Trump has finally dragged the GOP to the gutters.....with one hand job!!

Hmmmm So he fell into the gutter with the Dems.............they use gutter tactics all the time...........It's just what they do.......and now they get some of it back.
Uh, earth to white boy, come in white boy.....Dem aren't running around the country with their heads up their ass, trying to figure out how to stop a nut from ruining their party, its you stupid motherfuckers....don't even try to tie us into these cesspool of shit you conservative fucks are dealing with.....LOLOL Yaws some crazy white motherfuckers man
You speak with forked tongue......................Your side slings shit on the wall every major elections just to see if it sticks.........Truth need not apply...............You use the standard Your a Racist, Homophobe, War against women, the old will have to eat dog food etc.....................

Your side has a lame Primary..............It was done before it began and your candidate is under investigation for screwing up royally with Top Secret Data........

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Hey, what ever you do..don't say the word leg around Trump, I'd hate to hear what that pertains too....:banana::banana::banana:
Sell your propaganda to someone who believes in the Snake oil your selling. You want a Mud fight because it's the only way Hillary can win, along with hand outs and the usual transparent tactics of your party.

You simply are not relevant.
  • Polls show Donald Trump leading everywhere during a critical 2-week stretch
    Business Insider ^ | 3/3/2016 | Allan Smith
    Thirteen states hold primaries or caucuses over the next two weeks. Of them, Trump is leading polls in nine, according to the RealClearPolitics average, including some of the most important, winner-take-all states. The other states — Hawaii, Maine, Idaho, and Missouri — don't have any recent polls listed on the site. They're also the three states with the fewest delegates to award. And in Maine, Trump has the endorsement of Gov. Paul LePage.
Deflect all you want, bitches...your party is a national disgrace....with Trump the dog, leading the fuckin way. Instead of ranting off here, you need to be hiding under a fuckin rock, you pathetic lump of horse shit.
Stfu monkey.
^^^^This white boy is really angry.

This is soooo typical of white people. They always take their anger out on others, its never the intended target wrapped in white skin, its always always somebody else's faught for their anger. The one thing I've learned since OBama took office, is that white conservatives are sick people that need more than just a candidate to make them feel better. They keep chasing after this one person, this one party that's gonna make em all feel better and in the end, it never ever happens. You can only pity fools like this...engaging them in conversation only fuels their ignorance. Someday, or maybe another life time, white people will come to realize, the true essence of their anger, will only cease when they understand, that they're their own worst enemy.
Says a no nothing racist monkey. You are the biggest racist here, besides asslips.

I'm just curious, uh, since we's all monkeys and you women is loving monkey meat these days, uh, what does that say about you, Tarzan?
It says you are a dumbass racist pimp toy.
Hmmmm So he fell into the gutter with the Dems.............they use gutter tactics all the time...........It's just what they do.......and now they get some of it back.
Uh, earth to white boy, come in white boy.....Dem aren't running around the country with their heads up their ass, trying to figure out how to stop a nut from ruining their party, its you stupid motherfuckers....don't even try to tie us into these cesspool of shit you conservative fucks are dealing with.....LOLOL Yaws some crazy white motherfuckers man

^ Whiter than Napoleon Dynamite

Yaws LOL

What a fucking retard
I knew this shit season was gonna be funny, but folks, when you got a future president braggin about his penis fuckin low can a GOP fuck go?

My God, when I think of the hell, you white motherfuckers put on Obama, the hell this brother got for saying clinging to guns and bibles, for a fuckin fist bump, the sheer hell, he got...and I see this street swagger ghetto trash Trump comparing his hands to his dick size on nation fuckin tv.....when Janet Jackson, Beyonces were crucified for doing shit that made a white kid unable to sleep at night????

Lawrd have mercy on this country, please!!

What have you to say about Charles Evers, the brother of slain civil rights pioneer, Medgar Evers, endorsing Trump and stating that he saw absolutely nothing racist about the man?
Good thing Charles Evers has his own thoughts is what I would say.

Yes and he sound like he might even have some education, unlike Tigerred59.
You dont sound like you have any education if I were to take your post as evidence. It obvious Tigerred is educated.

So you are actually saying that Charles Evers id ignorant. OK. Got it.
Well no. I'm saying youre ignorant. Obviously reading is not your strong suit.
I knew this shit season was gonna be funny, but folks, when you got a future president braggin about his penis fuckin low can a GOP fuck go?

My God, when I think of the hell, you white motherfuckers put on Obama, the hell this brother got for saying clinging to guns and bibles, for a fuckin fist bump, the sheer hell, he got...and I see this street swagger ghetto trash Trump comparing his hands to his dick size on nation fuckin tv.....when Janet Jackson, Beyonces were crucified for doing shit that made a white kid unable to sleep at night????

