Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number in Televised Speech

Nothing would please me more than to see Donald Trump investigated by the Department of Homeland Security over this. Compromising Senators is wrong and I hope he understands why.
Not going to happen.
The fact is Lindsey Graham is well placed to make complaints if he sees fit, so you don't know if it will happen or not. One thing we've learned is Commander Combover can't keep a secret and that does not bode well for a President of the United States.
It shows Trump to is a dick

This is the man who wants to be leader of the free world

Well, I guess that says a lot about freedom. I guess I now know why the communists and the arrogant socialists want to take it away. :cool-45:

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Did Lin's pool boy answer the incoming calls?

Seriously though, this is something a 10 year-old child would do. Pretty much what every nutter on here would do.
In the old days we had things called directory assistance. I guess the operators back then should've all been condemned. :lmao:
Nothing would please me more than to see Donald Trump investigated by the Department of Homeland Security over this. Compromising Senators is wrong and I hope he understands why.
Not going to happen.
The fact is Lindsey Graham is well placed to make complaints if he sees fit, so you don't know if it will happen or not. One thing we've learned is Commander Combover can't keep a secret and that does not bode well for a President of the United States.
It shows Trump to is a dick

This is the man who wants to be leader of the free world
He should be leader of the free world. He has a spine and doesn't take shit off nobody.

He should be leader of The Apprentice.

With his mouth, and lack of responsibility, we would be at war on at least 5 fronts.

He would need to draft men, and women, in their 60s to cover troop necessary requirements.

I don't want Cruz in the WH for the same reason.
I do not like Ted Cruz, but I give him a lot of credit for not slandering or smearing any of his fellow candidates for President. He is constantly being baited by the press to respond in kind, but he steadfastly refuses.

Trump shows every day just how little class Trump has. Trump is why blue bloods hate the nouveau riche.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Seriously, this guy has absolutely no interest in the presidency.
That's because he wants to be king.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.
Any examples? Try to keep a record. When you find one, promise me you'll let me know.

90% of your posts, pick one.
90% and you couldn't pick a single one? How does that make you look? Think about it.
Nothing would please me more than to see Donald Trump investigated by the Department of Homeland Security over this. Compromising Senators is wrong and I hope he understands why.
Not going to happen.
The fact is Lindsey Graham is well placed to make complaints if he sees fit, so you don't know if it will happen or not. One thing we've learned is Commander Combover can't keep a secret and that does not bode well for a President of the United States.
It shows Trump to is a dick

This is the man who wants to be leader of the free world

Well, I guess that says a lot about freedom. I guess I now know why the communists and the arrogant socialists want to take it away. :cool-45:
Nothing would please me more than to see Donald Trump investigated by the Department of Homeland Security over this. Compromising Senators is wrong and I hope he understands why.
Not going to happen.
The fact is Lindsey Graham is well placed to make complaints if he sees fit, so you don't know if it will happen or not. One thing we've learned is Commander Combover can't keep a secret and that does not bode well for a President of the United States.
It shows Trump to is a dick

This is the man who wants to be leader of the free world

Well, I guess that says a lot about freedom. I guess I now know why the communists and the arrogant socialists want to take it away. :cool-45:

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

This is an excellent example of why Donald Trump is not presidential material. Trump has displayed that he cannot be trusted and that he has no self control. A president has to be able to earn trust and Trump has shown he's incapable of doing so. He has to be cautious in his use of words and Trump is incapable of doing that also. The president has to represent all the people and Trump is incapable of that also. Trump needs to grow up, he's making a mockery out of himself and the nomination process. The polls that have him leading only gather responses from Republicans and right wing leaning Independents. That says a lot about America's right wing, it reflects how extreme it's truly become.
Only now you found an example?
He is a bully...and he is into intimidation...and the Republican who takes him on most effectively is likely to win the nomination.

But, thanks to Trump, the issues will be openly debated without the fetters that the Political Correctness Police...Democrats...use to suppress free and open discussion of the issues.

My money, right now is on a darkhorse...Carly Fiorina...she and Trump have the most guts of the bunch, and she has better judgment.

I say she is at least Vice President.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.

If trump is stupid enough and has no sense of privacy or keeping a secret, what secrets would he tell putin or terrorists about America?

If trump is going to stab a fellow republican in the back that way, how will he stab America in the back?

You don't seem to have any capability of thinking past your own selfish wants.

You haven't the slightest idea of what my wants are. In fact if you respond to this with what you think my wants are I guarantee you would be wrong. Graham is a spineless, worthless RINO. I say good job Donald.

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