Massive Debate Backlash for ABC and Kamala

So this abortion would only happen if the womans mental and physical health would be affected.

A lot of stuff is left out relative to conditions that would create a situation whereby an abortion would be warranted. We do not see any doctors in this video.

Now you can try making this disingenuous argument but then when the baby is born, Republicans want to deny everything it needs to live.

Because that's not the governments responsibility according to you right wingers. And yet you don't see ths belief as deprved.
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Trump got beat so bad that his followers are desperately trying to find ONE thing he said that might be right.
Go fck off, fake ass

Absolutely nobody should agree with killing any innocent. Just STFU and stop your silly pretend game

You guys don't mind innocents getting decapitated by AR15's

Keep looking at my picture every day and believing I'm fake. I'm fine with that.

But you realy need to asses your mental condition when you believe some shit said by a person who was banned for being a sock.
You guys don't mind innocents getting decapitated by AR15's

Keep looking at my picture every day and believing I'm fake. I'm fine with that.

But you realy need to asses your mental condition when you believe some shit said by a person who was banned for being a sock.

I think I said fck off, fake
Don’t you guys ever tire of being Crybaby Losers

Can you ever admit that bad things happen to Trump because he fucked up?
But no…..everything is fixed, it wasn’t fair, they cheated.
Not Trump, he's superman.


The punk has never done anything physical in his life, but he's the ultimate man according to his worshippers. I would have loved to see him across from me on a rugby field when I was younger.
I think I said fck off, fake
No one GAF what you say. You can't prove I'm fake because I'm not. Look to your left, you see a picture of a black man. The sock told you I was white. You believed a real sock telling you I was the sock. Becuse you're stupid.
No one GAF what you say. You can't prove I'm fake because I'm not. Look to your eft, you see a picture of a back man. The sock told you I was white. You believed a real sock telling you I was the sock. Becuse you're stupid.

I said fck off fake.

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