Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What is his record of achievement?

Right off the bat, he largely dissolved Obama's abomination of a presidency in the first two years. Certainly, a valuable accomplishment.

Hmmm, tell me how many folks from Pres. Obama's administration have been indicted or went to jail.

The rest? Get your fingers working. I've no time to write you a book.

That book wouldn't be 2 pages long.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.
All of Obama's so called "scandals" were fabricated and manufactured. None were real.
You cannot demonstrate any of this to be true.
When a nation celebrates reality tv stupidity is going down not expected?

No one in America is celebrating 'reality tv stupidity' however Democrats are celebrating their fantasy impeachment clown show.
They are celebrating truth, honesty, loyalty to country, not party, their oath to office, the Constitution, and the rule of law. What does the Right celebrate? Lawlessness and self interests. Nothing else matters to those people.
You cannot demonstrate any of this to be true.
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.
Well Hillary should be in jail, but you're to stupid to see it.

Rump has had his chance to correct what appears to you a problem. He's had the Justice Department in his crotch and just had to turn it loose. Hiillary may or may not be guilty of a lot of things but Barr is too busy defending Rump and his merry band of criminals to find the time.
After this impeachment fiasco fails and the democrats hand Trump the 2020 election. He will have four years to clean out washington.
Right off the bat, he largely dissolved Obama's abomination of a presidency in the first two years. Certainly, a valuable accomplishment.

Hmmm, tell me how many folks from Pres. Obama's administration have been indicted or went to jail.

The rest? Get your fingers working. I've no time to write you a book.

That book wouldn't be 2 pages long.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.

Standard Party of Rump response. When your "God" gets caught red handed, immediate go into how the other person did worse even if they didn't. Try and get the emphasis on the other person and away from the Crooked lying scum. That only works for so long and it's well past the sell date on this one.

Obama never agreed to an investigation, that's a fact.

If he was innocent, he would have welcomed an multi year anal by enemies like Trump did with Mueller- who hated Trump's guts for being forced to actually pay for golf. The Mule was an elitist who thought he should get a free ride.

Rump used the Justice Department to do what the House should have been doing. He just delayed what is going on right now. The Justice Department has zero authority of their boss. He tried to do an end around. And he screwed that up too.
The President forgave her and wanted to move on. Clinton and The Resistance should have done the same. Now many of them have lost their jobs, been reassigned, and are under criminal investigation.

The Russians tried and failed to get Hillary Clinton elected. But you go on continuing to push Propaganda.

Just Remember Liars cannot winter in to the Kingdom of Heaven.

I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
And they couldn't even lock her up.
That's a lie. Trump always knew it was he who needed to be locked up. And now we all know he needs to be locked up. So lock his criminal fat ass, bone spur, coward self up.
You cannot demonstrate any of this to be true.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?

Yes, do the right thing and stay within the Constitution to do it. And there lies the problem. Rump took more than a few dumps on the Constitution and gets very creative on how he does it. If they did a Rump Movie, it would need Marlon Brando to play the Rump part. Of course, he would have to cram his cheeks with toilet paper which I find fitting.

I can see that this scare the living hell out of you that your Religious Leader may have to leave office and let the chip fall where they may. NY and two other states want to talk to him. False idols usually fall that way.

Libs have been predicting the downfall of Donald J Trump since the day he disembarked from the Golden Escalator at his former, humble domicile in New York.

Yet, he's schlonged you guys every step of the way.

Past schlongings may not be indicative of future schlongings, but my guess is that you libs are going to be crestfallen again.

Actually, I just cranked up in the last few months. I went from tolerant to "Hang the Bastard" because that was the proper response we all should be having. Instead, we have schlong humpers like you running about getting the way. Think of this, if you had not done this from the very beginning and said, Rump, we won't tolerate this type of behavior, Rump would be much better off. He does something small, you make excuses for him. He does something more grand and you throw him a party. He dumps all over the Constitution and you build him a shrine. He's like a spoiled little kid who will sit still for about 10 seconds and start literally shaking trying to figure out a method to really shock you. You should have sat him down and made him just sit there, taken away his Playstation and cookies until he learns to NOT be a spoiled little brat.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.
Well Hillary should be in jail, but you're to stupid to see it.

