Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?

Yes, do the right thing and stay within the Constitution to do it. And there lies the problem. Rump took more than a few dumps on the Constitution and gets very creative on how he does it. If they did a Rump Movie, it would need Marlon Brando to play the Rump part. Of course, he would have to cram his cheeks with toilet paper which I find fitting.

I can see that this scare the living hell out of you that your Religious Leader may have to leave office and let the chip fall where they may. NY and two other states want to talk to him. False idols usually fall that way.

Libs have been predicting the downfall of Donald J Trump since the day he disembarked from the Golden Escalator at his former, humble domicile in New York.

Yet, he's schlonged you guys every step of the way.

Past schlongings may not be indicative of future schlongings, but my guess is that you libs are going to be crestfallen again.

Actually, I just cranked up in the last few months. I went from tolerant to "Hang the Bastard" because that was the proper response we all should be having. Instead, we have schlong humpers like you running about getting the way. Think of this, if you had not done this from the very beginning and said, Rump, we won't tolerate this type of behavior, Rump would be much better off. He does something small, you make excuses for him. He does something more grand and you throw him a party. He dumps all over the Constitution and you build him a shrine. He's like a spoiled little kid who will sit still for about 10 seconds and start literally shaking trying to figure out a method to really shock you. You should have sat him down and made him just sit there, taken away his Playstation and cookies until he learns to NOT be a spoiled little brat.

Daryl likes rumps. Don't let him fool ya....LOL
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.

Not hard to keep up with Trump's.
This ladies and gentlemen is a Trump Humper to the end, he doesn't care what the guy does.
And you're a Schiff-humper and a TDSer. Trump is the President of the U.S. We The People voted for him. Just who the fuck are you to insinuate Trump is doing bad things? You LOST.....Yet you cry like babies with wet diapers. Grow the fuck up!!

This is the post of a stupid ass Trump Humper. You're right he is the POTUS, he is not a damn King simpleton. He doesn't get to do with the fuck ever he wants, you grow up and learn this country is governed by laws.

You haven't proved that Trump did anything bad after a 3 fucking year anal exam!! Now you are reduced to MAKING UP false charges based on a fucking PHONE CALL!! Are you fuckers insane!! Or just that fucking desperate?:

When you have you're head stuck up your ass and refuse to see the truth in your eyes you will never see anything he has done wrong. It's a fucking disgrace.

The truth is Biden is a dirty corrupt asshole you just can’t accept that so you project onto Trump and others your mental anguish. Poor little TDSer

How many investigations did the Congress start on VP Biden? Corrupt and Trump go hand in hand.
Nothing in the Mueller report supports your claim. Nothing.
Ah, the value of stonewalling! Ah the value of refusing to abide by the Constitution to testify as required! Ah the value of appointing a AG in the Roy Cohn mold that twists the illegal into legal! Ah the value of a packed SCOTUS and a puckered sphincter Senate! The Mueller Report names 10 crimes/misdemeanors that WILL be addressed.
However, if the exact same situation happened in any other admin, even a Republican one as in Nixon, Constitutional justice would be served as the FF intended. And it will this time too, in the end. Karma will not be mocked.

Its all just a witch hunt, bull.

Russian Collusion turned out to be bullshit. Only one case is moving forward, and the libs really don't seem to be moving very fast on the prosecution against Concord Management which is fighting the case with the help of Reed Smith, the law firm that the HC Frick helped him back in the day.

Now the supposed Ukrainian Collusion is rubbish too. The President of Ukraine denies it and will testify. There is no motive, no proof, no crime, just a bunch of deep state operatives upset that President Trump is bypassing them as far as consultations of foreign policy, instead sticking to people he trusts like the Tremendous Rudolph Giuliani.

This is creating a precedent, especially if the libs are able to seize power in America next year. The next Liberal President will have to deal with the same kinds of special persecutors , stonewalling against everything in their agenda, and don't bothering going to areas of the country in resistance as you won't be served.

Yea it's all just made up.
Nothing in the Mueller report supports your claim. Nothing.
Ah, the value of stonewalling! Ah the value of refusing to abide by the Constitution to testify as required! Ah the value of appointing a AG in the Roy Cohn mold that twists the illegal into legal! Ah the value of a packed SCOTUS and a puckered sphincter Senate! The Mueller Report names 10 crimes/misdemeanors that WILL be addressed.
However, if the exact same situation happened in any other admin, even a Republican one as in Nixon, Constitutional justice would be served as the FF intended. And it will this time too, in the end. Karma will not be mocked.

