Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Don’t you have some infidels to stab today?
Trump is actually the least phony man in America. He's open and proud about his billionaire heritage, believe me.
Horse shit, the Art of Bankruptcy mogul cannot show you his taxes. He hires "illegals" and presides over a kleptocratic kakistocracy of an administration.
There are no illegals. Only undocumented workers, you xenophobe!

Which are here illegally, doing work that's illegal. Last time I checked, that would make them Illegal. Your definition is sort of like cleaning up the word Terrorist.

That would make them illegal?

I'm sorry, who is it they're working for again?

So would that make their employers accessories before, or after the fact?

How dare you find fault with Rump. He's our night in shining armor.


Drives the Rumpsters compeletely insane. Woops, too late.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Trump golfs on his own golf courses. Obama built a basketball court on White House property. That’s not Obama’s White House.
What’s your point?

And a previous President had a bowling alley installed in the WH. Not much of a point here. Meanwhile, they are seriously looking at the emolument law right now for all that Bigly money spent at the Rump resorts. Rump could have saved the Taxpayers hundreds of millions by doing what Ike and others did. Andrews and Dover have their own Golf Courses. Dover is a short Marine 1 ride away while Andrews is just across town and can either be driven or use Marine 1. No Overnight stay is needed and the added security that is required a Club Rump isn't necessary because it's a friggin Military Base.

Now you are going to come with, "What about Ifs". What about the Foreign Dignitaries that the US picks up the tab for. Past Presidents had the option to use one of the WH bedrooms or Camp David. But using Rumps Dumps all the profits and more goes right back into Rump Industries meaning Rump himself.
How much money did the Clintons put in their pockets by selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom?

Tell us, how much?
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
Funny......Obama is costing us more than any former president in history......even Bubba.

Obama will top Bush as most costly ex-president

The amount of money spent by Trump on golf since taking office highlights the disconnect between his campaign statements and his conduct while president. On the campaign trail during the 2016 election, Trump criticized Obama for golfing. In 2016, he tweeted "While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!"

Trump's golf trips reportedly cost $102 million, just $12.7 million less than all of Obama's presidential travel

We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
They have zero principles
funny, they say the same about the Democrats....those too parties are more alike then they would ever believe....
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
They have zero principles
funny, they say the same about the Democrats....those too parties are more alike then they would ever believe....

repugs are much worse
He golfs for Free at his Golf Courses.

So what is your point? Are you going to argue that The President does not need to be protected from Left Tard DemNazis who want to behead him or blow The White House up?

With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.
With his Thanksgiving vacation, President Donald Trump’s golf hobby has now cost Americans an estimated $115 million in travel and security expenses ― the equivalent of 287 years of the presidential salary he frequently boasts about not taking.

Of that amount, many hundreds of thousands ― perhaps millions ― of dollars have gone into his own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

In response to a HuffPost query on Wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials other than herself are staying at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, during his Thanksgiving stay, and how much it is all costing, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded with a one-word answer: “No.”

ProPublica, for example, found that Mar-a-Lago charged taxpayers $546 a night for rooms ― three times the per-diem rate and the maximum allowed by federal rules ― for 24 Trump administration officials who stayed there during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017. Taxpayers also picked up a $1,006.60 bar tab for 54 top shelf drinks ordered by White House staff.
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Isn't this the dude that called Pres. Obama the "Golfing President".

Donald J. Trump

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
8:03 PM · Oct 13, 2014·Twitter for Android


All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Talk about a hypocrite and these Trump Humpers will come out and defend his lies.

Didn't care about Obama and his vacations, never cared about Bush and his vacations and I really don't care about Trump and his vacations. It isn't like the President needs to be tied to the White House with modern technology. This stupid BS clouds the real issues, plain moronic.

Had Don not been so stupid to call out Obama's golfing I might agree.

It's all good, just a stupid argument that Trump started and the left is carrying on. Stupid then, stupid now.

Do you mean like the Birther? Or how about "No Russian Influence". Or....... The Rumpster list gets longer each day. Those were stupid then and they are stupid now.

So he said stupid stuff, so did Obama and Bush and Clinton and Bush and Reagan, and Carter and Nixon and Johnson and JFK and Truman, you got some stupid point. I personally didn't vote for Trump, his rhetoric turned me off long ago, same for Clinton. So unless you have some kind of point, I'll chalk your post up to a partisan moron, trying to make something out of nothing.

