Trump Has Driven The Left Mad


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You warmongers should get another agenda....either that or start sending your own to fight your goddam oil wars. In the heat of the war in Iraq a survey of all the Republican politicians was taken and one representative from the house had a son fighting there....the rest, Zilch!
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ended? Who knew?

Meanwhile, your Dear Leader intervened in Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, and scads of other nations, to the point that Murica was at peace ZERO days during his regime, and a bomb dropped on a average of every 20 minutes for his entire eight years.

So much for your beloved Nobel Peace Prize winner, you goddam warmonger.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.
That was a very short drive.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
They've always been plumb loco. It's just that now they're not even trying to conceal it.

Leftism is a mental illness, so yes they've always been mad it's just that President Trump has finally pushed them over the edge into borderline insanity.

We have to make a differentiation between Leftism and Liberalism, between Leftists and Liberals, for one thing it's completely possible to have a rational discussion with a Liberal, it's completely impossible to have a rational discussion with a Leftist.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
Meanwhile, back at da' ranch, Chuckie 'Weeping Clown' Schumer and Lizzy 'Lieawatha' Warren are the best the deranged left have to offer.
Take me to your leadahs...........:lol:...........
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...
QUOTE: "Trump has driven the left mad"

That wasn't so far a drive, they already were sitting in the driveway with their tin foil hats underneath their hoodies.
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

More troops were killed in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush, dunce.
QUOTE: "Trump has driven the left mad"

That wasn't so far a drive, they already were sitting in the driveway with their tin foil hats underneath their hoodies.
You're those people duh. The whole world knows but you chumps....How's that case against Hillary going, dunce? The GW hoax fix? The immediate ACA repeal? and all the other fake news fixes? All you're going to get is a huge tax cut for the rich and another giant corrupt bubble, maybe another stupidest war ever based on lies...Hopefully Trump isn't so dumb and will learn he's been duped too....
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No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

More troops were killed in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush, dunce.
Booosh had that war won with almost no casualties, then ran off to Iraq for total idiocy. And you loved it, dunce.

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