Trump Heading Toward A Collision With Amazon?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
During his terrific "Made In America" remarks at the WH yesterday, the President twice mentioned "predatory online vendors" that are putting our large chain retail stores out of business. Hundreds of shopping malls are being hit with their anchor retailers closing and thousands of jobs are being lost. Who in particular was he referring to? of course, and owner Jeff Bezos who also owns the Washington Post, one of Trump's more venal enemies.


Forget for a moment how cool it is to go on Amazon, find anything you want, buy it with a few keystokes, and await it's quick delivery. What Amazon is also known for is Chinese knock-offs stolen from American companies and sold at huge discounts. Amazon has done little to nothing about this piracy for years, doing heavy damage to the owners of these brands. With Pennys and Sears reeling into bankruptcy and Target and Walmart squarely in Amazon's cross-hairs, we have a problem. Usually when the president speaks to an issue that concerns him. there is something in the an anti-trust suit against his avowed enemy, Amazon's Jeff Bezos.
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Before Microsoft was reeled in they'd bought or destroyed any competitor who popped up. The only reason Apple survived is because Jobs was a predatory as Gates. Does anybody believe Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or any of the rest would be around if Microsoft hadn't gotten kicked in the nuts by Clinton's DOJ?
Many brick and mortar stores have joined forces with Amazon, either selling on Amazon's site or going further stocking product at Amazon warehouses and letting Amazon handle all the shipping to customers. This issue is getting fuzzy. Then there's the 800lb gorilla Walmart who's trying to compete with Amazon on-line.
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Many brick and mortar stores have joined forces with Amazon, either selling on Amazon's site or going further stocking product at Amazon warehouses and letting Amazon handle all the shipping to customers. This issue is getting fuzzy. Then there's the 800lb gorilla Walmart who's trying to compete with Amazon on-line.

I agree somewhat that online sales is the future. I use Amazon all the time to find things that I'd spend days driving around Phoenix to find. The real problem is their Chinese connection and that's where Trump can intercede. An American company brings out a product and it's Chinese knock-off is on Amazon within a week. That needs to stop.
Amazon is a double edge sword. Businesses that want the exposure necessary to succeed have no choice but to sign up with Amazon, and as soon as they do, Amazon undercuts the price of the businessman's product and competes against their own clients.
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Amazon is a double edge sword. Businesses that want the exposure necessary to succeed have no choice but to sign up with Amazon, and as soon as they do, Amazon undercuts the price of the businessman's product and competes against their own clients.

Exactly and that's how Walmart destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses and left small-town America destitute. It's about time the DOJ started looking out for the mom and pops and put these giants on notice. Every monopoly in history has eventually raised prices and lowered quality once their competitors are gone. I think Amazon is in for some trouble now that President Trump is around....he's beholden to nobody and took money from nobody like the rest of the Swamp has. As much as I appreciate Amazon, they need to sell legit AMERICAN products or face the music.
I've done a lot of business with Amazon, but they have their issues too. I've bought things that a few days later sold for a much lower price. Last fall I bought a DVD for $17.95 that was due for Christmas. It got delayed until January. January got delayed to February. In March I called to ask, and against my wishes, they canceled my order as being unavailable. Then I found the item available and for sale on their website!

For $71.00.

They still refused to fulfill my order. It's not that they can't get it, just that they don't want to sell it at the price they originally promised! However, they would have no problem selling it to me for a much higher price than they paid. If I ever have the free time, I'll complain to the BBB.
I've done a lot of business with Amazon, but they have their issues too. I've bought things that a few days later sold for a much lower price. Last fall I bought a DVD for $17.95 that was due for Christmas. It got delayed until January. January got delayed to February. In March I called to ask, and against my wishes, they canceled my order as being unavailable. Then I found the item available and for sale on their website!

For $71.00.

They still refused to fulfill my order. It's not that they can't get it, just that they don't want to sell it at the price they originally promised! However, they would have no problem selling it to me for a much higher price than they paid. If I ever have the free time, I'll complain to the BBB.

You could have done that instead of complaining here...
The Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations FUCKED UP by not levying sales tax on on-line purchases. The most obvious of thing missed. That my friends is an unfair advantage. My guess is this was done purposely. I predicted this decades ago, and it will happen during many of your lifetimes:

Shopping will be done on-line. Good bye malls etc.
Public education will be done on-line.
With few exceptions, jobs will be done on-line.

Really, most everything will be done on-line. In fact, you won't even need a car. Especially if liberals are in control as they develop global welfare.
The Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations FUCKED UP by not levying sales tax on on-line purchases. The most obvious of thing missed. That my friends is an unfair advantage. My guess is this was done purposely. I predicted this decades ago, and it will happen during many of your lifetimes:

Shopping will be done on-line. Good bye malls etc.
Public education will be done on-line.
With few exceptions, jobs will be done on-line.

Really, most everything will be done on-line. In fact, you won't even need a car. Especially if liberals are in control as they develop global welfare.

Meanwhile the American public gets lazier and FATTER forming blood clots sitting at a computer to do everything. Amazon is now charging a sales tax but that doesn't matter to the consumer all that much. The only advantage to shopping malls closing is that kids will have to find another way to pack up and rob stores and terrorists will have fewer mass-shooting targets.

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