Of course it's stupid and of course it's partisan. When Rump heard that he wasn't stupid enough and there were others stupider, all he had to say was "Here, hold my beer".
We will just add that to the stuff Republicans used to care about. They have zero principles

fiscal responsibility is now hated
Executive orders are now loved
Police are now hated
Intelligence community is now hated
Family values are now hated
Personal freedom was always hated (if you’re female)
They have zero principles
funny, they say the same about the Democrats....those too parties are more alike then they would ever believe....

repugs are much worse
gee i wonder why you would think that?....
Don’t you have some infidels to stab today?
Horse shit, the Art of Bankruptcy mogul cannot show you his taxes. He hires "illegals" and presides over a kleptocratic kakistocracy of an administration.
There are no illegals. Only undocumented workers, you xenophobe!

Which are here illegally, doing work that's illegal. Last time I checked, that would make them Illegal. Your definition is sort of like cleaning up the word Terrorist.

That would make them illegal?

I'm sorry, who is it they're working for again?

So would that make their employers accessories before, or after the fact?

How dare you find fault with Rump. He's our night in shining armor.


Drives the Rumpsters compeletely insane. Woops, too late.

I can't respond to that but I know a puppet that can
Boy, that was lame. Try again.
I assume it was for Anyone
Real lame when you are trying to defend a liar.

Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts
I assume it was for Anyone
Real lame when you are trying to defend a liar.

Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
A lot of fools believe his message, ask them if they believe it today.

By EVERY economic metric, the economy is better under Trump. Your loyalty, of course, is NOT to your fellow American but to the Democratic Party. That's why you're on here shilling for the DNC.

Why do you love the Democratic Party more than average Americans?
A lot of fools believe his message, ask them if they believe it today.

By EVERY economic metric, the economy is better under Trump. Your loyalty, of course, is NOT to your fellow American but to the Democratic Party. That's why you're on here shilling for the DNC.

Why do you love the Democratic Party more than average Americans?

For 10s of milllions of people, the economy is NOT better. Yes, we did get pittance increases in SSI but our Medicare Part B went through the roof. And the Insurance companies call our every day age related problems as prior conditions. This means that the 20 bucks raise we got we lost many times that due to health care.

And don't forget the increase is cost of living dwarfed that 20 bucks again. A small group did do better but not the average American. And it's not a Rep V Dem thing like you hate spreaders try and do. It's just the way it is. And we need to address the condition and come up with some kind of solution. Instead, we have your "We are all doing good" people shouting down any good constructive discussion. Or there is the other side "We are all Screwed".
A lot of fools believe his message, ask them if they believe it today.

By EVERY economic metric, the economy is better under Trump. Your loyalty, of course, is NOT to your fellow American but to the Democratic Party. That's why you're on here shilling for the DNC.

Why do you love the Democratic Party more than average Americans?

To condemn what we are doing does NOT necessarily mean you support the Democrats. The odd thing about your position is for the most part Trump is simply the next in line doing the exact same things as those who came before him.

They each find a position or two to try and set themselves apart and to divide the people with but they really do little to nothing about those things because the next politician will need those things to still be around to run on.
Last edited: you hate spreaders try and do.

Show me where I was spreading hate.

The economy is better.

I'm all for reducing costs and making our lives better. Unfortunately, much of the left is focused on improving the lives of foreigners that want to live here even to the detriment of Americans like you and I.

If the Democrats would get on board, they and Trump could pass legislation to significantly improve our lives. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's singular focus is on their own wealth and power and on removing Trump to advance the DNC, rather than advancing you and I. you hate spreaders try and do.

Show me where I was spreading hate.

The economy is better.

I'm all for reducing costs and making our lives better. Unfortunately, much of the left is focused on improving the lives of foreigners that want to live here even to the detriment of Americans like you and I.

If the Democrats would get on board, they and Trump could pass legislation to significantly improve our lives. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's singular focus is on their own wealth and power and on removing Trump to advance the DNC, rather than advancing you and I.

Trump had the House and Senate and did absolutely nothing about the employers drawing illegals here to work. Nothing. you hate spreaders try and do.

