Trump Hit With Backlash On East Palestine Visit: " He Should Be Apologizing "

During his speech, Trump—considered a leading GOP presidential candidate for 2024 despite spearheading a deadly coup attempt following his 2020 loss—criticized how President Joe Biden's administration has responded to the environmental and public health disaster unfolding in East Palestine, a poor rural town of about 4,700 people located a few miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

But as critics noted beforehand, the Trump administration's gutting of train safety rules at the behest of railroad industry lobbyists was instrumental in creating the conditions for the derailment and ensuing chemical spill and burn off, which has provoked fears of groundwater contamination and air pollution.

"Trump had been in office for less than a year when he moved to kill the 2015 rule change initiated by the Obama administration that would have required freight trains to upgrade the current braking technology that was developed in the 19th century for state-of-the-art electronic systems," wrote Bunch, who pointed out that this came after Norfolk Southern and other rail carriers donated more than $6 million to Republican candidates in 2016 and spent millions more on lobbying.

"The rule reversal wasn't the only time that Team Trump sided with Big Rail over the forgotten Americans who live on the wrong side of their tracks," he added. "In 2019, for example, the Trump administration moved to not strengthen but relax regulations on shipping fracked natural gas through communities like East Palestine. The same year, Trump's White House also killed an Obama-era proposal that would have required two crew members in freight-train locomotives."

"The Trump approach to the rail industry was to let the companies do what they wanted, which was to avoid regulations, slash jobs, and extract profit."

Biden already started cleaning up the scene of your crime before you got there loser. Now apologize for your failure, and slither on out of town.
As time goes on we find out more about all the effects of what trump did from a business approach to government that ends up being a disservice to the American people. This is just the tip of the iceberg of trump's wrongdoings.
The Traitor Relaxed Rail Safety Standards.

Trump Administration Loosening Regulations For Transportation of Flammable Natural Gas.

White House: GOP, Trump Officials "Laid The Groundwork" For Loose Railway Regulations.

The Fucking Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging. Putin Loving Lap Dog Traitor relaxed rail safety standards, and ReNaziKlans cheered him on.
Specifically, which one of those actions caused this disaster and why didn't Quid Pro Joe fix it before the disaster happened?
As time goes on we find out more about all the effects of what trump did from a business approach to government that ends up being a disservice to the American people. This is just the tip of the iceberg of trump's wrongdoings.
Which of TRUMP!'s actions caused this disaster and why didn't Quid Pro Joe fix it?
Fox's Brett Bair Notes Recent 'Political' Attacks On Buttigieg Amid Train Derailment.

Fox News anchor Bret Baier mentioned the political attacks being leveled against U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg amid an ongoing environmental crisis in East Palestine, Ohio, following a catastrophic train derailment in the area.

There is this political moment and there is a lot of criticism of the transportation secretary,” Baier said, pointing to an article in Politico that reported Buttigieg would visit the area on Thursday and referencing, “‘It is exceedingly rare for a transportation secretary to visit the site of a train derailment, especially one that resulted in no fatalities.’”

Baier said that framing was “fair” and “accurate.”

There were train derailments in the Trump administration that actually had fatalities that didn’t have a visit by Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, the anchor said. “But this seems to have some momentum about the administration and its reaction to this derailment in particular.”

Secretary Chao did not visit train derailments. The Traitor did not visit train derailments.

STFU MAGA MAGGOTS. Your Dear Leader did not deem it necessary to go visit train derailments. His Secretary of Transportation did not deem it necessary train derailments.
The Traitor relaxed rail safety standards. That led to this disaster. Stop trying to blame Biden for the actions of the Traitor.
Which standard was relaxed that was involved in this disaster? Be specific. If you can't/won't, TRUMP! had nothing to do with it, and Quid Pro had two years where he totally controlled congress and the White House.

Now, here's the very important question for the little ones following along. What did Quid Pro Tater DO to enhance rail safety? What did he even SAY about it?
Proven and reported to be false countless times.
Dumb ass.
You have to stay on them, because this is how they establish a narrative. They glom onto a disproven factoid and mindlessly repeat it until enough people actually take it as an article of faith. Fact and truth need not apply.
Fox's Brett Bair Notes Recent 'Political' Attacks On Buttigieg Amid Train Derailment.

Fox News anchor Bret Baier mentioned the political attacks being leveled against U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg amid an ongoing environmental crisis in East Palestine, Ohio, following a catastrophic train derailment in the area.

There is this political moment and there is a lot of criticism of the transportation secretary,” Baier said, pointing to an article in Politico that reported Buttigieg would visit the area on Thursday and referencing, “‘It is exceedingly rare for a transportation secretary to visit the site of a train derailment, especially one that resulted in no fatalities.’”

Baier said that framing was “fair” and “accurate.”

There were train derailments in the Trump administration that actually had fatalities that didn’t have a visit by Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, the anchor said. “But this seems to have some momentum about the administration and its reaction to this derailment in particular.”

Secretary Chao did not visit train derailments. The Traitor did not visit train derailments.