Rump has had his chance to correct what appears to you a problem. He's had the Justice Department in his crotch and just had to turn it loose. Hiillary may or may not be guilty of a lot of things but Barr is too busy defending Rump and his merry band of criminals to find the time.
After this impeachment fiasco fails and the democrats hand Trump the 2020 election. He will have four years to clean out washington.

yah, but what he will be cleaning out of Washington will go directly into his deep pockets. Even worse that it does today because even thought it's against the law and Rico applies, since he gets away with it and the innocent (okay, not so innocent) ends up paying the price. He just gets worse every day in his actions. The more he gets away with the more bizarre his next caper will be. Most Mob Bosses are like that.
All of Obama's so called "scandals" were fabricated and manufactured. None were real.

His entire presidency was a scandal.

How many have been indicted or thrown in jail?


The reason why is that Eric Holder was Obama's Hand Picked AG with loyalty to his boss and his party, but not to the rule of law.

Damn you meant to say Bob Barr.

Didn't start even one Special Persecution to find crimes and to do his duty to bring down the UBER-CORRUPT regime of B. Hussein O.

Why hasn't the Trump Justice system started any investigations? Oh that's right they tried, but found that Pres. Obama did nothing wrong.

Actually, the Trump DOJ did start an investigation led by Robert Mueller. The result was that President Trump is as innocent as a newborn babe. A few individuals were found guilty of things they did long before they met Donald J Trump.

All Trump associates and don't forgot Muller didn't say he was innocent he couldn't prove collusion, but he did point out plenty of Obstruction.

But Trump himself, and the Trump Administration? Officially proclaimed as "Pure as Driven Snow" by someone- the Mule- who hated Trump's guts. Donald Trump asked him to pay for the golf he played, and he felt he should be comp'ed

Who proclaimed that? This has to be the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. In today's right wing world that is normal behavior now.
Right off the bat, he largely dissolved Obama's abomination of a presidency in the first two years. Certainly, a valuable accomplishment.

Hmmm, tell me how many folks from Pres. Obama's administration have been indicted or went to jail.

The rest? Get your fingers working. I've no time to write you a book.

That book wouldn't be 2 pages long.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.

Standard Party of Rump response. When your "God" gets caught red handed, immediate go into how the other person did worse even if they didn't. Try and get the emphasis on the other person and away from the Crooked lying scum. That only works for so long and it's well past the sell date on this one.

Obama never agreed to an investigation, that's a fact.

Obviously Trump hasn't either, remember he has called them a "Witchhunt".

If he was innocent, he would have welcomed an multi year anal by enemies like Trump did with Mueller- who hated Trump's guts for being forced to actually pay for golf. The Mule was an elitist who thought he should get a free ride.

Trump attacked Mueller every day of the investigation. WTF are you talking about?
The fact that the libs never talk about Mueller any more, and there is no chatter on the Ultraliberal networks about "Russian Collusion" any more tells me that the Mueller report was a nothing burger.

Now, its just a load of shit about "whistleblowers" and Ukraine and the Biden Cabal. This Ukraine crapola actually makes less sense. After all,President Trump's fondest dream is to face Biden in next years elections.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?

Yes, do the right thing and stay within the Constitution to do it. And there lies the problem. Rump took more than a few dumps on the Constitution and gets very creative on how he does it.

Explain it, using the language of the Constitution.
Hmmm, tell me how many folks from Pres. Obama's administration have been indicted or went to jail.

That book wouldn't be 2 pages long.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.

Standard Party of Rump response. When your "God" gets caught red handed, immediate go into how the other person did worse even if they didn't. Try and get the emphasis on the other person and away from the Crooked lying scum. That only works for so long and it's well past the sell date on this one.

Obama never agreed to an investigation, that's a fact.

Obviously Trump hasn't either, remember he has called them a "Witchhunt".

If he was innocent, he would have welcomed an multi year anal by enemies like Trump did with Mueller- who hated Trump's guts for being forced to actually pay for golf. The Mule was an elitist who thought he should get a free ride.

Trump attacked Mueller every day of the investigation. WTF are you talking about?

Trump defended himself, as well he should as he had a right.

But Mueller was never fired, even though he was conducting a witch hunt. President Trump allowed his staff and even his own children to undergo inhuman interrogations to prove his innocence. And BTW, he did.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.

Standard Party of Rump response. When your "God" gets caught red handed, immediate go into how the other person did worse even if they didn't. Try and get the emphasis on the other person and away from the Crooked lying scum. That only works for so long and it's well past the sell date on this one.

Obama never agreed to an investigation, that's a fact.

Obviously Trump hasn't either, remember he has called them a "Witchhunt".

If he was innocent, he would have welcomed an multi year anal by enemies like Trump did with Mueller- who hated Trump's guts for being forced to actually pay for golf. The Mule was an elitist who thought he should get a free ride.

Trump attacked Mueller every day of the investigation. WTF are you talking about?

