Trump Hit With Backlash On East Palestine Visit: " He Should Be Apologizing "

Specifically, which one of those actions caused this disaster and why didn't Quid Pro Joe fix it before the disaster happened?
Well Trump-the-Halfwit managed to fuck up an awful lot of stuff in his failed, twice impeached, one term in office.
Aparently President Biden hasn't had enough time to undo it all yet.
He'll probably get to the rest of it sometime in his second term.
Well Trump-the-Halfwit managed to fuck up an awful lot of stuff in his failed, twice impeached, one term in office.
Aparently President Biden hasn't had enough time to undo it all yet.
He'll probably get to the rest of it sometime in his second term.
Ah, yes, the eternal excuse resurfaces. Bull. Try again.
Because it's a fact, Trump was a clown and didn't know what hell he was doing.
Exactly which thing that TRUMP! did that caused this disaster? And you don't even try to say he deregulated, because we know that didn't contribute. But please, do try.
Well Trump-the-Halfwit managed to fuck up an awful lot of stuff in his failed, twice impeached, one term in office.
Aparently President Biden hasn't had enough time to undo it all yet.
He'll probably get to the rest of it sometime in his second term.
Because it's a fact, Trump was a clown and didn't know what hell he was doing.

Looking into this issue goes way beyond Trump. I know that ought to set off a few defibrillators.

Long article that shows how corruption, 'er I mean lobbying contributed to this accident decades before....on both sides of the aisle.

The sequence of events began a decade ago in the wake of a major uptick in derailments of trains carrying crude oil and hazardous chemicals, including a New Jersey train crash that leaked the same toxic chemical as in Ohio.

In response, the Obama administration in 2014 proposed improving safety regulations for trains carrying petroleum and other hazardous materials. However, after industry pressure, the final measure ended up narrowly focused on the transport of crude oil and exempting trains carrying many other combustible materials, including the chemical involved in this weekend’s disaster.

Then came 2017: After rail industry donors delivered more than $6 million to GOP campaigns, the Trump administration — backed by rail lobbyists and Senate Republicans — rescinded part of that rule aimed at making better braking systems widespread on the nation’s rails.
Specifically, regulators killed provisions requiring rail cars carrying hazardous flammable materials to be equipped with electronic braking systems to stop trains more quickly than conventional air brakes. Norfolk Southern had previously touted the new technology — known as Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brakes — for its “potential to reduce train stopping distances by as much as 60 percent over conventional air brake systems.”

But the company’s lobby group nonetheless pressed for the rule’s repeal, telling regulators that it would “impose tremendous costs without providing offsetting safety benefits.”

That argument won out with Trump officials — and the Biden administration has not moved to reinstate the brake rule or expand the kinds of trains subjected to tougher safety regulations.

“Prior to the stock buyback era, railroads agreed that ECP brakes were a good thing,” said Ron Kaminkow, a longtime railroad worker and organizer with Railroad Workers United. “The railroads hadn’t yet come to the realization that they could do whatever they wanted. ECP brakes were on the drawing board, then off.”
During a 2007 hearing before the Federal Railroad Administration, Donald Usak, manager of engineering for Norfolk Southern’s fleet, testified to the “big advantage for emergency braking” offered by the new systems.

Later that year, when reporting its quarterly earnings, Norfolk Southern bragged to investors that it had “made railroad history” by equipping one of its trains exclusively with the new ECP technology and announced plans to add the safety feature to 30 more of its trains in the coming months.

But the industry abruptly changed its tune once regulators moved in 2014 to make the upgrades mandatory.

The railroad, oil, and chemical industries came out in full force against the regulation, arguing the new requirements would be disruptive and costly. The American Association of Railroads (AAR) — a lobbying group to which Norfolk Southern has long been a dues-paying member — in particular fought the ECP braking standards.

The article goes on but is very informative. So attempting to lay the blame to Obama or Trump is a waste of time, the real culprits are the RR companies and their lobbying congress, on both sides of the aisle for the same end results.

Exactly which thing that TRUMP! did that caused this disaster? And you don't even try to say he deregulated, because we know that didn't contribute. But please, do try.
Try this Trump disaster caused by his incompetence and negligence. "

" US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies"​
During his speech, Trump—considered a leading GOP presidential candidate for 2024 despite spearheading a deadly coup attempt following his 2020 loss—criticized how President Joe Biden's administration has responded to the environmental and public health disaster unfolding in East Palestine, a poor rural town of about 4,700 people located a few miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

But as critics noted beforehand, the Trump administration's gutting of train safety rules at the behest of railroad industry lobbyists was instrumental in creating the conditions for the derailment and ensuing chemical spill and burn off, which has provoked fears of groundwater contamination and air pollution.

"Trump had been in office for less than a year when he moved to kill the 2015 rule change initiated by the Obama administration that would have required freight trains to upgrade the current braking technology that was developed in the 19th century for state-of-the-art electronic systems," wrote Bunch, who pointed out that this came after Norfolk Southern and other rail carriers donated more than $6 million to Republican candidates in 2016 and spent millions more on lobbying.

"The rule reversal wasn't the only time that Team Trump sided with Big Rail over the forgotten Americans who live on the wrong side of their tracks," he added. "In 2019, for example, the Trump administration moved to not strengthen but relax regulations on shipping fracked natural gas through communities like East Palestine. The same year, Trump's White House also killed an Obama-era proposal that would have required two crew members in freight-train locomotives."

"The Trump approach to the rail industry was to let the companies do what they wanted, which was to avoid regulations, slash jobs, and extract profit."

Biden already started cleaning up the scene of your crime before you got there loser. Now apologize for your failure, and slither on out of town.
This proves that a lie will make it around the world before the truth can make it across the street.
During his speech, Trump—considered a leading GOP presidential candidate for 2024 despite spearheading a deadly coup attempt following his 2020 loss—criticized how President Joe Biden's administration has responded to the environmental and public health disaster unfolding in East Palestine, a poor rural town of about 4,700 people located a few miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

But as critics noted beforehand, the Trump administration's gutting of train safety rules at the behest of railroad industry lobbyists was instrumental in creating the conditions for the derailment and ensuing chemical spill and burn off, which has provoked fears of groundwater contamination and air pollution.

"Trump had been in office for less than a year when he moved to kill the 2015 rule change initiated by the Obama administration that would have required freight trains to upgrade the current braking technology that was developed in the 19th century for state-of-the-art electronic systems," wrote Bunch, who pointed out that this came after Norfolk Southern and other rail carriers donated more than $6 million to Republican candidates in 2016 and spent millions more on lobbying.

"The rule reversal wasn't the only time that Team Trump sided with Big Rail over the forgotten Americans who live on the wrong side of their tracks," he added. "In 2019, for example, the Trump administration moved to not strengthen but relax regulations on shipping fracked natural gas through communities like East Palestine. The same year, Trump's White House also killed an Obama-era proposal that would have required two crew members in freight-train locomotives."

"The Trump approach to the rail industry was to let the companies do what they wanted, which was to avoid regulations, slash jobs, and extract profit."

Biden already started cleaning up the scene of your crime before you got there loser. Now apologize for your failure, and slither on out of town.
Trump used this town for political purposes.
And Putin is STILL better than fuckwad Biden who has chopsticks up his ass.
You Nazis love
Now look what you've done:

Meaningless nonsense. How do you explain why President Biden has sent three carrier groups to the South China Sea. BTW has your chap still got his investments and bank accounts in China. 😂.

" Trump tax returns show China bank account as six years of records released"​

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