Trump has finally dragged the GOP to the gutters.....with one hand job!!

Hmmmm So he fell into the gutter with the Dems.............they use gutter tactics all the time...........It's just what they do.......and now they get some of it back.
Uh, earth to white boy, come in white boy.....Dem aren't running around the country with their heads up their ass, trying to figure out how to stop a nut from ruining their party, its you stupid motherfuckers....don't even try to tie us into these cesspool of shit you conservative fucks are dealing with.....LOLOL Yaws some crazy white motherfuckers man

You speak with forked tongue......................Your side slings shit on the wall every major elections just to see if it sticks.........Truth need not apply...............You use the standard Your a Racist, Homophobe, War against women, the old will have to eat dog food etc.....................

Your side has a lame Primary..............It was done before it began and your candidate is under investigation for screwing up royally with Top Secret Data........

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Hey, what ever you do..don't say the word leg around Trump, I'd hate to hear what that pertains too....:banana::banana::banana:
Sell your propaganda to someone who believes in the Snake oil your selling. You want a Mud fight because it's the only way Hillary can win, along with hand outs and the usual transparent tactics of your party.

You simply are not relevant.

Again, since when do I give a fuck about you man? You need to stop.
You need to shut the hell up. This is a public site..........You attack and get some in return..........

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
Lets get something clear here....since when do I give a rats fuck about you, what you think or who the fuck you are......since when? Now if I were you, I'd take my sorry white ass back to the gutter and stay there for awhile, cause frankly, your opinions and your words, mean nada to me. As for your former job, I'd bet my last dollar bitch, it was you being served, not just food....but you use your imagination, fool
. ^^^. This is part of the Civil Rights movement I don't care for.

Dude, are you insane or just white?
Saner than you, pimp toy.
Trump was just proving he's a Republican. We Republican men are hung.

I was always curious as to the facination of Trump, now I know. He's made all white men proud to be hung'd donkeys. LOLOLOLOLO......and yet, you mops still flock to nigga's...go figure, eh?
Wait a sec, a zionist fag who is 5' 8" claims a 6' 2" successful American businessman has an undersized penis and the successful American business explains the facts of biology to the zionist fag, he is the bad guy? Complaining about that is faggotry. Mine is over 8 inches by the way. And no I am not sorry if that offends the short guys out there.

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