Lawrd have mercy on this country, please!!
^ fake black girl sock account available for rent
Uh Oh. When they start saying you arent Black its obvious you have injured them emotionally. :laugh:
I knew this shit season was gonna be funny, but folks, when you got a future president braggin about his penis fuckin low can a GOP fuck go?

My God, when I think of the hell, you white motherfuckers put on Obama, the hell this brother got for saying clinging to guns and bibles, for a fuckin fist bump, the sheer hell, he got...and I see this street swagger ghetto trash Trump comparing his hands to his dick size on nation fuckin tv.....when Janet Jackson, Beyonces were crucified for doing shit that made a white kid unable to sleep at night????

Lawrd have mercy on this country, please!!
^ fake black girl sock account available for rent
Uh Oh. When they start saying you arent Black its obvious you have injured them emotionally. :laugh:

Yaws LOL

And you still can't spot the poseur
I knew this shit season was gonna be funny, but folks, when you got a future president braggin about his penis fuckin low can a GOP fuck go?

My God, when I think of the hell, you white motherfuckers put on Obama, the hell this brother got for saying clinging to guns and bibles, for a fuckin fist bump, the sheer hell, he got...and I see this street swagger ghetto trash Trump comparing his hands to his dick size on nation fuckin tv.....when Janet Jackson, Beyonces were crucified for doing shit that made a white kid unable to sleep at night????

Lawrd have mercy on this country, please!!
^ fake black girl sock account available for rent
Uh Oh. When they start saying you arent Black its obvious you have injured them emotionally. :laugh:

Yaws LOL

And you still can't spot the poseur
I spotted you a long time ago. What made you think I hadnt?
Lets get something clear here....since when do I give a rats fuck about you, what you think or who the fuck you are......since when? Now if I were you, I'd take my sorry white ass back to the gutter and stay there for awhile, cause frankly, your opinions and your words, mean nada to me. As for your former job, I'd bet my last dollar bitch, it was you being served, not just food....but you use your imagination, fool
. ^^^. This is part of the Civil Rights movement I don't care for.
Did you forget who Hillary Clinton's husband is ? Of course you didn't because in a lefties mind its OK to be a sexual predator as long as your BILL CLINTON.
I knew this shit season was gonna be funny, but folks, when you got a future president braggin about his penis fuckin low can a GOP fuck go?

My God, when I think of the hell, you white motherfuckers put on Obama, the hell this brother got for saying clinging to guns and bibles, for a fuckin fist bump, the sheer hell, he got...and I see this street swagger ghetto trash Trump comparing his hands to his dick size on nation fuckin tv.....when Janet Jackson, Beyonces were crucified for doing shit that made a white kid unable to sleep at night????

Lawrd have mercy on this country, please!!

Sadly, he is a reflection of his audience.
Oh, so that's why he passed on CPAC today, them white folk got brains, eh?
His audience does not attend CPAC. Most of them have never heard of it.

Sure they've heard of it....C-Pac. C-Pac run. C-Pac stop LOLOLOLO
Lets get something clear here....since when do I give a rats fuck about you, what you think or who the fuck you are......since when? Now if I were you, I'd take my sorry white ass back to the gutter and stay there for awhile, cause frankly, your opinions and your words, mean nada to me. As for your former job, I'd bet my last dollar bitch, it was you being served, not just food....but you use your imagination, fool
. ^^^. This is part of the Civil Rights movement I don't care for.

Dude, are you insane or just white?
Hmmmm So he fell into the gutter with the Dems.............they use gutter tactics all the time...........It's just what they do.......and now they get some of it back.
Uh, earth to white boy, come in white boy.....Dem aren't running around the country with their heads up their ass, trying to figure out how to stop a nut from ruining their party, its you stupid motherfuckers....don't even try to tie us into these cesspool of shit you conservative fucks are dealing with.....LOLOL Yaws some crazy white motherfuckers man

You speak with forked tongue......................Your side slings shit on the wall every major elections just to see if it sticks.........Truth need not apply...............You use the standard Your a Racist, Homophobe, War against women, the old will have to eat dog food etc.....................

Your side has a lame Primary..............It was done before it began and your candidate is under investigation for screwing up royally with Top Secret Data........

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Hey, what ever you do..don't say the word leg around Trump, I'd hate to hear what that pertains too....:banana::banana::banana:
Sell your propaganda to someone who believes in the Snake oil your selling. You want a Mud fight because it's the only way Hillary can win, along with hand outs and the usual transparent tactics of your party.

You simply are not relevant.

Again, since when do I give a fuck about you man? You need to stop.
Did you forget who Hillary Clinton's husband is ? Of course you didn't because in a lefties mind its OK to be a sexual predator as long as your BILL CLINTON.

One huge difference here. Trump uses real dick, Bill uses cigars. One you choke on, the other you smoke on:banana::banana:

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