Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Funny......Obama is costing us more than any former president in history......even Bubba.

Obama will top Bush as most costly ex-president
That's what Trump has been doing, I guess it's hard to argue with his words isn't it Trump Humper.
Boy, that was lame. Try again.

Real lame when you are trying to defend a liar.

Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.
I kept my doctor and my insurance plan because it wasn`t garbage. Is that the Obama lie you`re referring to? It hardly compares with " the Iraqi regime possesses and produces biological and chemical weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas and VX nerve gas".
George W. Bush, October 7, 2002.
Some lies are more deadly than others.

Obama said he would prosecute the bankers. He did not. He did the opposite.

Obama said he would ban lobbyists from the White House. He did not.

Obama said he would get us out of the wars. He did not.

Obama said he would not get us into new wars. He did.

I can continue. Do I need to?
Presidential candidates often make promises that they intend to keep but once in office they rightfully or wrongfully take advice from those who actually know something.
How many carrier groups and battalions did he send to his new war and how many body bags did he fill with American soldiers?
When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

I have often wondered, how many previous presidents combined lies, would it take to equal Trump's number of lies in just his first three years.
Obama beat him in his first year.

Do you have any evidence to back your claim ?
I did a pretty thorough search on Google
Here's what I have found.
1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc. Kindle Edition
And for Trump:
In 993 days, President Trump has made
13,435 false or misleading claims
Which comes complete with data base search engines.
Wannna try again?
The media kissed Obama's ass. If they reported on him like they did Trump. He would've quit in his first year.

Considering that Trump started calling MSM "fake news" when the MSM started noting his lies, tells the story.
What in the world of reality is, what comes out of Trump's mouth is often full board bullshit. That has has documented and verified. But Little Trumpsters gullibility keeps them goose-stepping to whatever Trump says.
It reminds me of factual history.
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Smear campaign #35403040

You need help for your TDS

It's a smear campaign because you can't defend the lies. :abgg2q.jpg:
I do not care. This is you:


I have Told you 100x. Put the voters to the task and let them decide.
Is that the Obama lie you`re referring to? It hardly compares with " the Iraqi regime possesses and produces biological and chemical weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas and VX nerve gas".
George W. Bush, October 7, 2002.
Some lies are more deadly than others.
Did GWB know these statements were false?
Is that the Obama lie you`re referring to? It hardly compares with " the Iraqi regime possesses and produces biological and chemical weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas and VX nerve gas".
George W. Bush, October 7, 2002.
Some lies are more deadly than others.
Did GWB know these statements were false?
After Hans Blix and his team of UN weapons inspectors failed to find the WMDs the whole world knew Bush`s statements were false. Rumsfeld said he knew where the weapons were and we invaded and killed more Americans than Bin laden did. Blix said " There were about 700 inspections and in no case did we find weapons of mass destruction". That should have been the end of it.
U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix faults Bush Administration for lack of "critical thinking" in Iraq
Is that the Obama lie you`re referring to? It hardly compares with " the Iraqi regime possesses and produces biological and chemical weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas and VX nerve gas".
George W. Bush, October 7, 2002.
Some lies are more deadly than others.
Did GWB know these statements were false?
After Hans Blix and his team of UN weapons inspectors failed to find the WMDs the whole world knew Bush`s statements were false.
And now, back to the question I asked:
Did GWB know these statements were false?
After Hans Blix and his team of UN weapons inspectors failed to find the WMDs the whole world knew Bush`s statements were false. Rumsfeld said he knew where the weapons were and we invaded and killed more Americans than Bin laden did. Blix said " There were about 700 inspections and in no case did we find weapons of mass destruction". That should have been the end of it.
U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix faults Bush Administration for lack of "critical thinking" in Iraq

Actually, President Bush listened to official reports from the Intelligence Community in regards to WMD's. Guys like Brennan and Comey, Mueller and Clapper.

Not his international friends like Mr. Blix.

President Trump isn't making that same mistake, instead, Trump is listening to his friends like Giuliani and Zelensky and ignoring those who steered President Bush.
Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.

I have often wondered, how many previous presidents combined lies, would it take to equal Trump's number of lies in just his first three years.
Obama beat him in his first year.

Do you have any evidence to back your claim ?
I did a pretty thorough search on Google
Here's what I have found.
1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc. Kindle Edition
And for Trump:
In 993 days, President Trump has made
13,435 false or misleading claims
Which comes complete with data base search engines.
Wannna try again?
The media kissed Obama's ass. If they reported on him like they did Trump. He would've quit in his first year.

Considering that Trump started calling MSM "fake news" when the MSM started noting his lies, tells the story.
What in the world of reality is, what comes out of Trump's mouth is often full board bullshit. That has has documented and verified. But Little Trumpsters gullibility keeps them goose-stepping to whatever Trump says.
It reminds me of factual history.
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
When Trump tells the truth,it sure does put your panties in a wad. Obama was the worst president we have ever had.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

And a previous President had a bowling alley installed in the WH. Not much of a point here. Meanwhile, they are seriously looking at the emolument law right now for all that Bigly money spent at the Rump resorts. Rump could have saved the Taxpayers hundreds of millions by doing what Ike and others did. Andrews and Dover have their own Golf Courses. Dover is a short Marine 1 ride away while Andrews is just across town and can either be driven or use Marine 1. No Overnight stay is needed and the added security that is required a Club Rump isn't necessary because it's a friggin Military Base.