STFU MAGA MAGGOTS. Your Dear Leader did not deem it necessary to go visit train derailments. His Secretary of Transportation did not deem it necessary train derailments.
This is politics and Tater is in the spotlight. The campaign ads write themselves, a picture of TRUMP! offering aid and comfort on the scene juxtaposed with Tater wandering around Ukraine, not paying any attention when the staged air raid sirens go off.
No one dead. no one injured. Private rail. Private company. Safety rules repealed by Trump who bragged about it. Republican governor turned down aid.
There's already been at least another derailment in Nebraska.
Right, so the Buttgig has it then....
I stated facts. You do not like those facts, that is on you. The Traitor NEVER.....repeat.....NEVER visited a single train derailment during in one term in office. Secretary NEVER.....repeat.....NEVER visited a single train derailment when she held her office.

The Hill quoted Brett Bair. Calling a direct quote from a Fox News Talking Head "Fake News" because you do not like does not mean that Brett Bair did not say it.

There were over 1,000 Train Wrecks/Train Derailments when the Traitor was in office and he did show his ugly Orange Face at any of them.
As time goes on we find out more about all the effects of what trump did from a business approach to government that ends up being a disservice to the American people. This is just the tip of the iceberg of trump's wrongdoings.
Who said Trump was perfect? The problem is .. he's not an active politician anymore. If Trump made policy decisions that were poor, Democrats have had over two years in the majority to issue course corrections. Instead, they focus on Ukraine, LGBT Alphabet soup groups, transing the kids, equitable outcomes and other nonsense that doesn't appeal to Americans or address United States interests.
During his speech, Trump—considered a leading GOP presidential candidate for 2024 despite spearheading a deadly coup attempt following his 2020 loss—criticized how President Joe Biden's administration has responded to the environmental and public health disaster unfolding in East Palestine, a poor rural town of about 4,700 people located a few miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

But as critics noted beforehand, the Trump administration's gutting of train safety rules at the behest of railroad industry lobbyists was instrumental in creating the conditions for the derailment and ensuing chemical spill and burn off, which has provoked fears of groundwater contamination and air pollution.

"Trump had been in office for less than a year when he moved to kill the 2015 rule change initiated by the Obama administration that would have required freight trains to upgrade the current braking technology that was developed in the 19th century for state-of-the-art electronic systems," wrote Bunch, who pointed out that this came after Norfolk Southern and other rail carriers donated more than $6 million to Republican candidates in 2016 and spent millions more on lobbying.

"The rule reversal wasn't the only time that Team Trump sided with Big Rail over the forgotten Americans who live on the wrong side of their tracks," he added. "In 2019, for example, the Trump administration moved to not strengthen but relax regulations on shipping fracked natural gas through communities like East Palestine. The same year, Trump's White House also killed an Obama-era proposal that would have required two crew members in freight-train locomotives."

"The Trump approach to the rail industry was to let the companies do what they wanted, which was to avoid regulations, slash jobs, and extract profit."

Biden already started cleaning up the scene of your crime before you got there loser. Now apologize for your failure, and slither on out of town.
You must have missed the part where automatic braking systems for toxic materials was still required under Trump.
They worked in East Palestine....according to NTSB.
During his speech, Trump—considered a leading GOP presidential candidate for 2024 despite spearheading a deadly coup attempt following his 2020 loss—criticized how President Joe Biden's administration has responded to the environmental and public health disaster unfolding in East Palestine, a poor rural town of about 4,700 people located a few miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

But as critics noted beforehand, the Trump administration's gutting of train safety rules at the behest of railroad industry lobbyists was instrumental in creating the conditions for the derailment and ensuing chemical spill and burn off, which has provoked fears of groundwater contamination and air pollution.

"Trump had been in office for less than a year when he moved to kill the 2015 rule change initiated by the Obama administration that would have required freight trains to upgrade the current braking technology that was developed in the 19th century for state-of-the-art electronic systems," wrote Bunch, who pointed out that this came after Norfolk Southern and other rail carriers donated more than $6 million to Republican candidates in 2016 and spent millions more on lobbying.

"The rule reversal wasn't the only time that Team Trump sided with Big Rail over the forgotten Americans who live on the wrong side of their tracks," he added. "In 2019, for example, the Trump administration moved to not strengthen but relax regulations on shipping fracked natural gas through communities like East Palestine. The same year, Trump's White House also killed an Obama-era proposal that would have required two crew members in freight-train locomotives."

"The Trump approach to the rail industry was to let the companies do what they wanted, which was to avoid regulations, slash jobs, and extract profit."

Biden already started cleaning up the scene of your crime before you got there loser. Now apologize for your failure, and slither on out of town.

What backlash??
The locals appreciated him!
You cheered wildly when Trump rolled back all of those "job killing" regulations.
I guess you haven't heard....but Biden's own expert says that regulations wouldn't have prevented this accident.

Everything except the operator worked up to standards.
The operator was negligent (or probably asleep at the wheel) and ignored warning alarms saying the brakes were overheating.
Then the car jumped off the tracks causing the accident.

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