Its all just a witch hunt, bull.

Russian Collusion turned out to be bullshit. Only one case is moving forward, and the libs really don't seem to be moving very fast on the prosecution against Concord Management which is fighting the case with the help of Reed Smith, the law firm that the HC Frick helped him back in the day.

Now the supposed Ukrainian Collusion is rubbish too. The President of Ukraine denies it and will testify. There is no motive, no proof, no crime, just a bunch of deep state operatives upset that President Trump is bypassing them as far as consultations of foreign policy, instead sticking to people he trusts like the Tremendous Rudolph Giuliani.

This is creating a precedent, especially if the libs are able to seize power in America next year. The next Liberal President will have to deal with the same kinds of special persecutors , stonewalling against everything in their agenda, and don't bothering going to areas of the country in resistance as you won't be served.

Yea it's all just made up.
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
Never going to happen, because his inability to debate anything except maybe his last bugger he wiped on his shirt, is the only thing he can debate.
Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....
Which was true. Obama wasn't the one who removed it.
Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....
Which was true. Obama wasn't the one who removed it.
Yes, he was.

Your premiums will go down $2500......

I can do this all night.
Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....

That lie was said a thousand times. " If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was another huge lie repeated many times by Obama.

His promises of transparency- lies.

His promises of Shovel Ready jobs- lies.

His pledge to oppose Gay Marriage-lies.
All Trump associates and don't forgot Muller didn't say he was innocent he couldn't prove collusion, but he did point out plenty of Obstruction.
You mean potentially obstructive acts, but not obstruction of justice.

Defending yourself against false charges and not agreeing to participate in a charade like an interrogation by Mueller isn't "obstruction" at all.

Its standing up for yourself, and not taking any guff.
This ladies and gentlemen is a Trump Humper to the end, he doesn't care what the guy does.
And you're a Schiff-humper and a TDSer. Trump is the President of the U.S. We The People voted for him. Just who the fuck are you to insinuate Trump is doing bad things? You LOST.....Yet you cry like babies with wet diapers. Grow the fuck up!!

This is the post of a stupid ass Trump Humper. You're right he is the POTUS, he is not a damn King simpleton. He doesn't get to do with the fuck ever he wants, you grow up and learn this country is governed by laws.

You haven't proved that Trump did anything bad after a 3 fucking year anal exam!! Now you are reduced to MAKING UP false charges based on a fucking PHONE CALL!! Are you fuckers insane!! Or just that fucking desperate?:

When you have you're head stuck up your ass and refuse to see the truth in your eyes you will never see anything he has done wrong. It's a fucking disgrace.

The truth is Biden is a dirty corrupt asshole you just can’t accept that so you project onto Trump and others your mental anguish. Poor little TDSer

How many investigations did the Congress start on VP Biden? Corrupt and Trump go hand in hand.
Ha! Ha! The fucking Congress? We have just seen how corrupt the Democrat leadership is with their impeachment clown show for the specific purpose of protecting their own treasonous asses.
Nothing in the Mueller report supports your claim. Nothing.
Ah, the value of stonewalling! Ah the value of refusing to abide by the Constitution to testify as required! Ah the value of appointing a AG in the Roy Cohn mold that twists the illegal into legal! Ah the value of a packed SCOTUS and a puckered sphincter Senate! The Mueller Report names 10 crimes/misdemeanors that WILL be addressed.
However, if the exact same situation happened in any other admin, even a Republican one as in Nixon, Constitutional justice would be served as the FF intended. And it will this time too, in the end. Karma will not be mocked.

Its all just a witch hunt, bull.

Russian Collusion turned out to be bullshit. Only one case is moving forward, and the libs really don't seem to be moving very fast on the prosecution against Concord Management which is fighting the case with the help of Reed Smith, the law firm that the HC Frick helped him back in the day.

Now the supposed Ukrainian Collusion is rubbish too. The President of Ukraine denies it and will testify. There is no motive, no proof, no crime, just a bunch of deep state operatives upset that President Trump is bypassing them as far as consultations of foreign policy, instead sticking to people he trusts like the Tremendous Rudolph Giuliani.

This is creating a precedent, especially if the libs are able to seize power in America next year. The next Liberal President will have to deal with the same kinds of special persecutors , stonewalling against everything in their agenda, and don't bothering going to areas of the country in resistance as you won't be served.

