Trump Has Consistently Claimed That Our Elections Are Rigged. Well Except For That ONE Time ...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
...when he was deemed to have won it, right?

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds. I went looking for this video segment because I wanted a confirmation that I am remembering things correctly. I wanted to assure myself that Trump indeed claimed to anybody and everyone who would listen, that the U.S. elections are "rigged." What I wasn't expecting was him claiming that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be ALLOWED to run for President. Wanna guess why? Let me put it this way, he implied stated that she is a criminal.

Someone should play this clip for him. Every day. From now until the final vote is counted:

...when he was deemed to have won it, right?

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds. I went looking for this video segment because I wanted a confirmation that I am remembering things correctly. I wanted to assure myself that Trump indeed claimed to anybody and everyone who would listen, that the U.S. elections are "rigged." What I wasn't expecting was him claiming that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be ALLOWED to run for President. Wanna guess why? Let me put it this way, he implied stated that she is a criminal.

Someone should play this clip for him. Every day. From now until the final vote is counted:

This guy is a convicted felon who has been allowed to run. I wonder if any of his supporters see the irony.

Of course, they don't. They wouldn't be MAGA retards, if they did.
Stupid coclicker, they had no flood of bogus mail in ballots to un-monitored drop boxes in 2016. And as the guy above said they got caught believing the dirty Media you dumb OX.
...when he was deemed to have won it, right?

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds. I went looking for this video segment because I wanted a confirmation that I am remembering things correctly. I wanted to assure myself that Trump indeed claimed to anybody and everyone who would listen, that the U.S. elections are "rigged." What I wasn't expecting was him claiming that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be ALLOWED to run for President. Wanna guess why? Let me put it this way, he implied stated that she is a criminal.

Someone should play this clip for him. Every day. From now until the final vote is counted:

How many times did Hillary call Trump an "illegitimate President"? 100 times? Who pushed that retarded Russian Collusion Fantasy AND STILL DOES? Hillary.
The polling for Hillary showed an overwhelming victory, so the Democrats saw no need to tip the scales.
Your comment doesn't make sense. If the elections are rigged then the rigged elections are how Trump got into office. In other words, he cheated right?

Unless he wants to claim that the elections are NOT rigged and he won fairly & squarely (even though Hillary won the popular vote) and by extension LOST fairly & squarely in the subsequent 2020 election.

And if he loses in 2024 (God willing) then he will have lost fairly & squarely right? And if he wins, then he will have only won because the elections are rigged, just as he stated they are.

Does any of this make sense to you? The elections are ONLY rigged when he loses and NOT rigged when he wins?

If you don't agree then please tell us how to resolve this paradox.
How many times did Hillary call Trump an "illegitimate President"? 100 times? Who pushed that retarded Russian Collusion Fantasy AND STILL DOES? Hillary.
You don't see the irony in trump calling Hillary a criminal when she has not been convicted of a crime, yet today, in the year 2024, he's running with how many felony convictions? 34 in just one case?

And for the record, I did not vote for Hillary. I personally thought the timing on the investigation into her personal email server was suspect, but considering who she is and the positions within our federal government she's held, it is not plausible that she didn't know (meaning she's incompetent) or she did know (intentional at worse, negligent at best) that what she was doing was a violation of the law and had the potential and in fact did cause some producible documents to be "unavailable" in response to FOIA requests as well as requests via subpoenas duces tecum.

I've contracted for the federal government and I know better and had to sign a slew of paperwork attesting to the fact that I knew and understood the laws surrounding the data I was working with, so there is no friggin way that she, with her career in government & politics, was clueless about any of this.

I also saw video of her barely concealable distaste towards some young Black people who were trying to approach her and her use of the term "super predators" in reference to Black Americans.

So before you jump down my throat about your belief in my support of Clinton, know that while I didn't vote for Trump, neither did I vote for his opponent.

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