Trump has White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Best President ever! He should have put Clinton's portrait in the public bathroom.

When Trump is gone and put to rest, it better be up high enough where nobody can pee.
That explains it

Hard to believe how insecure Trump is

Democrats are basically calling him and anyone who voted for him the anti-Christ and his minions, and you expect him and us to play nice?

Civility is a two way street.
This is typical of donald trump. No honor, no decency, no gravitas. It is amazing that he has not burned down the White House yet. what is he going to do when he has to vacate the White House to make way for another president? The White House is not for him go keep. I would hope that he would walk out and surrender the keys with dignity.
I'd give Trump his own room with his portrait hanging in the middle over a large bed.
It would be called The Yellow Room.
That explains it

Hard to believe how insecure Trump is

Actually, its B. Hussein O who is insecure.

He's the first Ex-President to insist on hanging around in Washington DC after being deposed.

Every other Ex had the decency to leave town when he retired. Even Clinton. Even Jimmy Carter. Even LBJ.
Best President ever! He should have put Clinton's portrait in the public bathroom.

They're just getting rid of all of the portraits of old racists.
Seems expected

No living President will have anything to do with Donald J Trump. He is an outcast

President Bush has left politics. I'm sure that after 2025 when Trump retires, they will be hanging out together in the Sky Box.

W is a decent sort of fellow.
Childish. Yet, expected.

He is still your President! :clap:GOD BLESS TRUMP!


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