Show me where I was spreading hate.

The economy is better.

I'm all for reducing costs and making our lives better. Unfortunately, much of the left is focused on improving the lives of foreigners that want to live here even to the detriment of Americans like you and I.

If the Democrats would get on board, they and Trump could pass legislation to significantly improve our lives. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's singular focus is on their own wealth and power and on removing Trump to advance the DNC, rather than advancing you and I.

Let's do some simple math. There are 10 cookies and a Corporate leader, a Rightwinger and a Leftwinger (let's not use party names). The Corporate Leader eats 9 of the cookies. Then he whispers to the rightwinger, "You have better watch out, that leftwing is trying to take your cookie".

But the average is 10 cookies for an average of 3 people. Then we up it to 11 cookies but the Corporate Leader still eats 10 cookies leaving the one cookie. There still ends up for a battle for that one remaining cookie. But the books say that there was a 10% increase so everyone is doing much, much better. This isn't rocket science. It's simple math. The only one that really did better was the one that ate the 10 cookies. Of course, he then spent 2 of those 10 cookies making everyone believe the system works.

Now, let's try something else. We have a dollar. We want to fairly divvy it up. Of course we got that dollar from everyone's pocket. If we divvy it up fairly, we still have a dollar to divvy.; But we decide that we need to raise the amount that one group gets but we try and convince everyone that we will still be using that same dollar. Sounds fair so far, right? Then we lower the others taxes so that they should be able to have a bigger piece of that dollar. But in background, we raise what it costs to live to get not only what we lowered their taxes but let's make a nice profit. And somehow we still screw the pooch. Remember, there is still only one dollar.

Then when we realize that that one Dollar can't be divvied up like that, what do we do? We sneak into our childrens bedroom in the dead of the night and raid their piggy bank for the funds for them to have a better life later.

Does that about sum things up?
Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
I know nothing I say will bring you down from the tree you are in

There is no evidence that the russians did ANYTHING of value to help trump beat hillary

She was damaged by her own corrupt past

And by her unlikable personality and poor performance as a candidate

The joke is that yes the russians played a dirty trick on hillary by stealing her GPS so that she could not find the state of Wisconsin during the campaign
Sadly there was a lot of people who did the same thing concerning Obama's lies. You can rightly argue that Obama is no longer president but I think it's important to continue to remind people that at least in part no one holding Obama responsible for his lies is why Trump is president.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.

Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
The Russians determined who would be president. WTF? Really?
Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
The Russians determined who would be president. WTF? Really?
Its a fantasy that many liberals have been brainwashed with

They are a little vague about how it happened

But they are sure it did
Never mind the Democratic Primaries in 2016 which was a lost cause, one of the things the Mueller report came out with is the heavy russian meddling in the Republican Primary. Every Candidate that had a chance had the GRU machine working overtime on them. Some believe it was just the Russian Meddling in the Democrat Primaries and such that was the only problem. We ended up with Rump because of the crap pulled on the REAL Candidates that should have been in that position instead of Rump. I would think the the Republican Party would be outraged by this but they aren't. They just blindly follow the Putin Chosen One.
So the russians stole the nomination from jeb bush in 2016?

Thats a new far fetched fantasy from lib la la land I have not heard before

The investigation didn't name Jeb at all. But it did name two others that were in the running. Jeb never stood a chance anyway. Rump should never have been considered much less win the primary without some really serious help. And to say that the Russians didn't go after Republicans would be untrue. The bill that was passed bipartisan to deal with these things is sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk gathering dust. There is a very good chance that it would pass the Senate but not with Moscow Mitch.
I think liberal hate for trump is clouding their judgement which makes them suckers for any clickbait lie the lib media concocts

Oh, I see. The Russians determined who the next PResident would be and you don't find that even a little alarming. Come to find out, it wasn't the Dems that were monkeyed with nearly as much as it was the Reps by the GRU. And since without that assistance, there would be a good chance that we would have a President Cruz or President Rubio instead. Both of which were viciously attacked by the GRU machine. Rump, Putins version of the Manchurian Candidate. I would suggest we make a movie about it but no one would believe anything so outrageous.
The Russians determined who would be president. WTF? Really?
Mornin, Gipper. You'll love this...

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