Trump, home all alone


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
He is getting fatter, more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -
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That's kinda sad. When does Barron finish school? Shouldn't he and Melania be moving in to the White House any time now?
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -

CNN is such a joke
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone.
TRANSLATION: Maybe if I can make up enough fibs, smears, and insults about the President, someone will believe me for a change.
i would think being in a gilded cage would be depressing...he has no privacy ...cant go out without a crowd....i would imagine that gets old fast
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone.
TRANSLATION: Maybe if I can make up enough fibs, smears, and insults about the President, someone will believe me for a change.

Nah, nobody believes you.
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -

The bigger they are the harder they fall...

Given the size of Trump's ego, when it finally falls he'll probably be totally emotionally destroyed. There's no telling what he may do.

This may be a very dangerous time for the entire world.
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -
Where's the beef?
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -

You keep expecting the administration to find their footing and start governing responsibly…now it comes out that the COMDIR has resigned. Spicer (usually they want their own person as PRESSSEC) will go adding more ripples to the pond.

I’m not a big fan of religion; I think it is a scam—organized religion that is. I don’t know if there is a God but I hope there is one. I think the 43 men who have held the office before all believed in God and maybe that has helped them during times like these. Trump obviously has no faith to lean on and perhaps—maybe—that is showing. He really is alone but more than that; he’s lonely.
i worry more about his lack of sleep combined with his tendency to be paranoid
He's not paranoid. When someone attacks him he hits back - something most Presidents didn't used to do very much. But it's well known that Trump has done that all his life.

Or are you saying that nobody is attacking him? And that he's simply lashing out even when nobody is there?

He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone.
TRANSLATION: Maybe if I can make up enough fibs, smears, and insults about the President, someone will believe me for a change.
If only people treated trump with respect like they did Former President Obama.
He is getting fatter more mentally unstable, not a good thing for America to be represented by

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."

Trump, home all alone -
A major reason why Clinton lost the election was that she depended on nonsense like this instead of dealing with the important issues facing the country, and now the Democrats seem to be still focused on nonsense and not at all on the business of government. This bodes well for the Republicans in 2018 and the President in 2020.
i would think being in a gilded cage would be depressing...he has no privacy ...cant go out without a crowd....i would imagine that gets old fast
Maybe it's just retribution for all the pussy grabbin back in the day.
I can't help feeling a little bad for the guy.
That's kinda sad. When does Barron finish school? Shouldn't he and Melania be moving in to the White House any time now?

Finish school? He's 11 years old. Many people stay in school until they're 18, some go on to college. Not everyone can be like you and drop out at 12.

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