Is it too late to replace JD Vance on the ballot? The question needs to be asked again.

Do you favor allowing minor boys taking puberty blockers and pretending he's a girl?
Not a question I have ever had to consider, but only a hateful ass would try to impose his personal opinion over that of the parents and their doctors. I thought MAGAs were for personal freedom.

JD is a liability. And with trump's dismal performance last night, maybe the GOP needs to get a stronger candidate?.

well JD is like trump and if having two idiots saying the same thing is a liability then I would say it is to late

There is a reason Trump chose this guy because he is the good solders who mimics his boss

It got Trump elected and then he lost. Now this is the litmus test. Does shit actually stick to the wall and for how long

it is my opinion that people can only put up with so much and then they decide that another election will happen in 4 years. Nap time and maybe it just a bad dream.

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