Trump Has Difficulty Saying Certain Things

blacks graduate at lower rates
commit murder/crime/hate crimes at MUCH higher rates
the white supremacists are NOT the problem
Oh? What's the graduation rate among white supremacists?
....if any group is a problem--it's the blacks--this is OBVIOUS to all except dumbasses and racists
Seems to me, on a ratio basis, not really.
ok Pal --lets talk about ALL whites and blacks
blacks about 13% of the population--whites 67% --YET:
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders - 500 !!!!!!!!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
....ANYWAY you look at it, blacks are the bigger problem--NOT whites-definitely NOT white supremacists
I got all bases covered

Look at how the racist loser tries to water down the stats by including all whites, and not just white supremacists, once its shown white supremacists kill more than blacks by ratio. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sorry, fuckface, you wanted to talk about white supremacists ....
no-----like YOU said in your previous post---we are talking about white supremacists
.... well we're talking about white supremacists.
better watch out for the white supremacist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... damned straight ya better watch out for them. On average, they're deadlier than blacks. :ack-1:
1. you--like many idiots--do not provide ANY links/stats/etc-----but I do--to PROVE my point
--I provide unbiased stats
this means you are just babbling crap
2.hahahhaha--you FKD up--again---please prove white supremacist kill more blacks by ratio
you can't--can you??!!
blacks murder 8 people everyday
WS murder less than 10 people per year
...plain and simple--you need to worry about blacks a LOT more than WS--you are a racist and dumbass because you must not have learned 4th grade math
---8 everyday vs less than 10 per year
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