Trump Has Lost The 2016 Election: Plans Media Empire To Trash Hillary Instead

After Trump loses in November, what do you think he should do?

  • Go back to being a businessman.

  • Start a talk-radio show.

  • Are you kidding? Trump will still win. He doesn't need blacks, hispanics or women voters to win!

Results are only viewable after voting.
Hopefully, but it won't happen, but it would be such a great event if "the donald" was ruined financially forever.
I said the other day that when this is over, Trump will be lucky if they let him order a club soda at the Top of the Standard. :lol:
His children should consider the ruin he is bringing their family. Like you said, they will be shunned as the people who destroyed the republican party. Probably will be harder to get building permits in red districts...stuff like that...
Does anyone else find it a little frightening that there's apparently a television market for 24/7 alt right news more than is already filled by Faux?
No, instead it's telling. When a segment of the population finds itself gagged and hog-tied by the courts, legislating their former moral values into extinction, they tend to have a subsurface boiling point that the radio hosts tap into like geothermal vents aplenty.

In America, it's hard to gag the majority without reaching an explosion point. Our nuclear family will not go quietly into a museum.

I can guarantee you that if you gave each of these disenfranchised people truth serum, they would admit that the core of their angst is what the cult of LGBT is trying to do to the mother/father family as a legal document, and to reality itself (men pretending to be women in a legally binding way).

When insanity encroaches THAT close to one's front door, one grabs the sawed off shotgun and starts shooting blind in every direction. That's who the Trumpsters are BTW. They may not be able to articulate it just exactly the way I just did. But it is who they are a "T".
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Does anyone else find it a little frightening that there's apparently a television market for 24/7 alt right news more than is already filled by Faux?
No, instead it's telling. When a segment of the population finds itself gagged and hog-tied by the courts, legislating their former moral values into extinction, they tend to have a subsurface boiling point that the radio hosts tap into like geothermal vents aplenty.

In America, it's hard to gag the majority without reaching an explosion point. Our nuclear family will not go quietly into a museum.

I can guarantee you that if you gave each of these disenfranchised people truth serum, they would admit that the core of their angst is what the cult of LGBT is trying to do to the mother/father family as a legal document, and to reality itself (men pretending to be women in a legally binding way).

When insanity encroaches THAT close to one's front door, one grabs the sawed off shotgun and starts shooting blind in every direction. That's who the Trumpsters are BTW.
Where's this majority you fantasize of? LOL

Gay and Lesbian Rights
Where's this majority you fantasize of?
The poster I replied to, you, seemed stunned that there was a large commercial market for the right wing talk programs. I simply answered your bewilderment. The commercial facts of the audience size stand on their own. You yourself acknowledged them.
Should Trump lose, he should devote his fortune to destroying the entire democrat structure.
You still don't get it do you stupid. He spends your and other people's money, not his own.
Just a reminder that you lost BIG TIME.....

aj, Trump will be spending your money.

The size of govt will not shrink.

The amount of money spent will grow.

Trump confronts the possibility he might lose - and doesn't like it
Mr Trump would leverage the support he has won from a significant swathe of Americans angry....and disenchanted with their own situations to launch a new conservative media empire, possibly with Stephen Bannon, his campaign CEO who has taken leave from running the rightwing website Breitbart. In Florida, Mr Trump again intensified his attacks on Ms Clinton,
All these folks rooted for the losing team. Maybe that's why the guy is wearing sunglasses in the front. He doesn't want people to recognize him after the election. Losing sucks. But on the bright side, they'll likely get to listen to Trump rant and rant on live radio. So it will be like old times, only with no hope of being president.

Of course they have Hillary to blame. She and Obama's connections were too much for the party animal Trump to overcome his own shady past.

It's time to hang it up and hope the GOP has something else up their sleeve to defeat Hillary with?

This op is priceless......hes going to the White House. So fucking awesome!!!!!!!!
I am worried about G5000... he's conspicuous in his absence.

Probably curled up in the fetal position back at the safe space.
I guess you think that even though it's mathematically impossible, Trump will still "somehow" win? It ain't gonna happen. He absolutely needed independent women, and that ship has sailed my friend.

If you cherish your American value system, you'd do well to admit that continuing to root for Trump is only securing not only a Hillary/uber nutjob presidency, but also a Congress and Supreme Court ...poised to bring you anal fisting lessons for your son in school (already happened but they got caught..Obama), deranged men using women's showers and locker rooms..and of course the continuation of "marriage expansion" which now has to also include polygamy and other alternate forms of supplying children with one mother and one father for life.

So WHEN Trump loses because of Hillary's successful attacks and basic elementary school math, you can look yourself in the mirror and thank yourself.

What you SHOULD be doing is trying to figure out a way to at least support GOP Congressmen running on the ballot this year in the different states and some hope from the GOP of getting an anti-Hillary candidate in at the last minute..postponing the election. I mean you would only gain from this since Trump has no material means whatsoever of winning on November 8. Stick a fork in it. Your support for Trump is cooked. Hillary is a smart woman and knows exactly what she's doing.

Did you redefine "IMPOSSIBLE"? I don't think it means what you think it means.
Holy SHIT!

This thread is HILARIOUS!!!

Jesus, the libs were arrogant and condescending as hell.

Please keep digging up these GEMS!
The idiocy of the left knows no bounds, and, apparently, no end.

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