Now you are going to come with, "What about Ifs". What about the Foreign Dignitaries that the US picks up the tab for. Past Presidents had the option to use one of the WH bedrooms or Camp David. But using Rumps Dumps all the profits and more goes right back into Rump Industries meaning Rump himself.
How much money did the Clintons put in their pockets by selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom?
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Here you are championing the New Green Deal and Medicare for all including illegals, and yet you're whining about what amounts to a 3-year contract for a good ballplayer?!

Come on Shithead, show one post I have ever posted about a New Green Deal or Medicare. I guess you are pulling a Trump, lie about something often and folks will start to believe it.
Sorry. I should have said reparations.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

The President isn't on a "vacation", he's actually on a "staycation" as he staying at his new home in Florida. I know it doesn't fit the Liberal Template, but Donald J. Trump is the most involved , active President we've ever had.
That's what Trump has been doing, I guess it's hard to argue with his words isn't it Trump Humper.
Boy, that was lame. Try again.

Real lame when you are trying to defend a liar.

Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

The President isn't on a "vacation", he's actually on a "staycation" as he staying at his new home in Florida. I know it doesn't fit the Liberal Template, but Donald J. Trump is the most involved , active President we've ever had.

he actually only works a couple or three hours per day. The rest of the time gives him time to do the old "Here, Hold my beer" and keep things wound up. How is YOUR watch spring doing these days. I can bet it's wound pretty tight.
That worthless piece of affirmative action shit Obama went on more golfing trips and I didn't hear one Moon Bat bitch about it. I wonder why?

The sonofabitch even went golfing the day after the Benghazi attack before taking off to Las Vegas..
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

And a previous President had a bowling alley installed in the WH. Not much of a point here. Meanwhile, they are seriously looking at the emolument law right now for all that Bigly money spent at the Rump resorts. Rump could have saved the Taxpayers hundreds of millions by doing what Ike and others did. Andrews and Dover have their own Golf Courses. Dover is a short Marine 1 ride away while Andrews is just across town and can either be driven or use Marine 1. No Overnight stay is needed and the added security that is required a Club Rump isn't necessary because it's a friggin Military Base.

Now you are going to come with, "What about Ifs". What about the Foreign Dignitaries that the US picks up the tab for. Past Presidents had the option to use one of the WH bedrooms or Camp David. But using Rumps Dumps all the profits and more goes right back into Rump Industries meaning Rump himself.
Too bad for other presidents who didn’t own golf courses. Probably costs less to provide golf outings for dignitaries at trump’s own golf courses than any state-run golf course.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

It still costs the taxpayers, idiot.
It still costs the taxpayers more at state-run facilities, idiot.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

And a previous President had a bowling alley installed in the WH. Not much of a point here. Meanwhile, they are seriously looking at the emolument law right now for all that Bigly money spent at the Rump resorts. Rump could have saved the Taxpayers hundreds of millions by doing what Ike and others did. Andrews and Dover have their own Golf Courses. Dover is a short Marine 1 ride away while Andrews is just across town and can either be driven or use Marine 1. No Overnight stay is needed and the added security that is required a Club Rump isn't necessary because it's a friggin Military Base.

Now you are going to come with, "What about Ifs". What about the Foreign Dignitaries that the US picks up the tab for. Past Presidents had the option to use one of the WH bedrooms or Camp David. But using Rumps Dumps all the profits and more goes right back into Rump Industries meaning Rump himself.
Too bad for other presidents who didn’t own golf courses. Probably costs less to provide golf outings for dignitaries at trump’s own golf courses than any state-run golf course.

The President graciously offered to host the G8 at the 5 star Mar a Lago facility, for which he would receive no profits.

But the libs insisted the big meeting be held at a 1 Star Dump for 5 times the cost.

President Trump is a tremendous host, fantastic amount of class, for the libs to reject this advantage we have shows they don't care about America.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

And a previous President had a bowling alley installed in the WH. Not much of a point here. Meanwhile, they are seriously looking at the emolument law right now for all that Bigly money spent at the Rump resorts. Rump could have saved the Taxpayers hundreds of millions by doing what Ike and others did. Andrews and Dover have their own Golf Courses. Dover is a short Marine 1 ride away while Andrews is just across town and can either be driven or use Marine 1. No Overnight stay is needed and the added security that is required a Club Rump isn't necessary because it's a friggin Military Base.

Now you are going to come with, "What about Ifs". What about the Foreign Dignitaries that the US picks up the tab for. Past Presidents had the option to use one of the WH bedrooms or Camp David. But using Rumps Dumps all the profits and more goes right back into Rump Industries meaning Rump himself.
Too bad for other presidents who didn’t own golf courses. Probably costs less to provide golf outings for dignitaries at trump’s own golf courses than any state-run golf course.

The President graciously offered to host the G8 at the 5 star Mar a Lago facility, for which he would receive no profits.

But the libs insisted the big meeting be held at a 1 Star Dump for 5 times the cost.

President Trump is a tremendous host, fantastic amount of class, for the libs to reject this advantage we have shows they don't care about America.
They have way more than just this to show they couldn’t care less about America.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.

We the people exist at the pleasure of the aristocracy.

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