Trump defended himself, as well he should as he had a right.

But Mueller was never fired, even though he was conducting a witch hunt. President Trump allowed his staff and even his own children to undergo inhuman interrogations to prove his innocence. And BTW, he did.

Bullshit, he has fought Congressional oversight from Day 1. He basically thinks he is a King and folks like you believe it.
Right off the bat, he largely dissolved Obama's abomination of a presidency in the first two years. Certainly, a valuable accomplishment.

Hmmm, tell me how many folks from Pres. Obama's administration have been indicted or went to jail.

The rest? Get your fingers working. I've no time to write you a book.

That book wouldn't be 2 pages long.
I think it was zero.
Reagans ad the most corrupt
(So far)

That really means nothing.

Obama's Wing Man, Eric Holder, was his Hand Picked AG. And in spite of thousands of scandals during the Obama Years, we didn't have a single Special Persecutor appointed.

Standard Party of Rump response. When your "God" gets caught red handed, immediate go into how the other person did worse even if they didn't. Try and get the emphasis on the other person and away from the Crooked lying scum. That only works for so long and it's well past the sell date on this one.

Obama never agreed to an investigation, that's a fact.

If he was innocent, he would have welcomed an multi year anal by enemies like Trump did with Mueller- who hated Trump's guts for being forced to actually pay for golf. The Mule was an elitist who thought he should get a free ride.

IT wasn't up to Obama any more than it's up to Rump. It's the job of Congress and the court system. Rump has tried to bypass the rule of the land. Yet again and again. The Mueller investigation should not have happened in the first place. You can't have the Executive Branch investigate itself. What good does it to have a Mob Boss investigate himself? The only thing that comes out of it is that no one is found openly guilty even if the evidence is overwhelming. The Mueller investigation should not have happened. It should havec been done by Congress even if it means Congress instigates their own special investigator. The Justice Branch should not even be involved. It should be Congress and it's investigation taking it directly to the judicial court system. This is how Nixon, Bill C and Hillary was done. Again, you can't depend on the Executive Branch to investigate itself and have any form of doing the right thing especially when the Executive Branch is a Mob style organization.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?

Yes, do the right thing and stay within the Constitution to do it. And there lies the problem. Rump took more than a few dumps on the Constitution and gets very creative on how he does it.

Explain it, using the language of the Constitution.

Why would I try. When you present the Constitution, it is redacted to the point where it's almost all blacked out. And then there are the added footnotes done in crayon.
The Obama's spend over $1,000,000,000 with Big Mikeys roommate to buy the world's only website that couldn't even tell you when someone bought your product
The Obama's spend over $1,000,000,000 with Big Mikeys roommate to buy the world's only website that couldn't even tell you when someone bought your product

Well, you have to admit, when Obama made a mistake, it was a big one. But it got ironed out. And the Product was the ACA which should have been worked on by everyone in Congress. Instead, it's get rid of it, and we have a replacement. The replacement never came about (they are still claiming to have a better alternative) and since then, the Judicials have said, no matter how bad it is and in need of repair, it still stands. Part of the reason Rump got elected was he said he had the solution. Many Republicans (actually Party of Rump) say the same thing. They claim that it needs to be completely removed so they can get their replacement passed. The Judicials aren't buying that anymore than most of us anymore. The sell by date has expired on this.
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
The Russians tried and failed to get Hillary Clinton elected. But you go on continuing to push Propaganda.

Just Remember Liars cannot winter in to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
The Nazis were among the progressives of their day

They share many characteristics with modern progressives
The Obama's spend over $1,000,000,000 with Big Mikeys roommate to buy the world's only website that couldn't even tell you when someone bought your product

Well, you have to admit, when Obama made a mistake, it was a big one. But it got ironed out. And the Product was the ACA which should have been worked on by everyone in Congress. Instead, it's get rid of it, and we have a replacement. The replacement never came about (they are still claiming to have a better alternative) and since then, the Judicials have said, no matter how bad it is and in need of repair, it still stands. Part of the reason Rump got elected was he said he had the solution. Many Republicans (actually Party of Rump) say the same thing. They claim that it needs to be completely removed so they can get their replacement passed. The Judicials aren't buying that anymore than most of us anymore. The sell by date has expired on this.

Perhaps you forgot. President Trump did have a solution for healthcare. His idea was simply. Tremendous health care which would allow consumers a choice on whether even to sign up, and provide the care at almost unbelievable savings.

But the Democrats didn't like it. They had a problem with giving people choices and saving them money. So they stood up together,and along with the last second vote against REAL healthcare reform by John McCain, the bill failed

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