Trump has until...


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
I say he puts us all on the Supreme court.

That way we all make a good living and live in an actual democracy and stop being lectured by black robe political stooges.
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
I say he puts us all on the Supreme court.

That way we all make a good living and live in an actual democracy and stop being lectured by black robe political stooges.

We aren't a democracy, idiot.
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
I say he puts us all on the Supreme court.

That way we all make a good living and live in an actual democracy and stop being lectured by black robe political stooges.

We aren't a democracy, idiot.
As soon as the Left does away with the Electoral college we will be dingbat.
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?

Tempting, but that ain't how we roll. Like rioting, looting, and burning down cities, that's more of a Democrat thing.
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?

Tempting, but that ain't how we roll. That's more of a Democrat thing.
I was thinking more along the lines of throwing such a scare into the left wing populace that they'd even turn the Democrats down on packing the court.

Besides, it would make a wonderful Halloween for the left.


December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
I say he puts us all on the Supreme court.

That way we all make a good living and live in an actual democracy and stop being lectured by black robe political stooges.

Don't let Quid Pro Quo Red Commie China Joe hear that or hunter will be a Chief Justice....
December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?

Tempting, but that ain't how we roll. That's more of a Democrat thing.
I was thinking more along the lines of throwing such a scare into the left wing populace that they'd even turn the Democrats down on packing the court.

Besides, it would make a wonderful Halloween for the left.



They're already terrified of us, and especially of Donald J. Trump. You want to give them a collective coronary or something? I mean it it getting close to Halloween, but geez.

December 31, 2020 at a bare minimum if he so chose to pack the court.

So tell Me, what would be wrong with Trump nominating another 6 Justices and have them voted into the SCOTUS before Dec. 31?

After all, it is good enough for the Democrats to do, why not Trump?
I say he puts us all on the Supreme court.

That way we all make a good living and live in an actual democracy and stop being lectured by black robe political stooges.

We aren't a democracy, idiot.
As soon as the Left does away with the Electoral college we will be dingbat.

Still no.
If by some (any) chance dems win big in can bet the baby they WILL move to pack the court.

It's just how dems roll.

This "could" turn into a very bittersweet and short lived victory.

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