Yea it's all just made up.

I know you wish it were.
Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

Because of that anti-Muslim video, right?

And thousands of Videos of Rump himself. And the over 12,000 lies. That's more than 1000 verifying lies per month. I believe the number has exceeded 13K but let's just round it down to a nice round number of 12K+.
Too bad no one kept up with Obama's lies.
We wait with baited breath for you to list Obama's lies. Not intent that didn't happen, but flat out lies, like Mexico will pay for a wall, or a wall is being built when in truth a old section is being replaced. Or like "Read the transcript" when no transcript is available, just edited lines with exclusions.
Educate us, please.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....

……….and that is all you have, post something new. We have heard that bullshit enough.
All Trump associates and don't forgot Muller didn't say he was innocent he couldn't prove collusion, but he did point out plenty of Obstruction.
You mean potentially obstructive acts, but not obstruction of justice.

Defending yourself against false charges and not agreeing to participate in a charade like an interrogation by Mueller isn't "obstruction" at all.

Its standing up for yourself, and not taking any guff.

Well when you are corrupt it is kind of hard to defend that.
This ladies and gentlemen is a Trump Humper to the end, he doesn't care what the guy does.
And you're a Schiff-humper and a TDSer. Trump is the President of the U.S. We The People voted for him. Just who the fuck are you to insinuate Trump is doing bad things? You LOST.....Yet you cry like babies with wet diapers. Grow the fuck up!!

This is the post of a stupid ass Trump Humper. You're right he is the POTUS, he is not a damn King simpleton. He doesn't get to do with the fuck ever he wants, you grow up and learn this country is governed by laws.

You haven't proved that Trump did anything bad after a 3 fucking year anal exam!! Now you are reduced to MAKING UP false charges based on a fucking PHONE CALL!! Are you fuckers insane!! Or just that fucking desperate?:

When you have you're head stuck up your ass and refuse to see the truth in your eyes you will never see anything he has done wrong. It's a fucking disgrace.

The truth is Biden is a dirty corrupt asshole you just can’t accept that so you project onto Trump and others your mental anguish. Poor little TDSer

How many investigations did the Congress start on VP Biden? Corrupt and Trump go hand in hand.
Ha! Ha! The fucking Congress? We have just seen how corrupt the Democrat leadership is with their impeachment clown show for the specific purpose of protecting their own treasonous asses.

Take off the blinders and come to the realization that your beloved Trump is not the Messiah.
The Russians tried and failed to get Hillary Clinton elected. But you go on continuing to push Propaganda.

Just Remember Liars cannot winter in to the Kingdom of Heaven.
And they couldn't even lock her up.
Lib trump haters are convinced that the russians are clever 10ft high magicians who made trump president

Because they cant accept the fact that a rank amateur beat the washington professionals at their own game

Believe me, Uncle Pooty would have much rather had a pathetic loser like Hillary Clinton as President of America instead of the world's premiere negotiator and author of the "Art of the Deal".

Sure, Putin personally likes Trump. But he has to think of what's best for his nation, and their plans to reunite the USSR. And he knows he'll never get that with Trump, like he was able to seize Crimea during the Obama-Biden years.
What foreign enemy would not want a totally incompetent fool like hillary in the white house?

Of course putin would prefer hillary, or jeb bush or any of the 2020 dems instead of trump

Only dumbass Trump Humpers believe that right wing talking point.
I know you are out of gas when the only thing you have to offer are personal insults

My logic TRUMPS your bitterness every time
Lib trump haters are convinced that the russians are clever 10ft high magicians who made trump president

Because they cant accept the fact that a rank amateur beat the washington professionals at their own game

Believe me, Uncle Pooty would have much rather had a pathetic loser like Hillary Clinton as President of America instead of the world's premiere negotiator and author of the "Art of the Deal".

Sure, Putin personally likes Trump. But he has to think of what's best for his nation, and their plans to reunite the USSR. And he knows he'll never get that with Trump, like he was able to seize Crimea during the Obama-Biden years.
What foreign enemy would not want a totally incompetent fool like hillary in the white house?

Of course putin would prefer hillary, or jeb bush or any of the 2020 dems instead of trump

Only dumbass Trump Humpers believe that right wing talking point.
Your obsession with humping Trump is strange.

Thats fake news

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