Trump going from Win to Win to Win

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Trump has grabbed YOU by your PUSSY and can bring you to orgasm any time he wishes!
So you guys like pictures, eh?

Here's Trump going from win to win to win:


Elect me! The world will be afraid of me!



What the hell was that?!?


That was my way of showing you how unafraid we are of you.



What the hell was that?!?


I just thought you should hear it in stereo.


Mein Fuhrer, we need to respond.


Yes, I will have the lobster bisque, and my date Abe will have the tuna roll.


I just got wasted with Rick the nuclear codes guy!



What the hell was that?!?


I’m violating a treaty with you, comrade.


You see this? THIS IS MY HARD FACE!


And I am officially putting the Axis of Evil on notice…


…that I am leaving.


I am already tired of winning.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?

Day 1: The Signing of ObamaCare


O no he di'int!


Trow da bahstahds out!


We're going to put on some theater for the rubes and repeal ObamaCare, knowing it will be stopped in the Senate and by Obama.


Time travel forward five years...


ObamaCare is repealed for the 60th time!



The rubes never get tired of this shit!


Time travel forward one year...


Trump and the GOP win! Now we can REALLY repeal ObamaCare!!!


I can't REALLY repeal the ACA. That was just a ruse to win the election!


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?

Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
Holy shit is that hilarious. When Obamacare was passed, the Dumbocrats had complete and total control over the federal government. The Republicans couldn't block any legislation.

So...uh....why does Obamacare need "fixes"? You just admitted that the Dumbocrats were incompetent and passed failed legislation.


Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
Holy shit is that hilarious. When Obamacare was passed, the Dumbocrats had complete and total control over the federal government. The Republicans couldn't block any legislation.

So...uh....why does Obamacare need "fixes"? You just admitted that the Dumbocrats were incompetent and passed failed legislation.

Even The Constitution needed amendments.
Are you saying that The Constitution is a failure?
Even The Constitution needed amendments. Are you saying that The Constitution is a failure?
No it didnt. Not during the founders time. It only needed amendments many years later in new eras.

Obamacare needed "fixes" about 4 hours after it was passed. :lmao:

Let me know if you have any other desperate arguments would you like to attempt.

(Psst...I'm going to try to spare you the embarrassment now. Don't even pitifully attempt to claim that the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, etc. were during the founders time - it will make you look really stupid if you do).

Legislation signed
  • April 19, 2017—President Trump signed an extension of the Veterans Choice Act of 2014, which allowed veterans to seek medical care outside the VA system due to serious VA problems.[4][5]
  • June 2, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law giving preference in federal grants to "federal and state law enforcement agencies that hire and train veterans".[6]
  • June 23, 2017—President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act into law (Trump described the law as "one of the largest reforms to the VA in its history"[7]), which expanded protections for VA whistleblowers, gave the VA the authority to end bonuses to convicted employees, made quicker and easier the process for firing, suspending, and demoting employees.[8]
Executive actions
  • April 27, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order creating an office in the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate obstacles preventing the VA from firing incompetent employees, and to protect those who reveal cases of incompetence in the department.[9]
  • June 5, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would adopt the same medical records system as the Defense Department in order to bring better care for veterans.[10][11]
  • July 7, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs made public its disciplinary actions against its employees,[12] and it reported that day having fired over 500 employees since January 2017 and suspending nearly 200.[13]
This is just one area of cleaning up the mess of the VA.............The VA is cleaning house........Vouchers continue until the problem is resolved.......and up to 70 Senior Managers have been fired for INCOMPETENCE....................

YOU’RE FIRED! Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct

Five hundred and forty-eight Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employees have been terminated since President Donald Trump took office, indicating that his campaign pledge to clean up “probably the most incompetently run agency in the United States” by relentlessly putting his TV catch phrase “you’re fired” into action was more than just empty rhetoric.

Another 200 VA workers were suspended and 33 demoted, according to data newly published by the department as part of VA Secretary David Shulkin’s commitment to greater transparency. Those disciplined include 22 senior leaders, more than 70 nurses, 14 police officers, and 25 physicians.

Also disciplined were a program analyst dealing with the Government Accountability Office, which audits the department, a public affairs specialist, a chief of police and a chief of surgery.

Many housekeeping aides and food service workers — lower-level jobs in which the department has employed felons and convicted sex offenders — were also fired.

VA Chief Wants Power To Speed Up Firing Bad Employees

The Law he signed in June to make it easier to Fire incompetent VA employees.

Travel Ban.

The Left said he had no authority to do so...........While lower courts said he could not do so...........the Supremes said he had that authority. They did limit the decision to those who have family members here, but HE WON in the SCOTUS decision.

A reversal of the Obama doctrine...........poor poor Obama.

What the Supreme Court’s travel ban ruling means

They said the same standard would apply to refugees wanting to come to the country, and those with U.S. connections would effectively be exempt from the 50,000-refugee cap the ban sought to impose.

The END OF CATCH AND RELEASE another Obama doctrine............

DHS secretary orders immigration agent hiring surge, end to 'catch-and-release'

A DHS official said the agencies are “going back to our traditional roots” on enforcement.

The memos cover a sprawling set of initiatives including:

  • Prioritizing criminal illegal immigrants and others for deportation, including those convicted or charged with “any criminal offense,” or who have “abused” any public welfare program
  • Expanding the 287(g) program, which allows participating local officers to act as immigration agents – and had been rolled back under the Obama administration
  • Starting the planning, design and construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall
  • Hiring 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and officers
  • Hiring 5,000 Border Patrol agents
  • Ending “catch-and-release” policies under which illegal immigrants subject to deportation potentially are allowed to “abscond” and fail to appear at removal hearings
Our beloved Pres, Trump is systematically dismantling the Democrat party on a daily basis.

And there is nothing the loony liberals can do to stop him. ..... :thup: .. :cool:

So, if after 8 years the Democratic Party is still there, it'll be a lose for Trump then?
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