explain the statistical anomaly of over 25% illegal aliens make up the prison population, yet having them only make up only 8% of the general population.

Your logic says, oh, well, they are "minorities" so they are "profiled" on it's face, as a prima facie argument this falls flat, b/c there are plenty, nay, numerous citizen minorities, that are both legal immigrants, and native born Americans that are minorities which also populate the prison industrial complex, however, they do not make up such a large percentage of the prison population as compared to the general population. By comparison, 13 percent of the general population is African American, and they make up 37 percent of the prison population. A multiple of only about two, not three. . . . So clearly your profiling argument cannot hold much water, for most would argue if any sector of the American public is profiled, it is the black community.


Minority status clearly has nothing to do with this.

This made my day. The third Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration on DACA. And it was done so poetically

Another Federal Judge Rules Against Trump's Order To Cancel DACA | HuffPost

In September, President Donald Trump canceled the Obama-era DACA program, which shields undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as youths from deportation. But in a stinging rebuke of the Trump administration’s legal logic, U.S. District Judge John Bates described the program’s cancellation as “arbitrary and capricious because the Department [of Homeland Security] failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful.”

Neither the meager legal reasoning nor the assessment of litigation risk provided by DHS to support its rescission decision is sufficient to sustain termination of the DACA program,” Bates wrote in the opinion.

This ruling is different than the others:

The ruling has no immediate effect, and the decision to cancel DACA has already been stalled by a nationwide injunction. Bates’ ruling is unique, however, because it opens the possibility that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services might have to start accepting new DACA applications. The current injunctions only require the federal government to renew the applications of people who have already been approved for the program.

And like the previous rulings, this one is an act of corruption and lawlessness.

Barack Obama himself admitted that he did not have the Constitutional authority to enact DACA by executive order, and yet he did so illegally. DACA has no legitimate legal force. Neither the President nor the courts have the power to override immigration laws duly enacted by Congress. President Obama acted criminally by issuing the executive order that put DACA into effect, and every judge who has ruled in support of DACA is also acting criminally.
This made my day. The third Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration on DACA. And it was done so poetically

Another Federal Judge Rules Against Trump's Order To Cancel DACA | HuffPost

In September, President Donald Trump canceled the Obama-era DACA program, which shields undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as youths from deportation. But in a stinging rebuke of the Trump administration’s legal logic, U.S. District Judge John Bates described the program’s cancellation as “arbitrary and capricious because the Department [of Homeland Security] failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful.”

Neither the meager legal reasoning nor the assessment of litigation risk provided by DHS to support its rescission decision is sufficient to sustain termination of the DACA program,” Bates wrote in the opinion.

This ruling is different than the others:

The ruling has no immediate effect, and the decision to cancel DACA has already been stalled by a nationwide injunction. Bates’ ruling is unique, however, because it opens the possibility that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services might have to start accepting new DACA applications. The current injunctions only require the federal government to renew the applications of people who have already been approved for the program.

And like the previous rulings, this one is an act of corruption and lawlessness.

Barack Obama himself admitted that he did not have the Constitutional authority to enact DACA by executive order, and yet he did so illegally. DACA has no legitimate legal force. Neither the President nor the courts have the power to override immigration laws duly enacted by Congress. President Obama acted criminally by issuing the executive order that put DACA into effect, and every judge who has ruled in support of DACA is also acting criminally.
n September, President Donald Trump canceled the Obama-era DACA program, which shields undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as youths from deportation. But in a stinging rebuke of the Trump administration’s legal logic, U.S. District Judge John Bates described the program’s cancellation as “arbitrary and capricious because the Department [of Homeland Security] failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful.”

It's an issue of not addressing the subject matter correctly...Law is an art not a science, the use of words is very important in stating a case and asking for remedy along with an explanation as to why the case is in court in the first place. It can be filed again...
You have a strange way of interpreting the written word. What middle school grade did you drop out of?
What did I mis interpret?
If I have to spell it out for you, it is hopeless
Translated to mean you cannot in fact spell it out.
What I think he is saying is that illegal aliens are picked on. If they were citizens and criminals, the justice system would just let them go.

SJW talk for "Citizen Privilege?"

Wrong, I am saying that minorities, including legal resident and citizens are disproportionally arrested, prosecuted, and given the harsher sentences. Got it?

You might be able to make that argument for members of the black community who have known prior records, but with no supporting data, it sounds like a specious claim.

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